Natural Disaster Photos To Remind Us That We Don’t Run The World

Published on 06/17/2021
Natural Disaster Photos To Remind Us That We Don't Run The World

Natural Disaster Photos To Remind Us That We Don’t Run The World.

We’ve compiled a list that truly illustrates the devastation that some natural disasters have caused around the world – some are heartbreaking, some are bizarre, but the majority are downright terrifying.

Mountain of what?

We’ve all heard of a car pileup on the highway after an accident, but this is something entirely different. The destruction of a boat dock in the British Virgin Islands after a hurricane is shown in this before-and-after photo. The orderliness of the rows in the first picture only adds to the chaos in the second.

Mountain Of What?

Mountain Of What?

Fortunately, no one was aboard these boats. Regrettably, they were all docked there for the time being. Next time, we’ll probably take the boats out of the water—another small victory for land lovers.


This is a little difficult to grasp at first glance. It resembles a photograph of a typical day on the road. You’d think the sky had just turned brown without the car in it. However, the incredible strength of storm winds can be seen in this photo taken in Germany.



Incredibly, the trees were able to keep their leaves while the roots couldn’t keep their grip on the ground. Thankfully, the trees didn’t fall in the opposite direction, or this lone driver’s morning commute would have been quite the adventure.

Frozen in time

This chilling photo of a statue depicts what it’s like to be frozen in time on two levels. First, storms swept across the country during the 2019 winter vortex. This photo depicts storms that wreaked havoc on the Midwest, with temperatures plummeting to -50°F with the wind chill.

Frozen In Time

Frozen In Time

Take note of the icicles that dangle from the statue and bench. Going outside in this kind of weather can be extremely dangerous. Any liquid on your body can quickly freeze, so blow your nose before venturing outside!

Beach house

Many people consider owning a beach house to be a retirement goal and something to look forward to. Getting up to the sound of the waves and going for a swim in the ocean. Unfortunately, this house was unintentionally moved to the beach.

Beach House

Beach House

Nature was powerful enough to move this entire house from its foundation to the beach, but it was also gracious enough to leave it mostly undamaged. We’re still unsure if there are beaches in Oz, but we’re pretty sure they aren’t in Kansas any longer.

Crystal clear pool water

Cleaning the pool is the most difficult part for many pool owners. It’s an unspoken cost of ownership. Because pool cleaning is such a pain for people, some have done a business to exploit their dislike for it. This lucky pool owner will never need to hire a pool cleaning service.

Crystal Clear Pool Water

Crystal Clear Pool Water

An extreme flood flooded the area with tons of murky water, narrowly missing this pool’s clear water. So the only problem is that they’ll have to go swimming before they can go swimming.

9 lives saved today

When a massive flood hit their town, this unsuspecting hero made a huge discovery. After the weather calmed down, they went out to see what they could do to help and if anyone needed saving. They had no idea that they would be saving 9 lives that day.

9 Lives Saved Today

9 Lives Saved Today

This lucky kitten was discovered and stowed away in the life vest for safekeeping. We’re not sure if it was fate or luck, but it resulted in a truly touching picture. So allow those adorable little ears to warm your heart while you “paws” for a moment.

Laws of gravity

We’ve all heard the story about Isaac Newton being hit on the head by an apple and having a light bulb go off in his head, causing him to discover gravity. If one apple falling on someone can have that effect, what if you tried 10,000?

Laws Of Gravity

Laws Of Gravity

During a hurricane, ravaging winds tore through this orchard in Ireland, tossing all of the apples from the branches to the ground. We’re still trying to figure out what new scientific theories have emerged as a result of the fruit rain, but so far, we haven’t heard of any.

Dropping a log

We were all probably exposed to bathroom jokes as kids, where the classic “number one and two” was replaced with various other words to let people know we needed to take care of business in a comedic way. When this unsuspecting homeowner awoke and said they had to “drop a log,” they didn’t mean it.

Dropping A Log

Dropping A Log

This is unquestionably at the top of the list of unusual and unexpected bathroom visitors. Unfortunately, that log was thrown through the roof of the house by a gust of wind, and if it had been food to the left, they could have simply flushed the problem away.

Splash zone

This fortunate photographer happened to be in the right place at the right time to capture an incredible scene. A massive wave struck the rock wall beneath this lighthouse the second they pressed the shutter button on their camera, shooting up it and enveloping it in a veil of water.

Splash Zone

Splash Zone

Usually, these rock walls are supposed to keep the water out, but this one clearly wasn’t expecting the water to flow right through it. Fortunately, the photographer was positioned at a safe distance and captured the scene without becoming overwhelmed!

A croak of luck

We’d previously discussed “dropping a log” in the bathroom, but this one had us speechless. We’ve never heard of anyone talking about frogs in the bathroom. But, following a massive flood, this homeowner was shocked to discover that a whole community of frogs had found a haven in their toilet.

A Croak Of Luck

A Croak Of Luck

We just hope they didn’t leap from the toilet after the photo was taken. These frogs appeared to be trying to get away from some dangerously flooded waters. What a “croak” of luck it was for them to find such a comfortable new home.

Gently down the stream

This image depicts a large, bright beam of light emerging from the darkness that often surrounds natural disasters and the recovery efforts that follow. It’s inspiring to see so many people band together to face the challenges of a flood. In addition, it serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of belonging to a community and looking out for one another.

Gently Down The Stream

Gently Down The Stream

Each of us leads such unique lives daily, and times like these remind us to be grateful for those around us. Plus, with that much weight on one boat, getting anywhere will require a large number of people paddling!

Home is where the homeware is

With everything crushed and broken everywhere around, it’s startling to discover this cabinet in the heart of the carnage housing excellent china and homewares practically unscathed.

Home Is Where The Homeware Is

Home Is Where The Homeware Is

It’s fascinating to see how selective natural disasters can be with what they leave behind and leave untouched, just as the beach house was torn from its foundation but remained intact. This lucky dish set is one of the few that has ever survived a tornado.

Home is where we are, together

We were moved to tears by this touching image. To think that this lone page of a Calvin and Hobbes comic book remained in the ashes of a home tragically destroyed by a wildfire in California, with a vignette of ash reminding us once again of the importance of togetherness.

Home Is Where We Are, Together

Home Is Where We Are, Together

It’s amazing how three words can make such a difference in a difficult situation. If we can work together, everything will be a lot easier. Unfortunately, Calvin’s inability to save any clothing to take with him is a little disappointing.

A room with a view

We never imagined that massive flooding could be turned into a light situation until we saw this photo. This homeowner reacted quickly and was able to save many of their valuable possessions before the water arrived.

A Room With A View

A Room With A View

They can now relax and watch the game from the comfort of their new rooftop patio. It’s not a bad way to get through a flood. Let’s hope they told their neighbors about this plan or at the very least invited them over. It’s just a matter of hoping it doesn’t rain.

Don’t step on a crack

These experts are putting in a lot of effort to figure out what caused the massive landslide that instantly wiped out a road section. They are in charge of making the roads safer for those who drive on them, so it is always a little frightening when something unexplainable occurs right in front of their eyes.

Don’t Step On A Crack

Don’t Step On A Crack

Fortunately, they were quick to arrive on the scene and block drivers from approaching the collapsed section. The world can be a mysterious place at times, but luckily, we have dedicated people who can help us unravel those mysteries.

Sky ablaze

This photo looks like it could have come straight out of a Hollywood blockbuster about aliens landing on Earth. Unfortunately, that is a fire on a mountainside in Tucson, Arizona. It is difficult to tell initially, and it is most likely due to the photo’s perspective.

Sky Ablaze

Sky Ablaze

The bright red light from the fire just above the cloud ridge gives the impression of a large extraterrestrial ship looming over the city lights. It has an unsettling atmosphere to it.

Stroll on the boardwa….

A pleasant surprise on a morning stroll. After battling the ferocious winds of a hurricane, this boardwalk took an unexpected turn, or more accurately, a flip. The strong gusts distorted the shape but were unable to tear it from the ground.

Stroll On The Boardwa....

Stroll On The Boardwa…

On the other hand, the surrounding trees appear to have missed the memo about the raging winds, as they appear relatively unscathed in comparison. We’re not scientists, but we think you’d need some seriously grippy shoes to walk all the way to the end of this boardwalk.

Fur hat

This tiny squirrel, like the adorable kitten, was rescued from a hairy situation. It was fortunate to meet a kindhearted man who was able to shelter it during its difficult time. The man in the photograph discussed that moment.

Fur Hat

Fur Hat

“The day after Hurricane Irma this…squirrel ran straight up to me, jumped into my hands, and passed out,” he told of the incident. “I’m sure it had a rough night.” We are relieved they are both safe and have each other to help them through any future difficulties!

Making waves

Ocean water, as well as the currents that drive it, can be extremely unpredictable. Anyone familiar with the sea and its power understand the importance of being cautious, regardless of the circumstances. Everything can change instantly, and the ocean can transform from being beautiful and fun to being very powerful and intimidating.

Making Waves

Making Waves

A huge wave unexpectedly crashed over the wall blocking the water from the road, narrowly avoiding this man. At that moment, his quick action made all the difference.


It is possible to have a brutal winter in Yosemite National Park in the United States. The majority of the animals have developed adaptations that allow them to withstand a wide range of extreme weather conditions.



This picture captures the beautiful serene calmness that followed a massive storm in Yosemite, where it snowed so heavily that it was difficult to see more than a few feet ahead of you. It’s amazing how peaceful it appears, especially given what happened not long ago.

Does he swim on land?

This man was photographed seemingly walking on water following a massive rainstorm that resulted in massive flooding. We were aware that the storm was severe, but we had no idea that lightning bolts were being fired, granting people superhuman abilities.

Does He Swim On Land?

Does He Swim On Land?

This fortunate man was bestowed with the ability to adapt to the current circumstances. Many perplexed onlookers have attempted to disprove this photograph, but no explanation has satisfied the many eyes that have witnessed this man’s true power.

Free hugs wanted

Many people and animals were displaced from their homes after Hurricane Otto hit Costa Rica. It took a long time to rebuild and re-situate all living creatures in the severely damaged areas, and a lot of effort was required.

Free Hugs Wanted

Free Hugs Wanted

This photo shows a sloth that was disturbed by the weather and needed some help. We don’t know if it was trying to feel safe by grabbing something, but we would clearly give it a big hug it needs if we were there.

Land ho!

A young boy is wading through shallow water near the beach, searching for a recently grounded ship by a massive storm. This massive storm blew many ships all over the place, stranding some on beaches like this one and sending many more adrift in the surrounding ocean waters.

Land Ho!

Land Ho!

Numerous people in need of supplies scavenged the wrecks, and many curious children, such as this boy, pursued their adventure-based curiosities by exploring these beached vessels.

High water

Without further explanation, this sign speaks for itself. Even this local street sign was taken aback when a rainstorm dumped tons of water on this town. According to our sources, an interviewer who was able to speak directly with the sign stated that it expressed extreme surprise at how high the water rose.

High Water

High Water

Although its entire existence is predicated on the possibility that the water level will rise, not even it could have predicted this. We’re just relieved that it knows how to swim and managed to keep its head above the water.


Every second on February 13th, 2017, over 100,000 cubic feet of water flowed through the dam’s floodgates. Due to weather conditions in the days leading up to this outpour, this dam in Oroville, California, had a surplus of water, and the water far exceeded the reservoir’s capacity.



Opening the floodgates would result in a significant amount of water being released, causing flooding in the river below. Still, it would help in the preservation of the dam’s structural integrity.

All the way across

Many people are familiar with the video of a man yelling, “Double rainbow all the way across the sky,” which was uploaded to YouTube many years ago. However, even that YouTube user had never heard of the version of the double rainbow that was completed by a wildly curving bolt of lightning.

All The Way Across

All The Way Across

Looking back at the photos they took during a storm; this lucky photographer was overjoyed to discover they had captured an instantaneous moment demonstrating a beautiful harmony between two powerful forms of light energy.


Faced with extreme weather conditions, this brave doorman made sure to keep his job a priority no matter what the world threw at him. He was in the midst of a snow squall, a weather phenomenon that occurs when there is a lot of snow.



A snow squall is characterized by a sudden downpour of thick, heavy snow accompanied by strong winds that propel the snow sideways. Snow squalls are hazardous weather events, even though they usually pass quickly, with this one passing over all of New York City in about an hour.


When a hurricane brought in wind and water conditions that eroded feet of sand from its beach home, this poor old pine tree was minding its own business. The sand washed and blown away, revealing its intricate root system, which kept it grounded.



Even though it does not appear to be in as good of shape as it did before the storm, knowing that its roots were strong and deep and that it is still standing is reassuring—a beautiful tribute to nature’s powerful forces, both destructive and resilient sides.

Man’s best friend

Most people who grew up with or around a dog know how dedicated they can be towards their owners, showing that no other species or creatures know deep unconditional love. But this photo shows an unconditional level of love and friendship, which we didn’t even know was possible.

Man’s Best Friend

Man’s Best Friend

Not only is this man enjoying a cold drink in the midst of a torrential downpour, but his dog has also decided to join him in the downpour and bring a toy along with him for company.

Road closure

Hurricane Maria wreaked havoc on many parts of Puerto Rico, and resources were stretched to the limit in the days following the storm’s devastation. Many communities and areas were unable to receive immediate assistance following the storm, so residents had to adapt in the meantime.

Road Closure

Road Closure

This image depicts a man riding his bike down a dangerously damaged road. This road, located in a small town west of San Juan, is an excellent example of the hurricane’s devastation.

Water the yard

The difference between the before and after is incredible. This community was flooded for days after a massive and unexpected downpour, completely transforming the familiar suburban landscape.

Water The Yard

Water The Yard

Fortunately for the house across the street from where the photo was taken, waterfront properties are now much more valuable on the market. Let’s just hope they took advantage of this new real estate opportunity before it dried up. In any case, this elevates the phrase “go water the yard” to new heights.

The water cycle

All of this young man’s previous science teachers would be ecstatic to discover that he is literally immersed in the water cycle… though not as scientifically as they had hoped. The water’s bare-foot cyclist was captured, which shut down the road for cars after heavy rain caused flooding in his city.

The Water Cycle

The Water Cycle

According to rumors, he could get around because of this alternate mode of transportation, and a temporary biker gang swarmed the town to follow in his footsteps.

Insurance covers that

This is unquestionably one of the most unexpected consequences of a flood. Due to the severe weather, this unfortunate home was destroyed by fire. Unfortunately, electrical fires are not uncommon after this type of weather.

Insurance Covers That

Insurance Covers That

Water-based fires have caused numerous damages, whether due to wind knocking down electric poles and causing fires or as a result of water getting into exposed areas of electricity and causing shortages. This must’ve been a perplexing homeowner’s insurance call.

Point of interest

The world-famous Statue of Liberty is familiar to anyone who has visited New York City and many who have not. For many decades, it has served as an iconic landmark and part of the cityscape.

Point Of Interest

Point Of Interest

It is frequently regarded as the city’s most important tourist attraction. However, having the weather confirm it as a point of interest with a lightning bolt is thrilling. This fortunate photographer could never have imagined getting a shot like this.


Many residents and homes were left isolated after flash floods wreaked havoc in and around Lima, Peru, with the only way out being through the treacherous floodwaters.



Thankfully, firefighters and other rescue teams in the Huachipa populous district east of Lima could act quickly and establish a way for these residents to safely cross the water using a zip line. Because of the hard work of these first responders, the tense situation became much more lighthearted and manageable for the locals.

Shredding the gnar

The East Coast of the United States was devastated by Hurricane Sandy. The oceanside areas of North Carolina were tough to hit by harsh weather conditions. The damage to the roads in a beachside area of the state and how high the water rose are depicted in this photograph.

Shredding The Gnar

Shredding The Gnar

The ravaged road cracked and rose in some places, making driving conditions extremely dangerous. This skateboarder made the best of the situation by making an impromptu skatepark out of the water-morphed terrain.

World’s largest icicle

This tower, which resembles those used for cell phone service, was frozen solid following some of the coldest weather recorded in this area, as well as some of the most extreme wind conditions.

World’s Largest Icicle

World’s Largest Icicle

Unlike normal icicles, these grew sideways rather than down due to the force of the wind rather than gravity. We’re not sure if this worker is there for maintenance or to see if anything even works anymore, but he brought a hat and gloves, which we appreciate.

Underwater volcano

A scientist watches one of the largest underwater volcano eruptions ever recorded in modern history in this action photo. This volcano erupted in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Tonga in March 2009, sending thousands of meters of smoke and ash into the sky.

Underwater Volcano

Underwater Volcano

These underwater volcanoes, also known as submarine volcanoes, have the incredible ability to push through the dense weight of the water, resulting in these spectacular eruptions above the surface. These scientists were in a unique position to witness the underwater beasts’ power.


St. Louis, Missouri, was hit by an ice storm that froze everything in its path. Temperatures dropped well below freezing for days at a time, with constant precipitation in the form of rain, snow, and sleet only adding to the bone-chilling conditions.



This perfectly formed ice piece shows the imprint of the leaf to which it was frozen, showing all the complexities of the structure of the leaf. The terrifying cold the area had to withstand was a stunning result.


This unfortunate tree was caught in the debris storm’s crosswinds. The wind had knocked over the tree in the background, so the fact that this one remained upright would normally be cause for celebration. Unfortunately, it splintered pretty badly. This shot would be a bullseye if this were a form of natural archery.



The wind had such incredible power that it could pierce this tree with a piece of wood, forming a natural cross. The moral of the story, we suppose, is that if you cross the crosswind, the crosswind may just cross you.

The eruption of Mt. St. Helens

Volcanic eruptions are one of the few natural disasters that can be as terrifying as they are. While they are becoming more predictable, they can still sneak up on populations and destroy them. Mt. St. Helens was one of the most destructive volcanic eruptions in recent history, and this image depicts how much of an impact the volcanic debris had on the environment.

The Eruption Of Mt. St. Helens

The Eruption Of Mt. St. Helens

Even though it can be difficult to comprehend the true power of a volcanic eruption, this picture of a devastated landscape comes close to putting it all into perspective.

Saving the world, one koala at a time

Even though most natural disasters are horrific and heartbreaking, some moments have been captured that really cheer us up. Take, for example, this photograph. Many people stepped up to help while Australia dealt with the seemingly endless strife of recent wildfires.

Saving The World, One Koala At A Time

Saving The World, One Koala At A Time

Here we see a courageous man who took it upon himself to assist in the rescue of wildlife that would otherwise have perished in the fires. This koala is just one of several that he risked his life to rescue from danger.

Watching the world burn

This isn’t a scene from a post-apocalyptic film, even though it appears to be one. To be honest, it probably felt that way to this man as well. Instead, this is a photograph of a man mournfully surveying the devastation caused by the Australian bushfires. While this picture has a certain melancholy beauty, it’s difficult to imagine witnessing such a tragedy.

Watching The World Burn

Watching The World Burn

It helps to put things into perspective when we consider how powerless we are in the face of natural catastrophes. That is a frightening thought to conceive of. At the very least, he had his canine companion by his side.

Barely escaped safely

When hurricanes strike, you can be sure that everything will be destroyed. Every year, thousands of people evacuate from coastal towns and find shelter elsewhere, hoping and praying that their homes will not be totally planned. Sometimes you’re lucky, and sometimes you’re not. This image depicts the thin margin that separates destruction from absolute safety.

Barely Escaped Safely

Barely Escaped Safely

One townhouse was destroyed by the fire, while two others were left standing and unharmed. They were almost certainly ecstatic when they returned home and saw this.

A flooded wasteland

Water is a contradictory element of nature. It is a symbol of creation and comfort because it is one of the main forces in the world that allows life to exist. However, it also has incredible destructive capabilities. If you’ve never experienced a flood, you may not think they’re all that dangerous, but you can rest assured that they’re just as bad as any other natural disaster.

A Flooded Wasteland

A Flooded Wasteland

This picture depicts a village completely engulfed by a flood, to the point where it was no longer even visible once the damage had begun. The ground is completely absent from view.

Fighting fire with water

Fire, like water, is a strange part of nature that can be both relaxing and terrifying. Why not unwind by a campfire after a long day of hiking? There is no better feeling in the world. However, once the fire becomes out of control, it transforms from a friendly foe into a raging foe.

Fighting Fire With Water

Fighting Fire With Water

The struggle against fire defines man’s struggle against nature, as shown in this photo of a firefighter desperately trying to put out some flames. Nature is always more powerful than we are, no matter how powerful we think we are.

Life goes on

The aftermath of natural disasters is frequently measured in terms of how much damage has been done. Photos and videos focus on demonstrating what has been destroyed, which is an essential aspect of the situation. However, many people overlook another aspect of the natural disaster story: the gradual return to normalcy.

Life Goes On

Life Goes On

This lone bike rider continues on his route even though the landscape has nearly turned upside down. And, hey, he’s got the whole road to himself. There are no automobiles to be concerned about.

Fires lighting up the sky

We hate to say it, but natural disasters can actually be beautiful. They instill fear and awe in equal measure… as long as we aren’t physically present. The nice thing about these photos is that we get to learn greater respect for nature while remaining at a safe distance.

Fires Lighting Up The Sky

Fires Lighting Up The Sky

This photo of coastal wildfires is terrifying, and we’re worried about the damage these fires have caused. However, we must also acknowledge the fact that this picture is breathtaking. Kudos to the photographer for recognizing the beauty in this situation.

A wall of water

Tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes… the Earth appears to have an infinite number of ways to damage us and destroy our cities. However, there is one more thing we haven’t mentioned in a while: tsunamis. The idea that the ocean can transform from a pleasant outing into a wall of water bent on destruction is terrifying.

A Wall Of Water

A Wall Of Water

This image captures the exact moment a big wave collides with a building. Even though it’s a spectacular picture, all we can think about is how the photographer was probably forced to flee as soon as he took it!

It gets worse

Just when we thought volcanoes couldn’t get any scarier, THIS happens. Don’t get us wrong: this is an incredible photograph that could easily grace the cover of National Geographic. However, the combination of lava and lightning sends shivers down our spines! Volcanic lightning is the scientific name for this phenomenon.

It Gets Worse

It Gets Worse

It occurs due to ash particles creating static electricity in the air as the volcano erupts, and it has been known for thousands of years due to this phenomenon. It is, however, unfamiliar territory for us.

Anyone down for a drive?

We’re not sure what caused this road to deteriorate, but it’s unlikely that it’s due to normal wear and tear. Our best guess is an earthquake, as that appears to be exactly what would happen if the world beneath this road began to shake and split apart. We can’t help but wonder how they’re going to get this fixed.

Anyone Down For A Drive?

Anyone Down For A Drive?

We anticipate that they will simply clear away the rubble and build a completely new road—natural disasters, how I despise you. We are constantly being burdened with additional responsibilities.

Getting the vegetables checked

You probably have no idea what’s going on in this photo at first glance. Those leeks almost look like they’re being interviewed for a news show. However, in reality, this is a photograph of supermarket items that have been subjected to radiation testing following the Chernobyl disaster. It may not have been the most “natural” disaster of all time, but it is still one of the most well-known disasters in history.

Getting The Vegetables Checked

Getting The Vegetables Checked

There was an utterly devastating amount of radiation emitted into the nearby (and not so nearby) landscape, and the consequences of this radiation are still being felt today.

A near miss

Nature appears to want to punish us at times, but it also appears to warn us at other times. We believe this photo belongs in the second category. This house-sized boulder, which was dislodged by a landslide, had the potential to obliterate this home, but it only missed it by a few inches.

A Near Miss

A Near Miss

In light of what could have happened, the homeowners likely considered themselves fortunate – even if the clean-up process proved to be time-consuming and difficult.

Taken out by a mudslide

Something unusual happened to this trucker as he went about his daily routine. Something out of the ordinary, to say the least. He was driving along a narrow highway near the coast, taking in the scenery, when a mudslide struck out of nowhere. It collided with the truck and nearly pushed it off the cliff.

Taken Out By A Mudslide

Taken Out By A Mudslide

He would have plummeted to a not-so-fun fate in the ocean many feet below if it had done that. Instead, he was able to make it out alive, though the margin was a little too close for comfort.

The power of snow

Even though it is not a natural disaster, snow has the potential to be extremely destructive. Whether it’s by destroying roads, bringing down natural structures, or ripping trees out of the ground, you should be cautious whenever there’s a major storm. Although the situation was not nearly as bad as it could have been, this guy learned the power of snow the hard way.

The Power Of Snow

The Power Of Snow

Instead of completely crushing his car, this tree narrowly missed him. His day would have gone in a different direction if it had been shaped just slightly differently.
