30+ Clever Bathroom Cleaning Techniques

Published on 05/19/2021
30+ Clever Bathroom Cleaning Techniques

30+ Clever Bathroom Cleaning Techniques

The bathroom is one of the most important aspects of a home. Here, we defecate, clean up, apply makeup, and style our hair. It must be kept clean and sanitary due to its prominence in the house. Unfortunately, many of the activities that occur in a bathroom are filthy and smelly. The best part is that there are a few tricks and tips that will assist you in expediting the process. Here are 40 brilliant bathroom hacks to help you maintain a spotless bathroom.

White Vinegar Shower-Head Trick

Showerheads allow water to collect, which can result in mold growth. Additionally, getting inside the showerhead can be difficult, and a simple wipe may not be sufficient to remove the dirt. As a simple solution, fill a plastic bag with vinegar and secure it with a rubber band.

White Vinegar Shower Head Trick

White Vinegar Shower Head Trick

For 30 minutes, allow the bag to sit on the showerhead. The high acidity of vinegar allows it to disintegrate even the most stubborn residue. To unclog the drain, remove the bag and pour the vinegar down it. Check to see if the showerhead is now working. If the condition does not improve, repeat the procedure.

Use Alka-Seltzer to Unclog the Drains

Drains are frequently clogged with hair and other debris. Nobody wants to be in charge of that because it’s a dreadful job. So to save time and trouble, pour some Alka-seltzer tablets down the drain.

Use Alka Seltzer To Unclog The Drains

Use Alka Seltzer To Unclog The Drains

Vinegar is added first, followed by hot water. The tablet dissolves any obstructions in the drain, restoring normal operation. Even if the clog is not severe, you may need to hire a plumber to resolve the issue.

Use a Swiffer to Clean the Walls

Are you afraid to clean your walls for fear of destroying the paint? Swiffer dusters are an excellent alternative. Attach dry and wet extensions with a mop stick. Dust walls with the dry attachment and clean tile or hardwood floors with the damp attachment. Additionally, they are useful for reaching ceiling fans and other hard-to-reach areas.

Use A Swiffer To Clean The Walls

Use A Swiffer To Clean The Walls

After purchasing the original Swiffer kits, you are not required to pay the full price again. There are always refills available. In addition, the brand offers dozens of coupons each week, which you can search for and use to save money.

Hack to Dry Your Toilet Brush

You may have noticed that after cleaning your toilet and putting the brush away, the dirty water remains in the holder. After a while, it may begin to smell, and you will refrain from using the brush. Rather than that, hang the brush under the lid to drip-dry and save time.

Hack To Dry Your Toilet Brush

Hack To Dry Your Toilet Brush

After that, the brush can be replaced in its holder. You should clean the used toilet brushes every six months at the very least, but more frequently would be better. To make a high-end brush last longer, bleach it.

Use a Spice Rack for Hair Products

If you have trouble keeping your hair products organized in the bathroom, you’re not alone. It’s a major issue for most people, particularly renters, and the landlord didn’t provide enough shelving. Purchase spice shelves, paint them any color you want and hang them on your bathroom wall as a clever solution.

Use A Spice Rack For Hair Products

Use A Spice Rack For Hair Products

As you organize your hair products, keep an eye on the expiration dates. Look it up online if you’re not sure how long they’ll last. After 18 months, hair gel, for example, loses its effectiveness.

Clean Your Hair Iron and Curler with Rubbing Alcohol

Hair tools can be costly, especially if you want high-end products. As a result, you won’t want to throw away your curling or straightening irons after a year. Hair oil and spray eventually clog the heating wands, resulting in a filthy mess.

Clean Your Hair Iron And Curler With Rubbing Alcohol

Clean Your Hair Iron And Curler With Rubbing Alcohol

As a result, rather than looking like a hair product, the tool looks like something out of a horror movie. Instead of throwing it away, clean the surface with rubbing alcohol. This should be enough to get the device sterilized.

Clean the Grout with a Toothbrush

You might get into trouble if you try to clean the grout on your tiled kitchen and bathroom floors. Scrubbing between the tiles with a large brush would be impossible. The key is to use a toothbrush to clean the spaces because it fits perfectly.

Clean The Grout With A Toothbrush

Clean The Grout With A Toothbrush

Dentists recommend changing brushes every three months, so this shouldn’t be an issue. However, make sure you brush your teeth with the same brush and don’t mix them up. If you prefer electric toothbrushes, you may need to buy one regularly for this tile and grout project.

Keep Your Towels Fresh and Mildew-Free

In the bathroom, towels are one of the most common sources of germs. Unfortunately, some people continue to reuse them. It’s a great way to avoid doing much laundry, but it can quickly turn into a problem. Bacteria will grow on these towels over time.

Keep Your Towels Fresh And Mildew Free

Keep Your Towels Fresh And Mildew Free

If you leave something damp in the dark, mildew will grow. To avoid mildew growth, change your towel every three days. If you don’t have enough for backups, you’ll have to wash and reuse yours.

Use a Lemon for Hard Water Stains

Lemons contain a lot of citric acids, which are necessary for breaking down tough grime. If you have hard water in your home, for example, stains on metal surfaces may appear. Rub half a lemon over the area that needs to be cleaned to solve the problem. After rinsing, you’re ready to go!

Use A Lemon For Hard Water Stains

Use A Lemon For Hard Water Stains

A bottle of lemon juice will suffice if you don’t have any fresh lemons on hand. Another option is to use lemonade powder. As long as the product contains citric acid, it is ready to use.

Clean or Replace Your Shower Curtain

Unless you make a conscious effort, it’s easy to forget about your shower curtains. If your curtain has a plastic liner, you should wash it before replacing it. Repeat this procedure every few months to avoid dirt build-up.

Clean Or Replace Your Shower Curtain

Clean Or Replace Your Shower Curtain

Furthermore, don’t leave the shower curtain dangling, as this promotes the growth of mold. Dampness is trapped between fabric or plastic folds. Moreover, because mold thrives in the dark, turning off the lights promotes its growth. As a result, close the curtain whenever possible.

Black Tea to Clean Floors and Cabinet Mirrors

Do you want to know how to clean the hardwood floors in your bathroom without using any chemicals? Many people swear that drinking black tea is the best way to get work done. Simply bring some water to a boil, steep some tea bags in it, and clean with the resulting solution. But, of course, the tea’s lovely aroma is the most appealing feature.

Black Tea To Clean Floors And Cabinet Mirrors

Black Tea To Clean Floors And Cabinet Mirrors

Should you be concerned about chemicals if you want an alternative to Windex that is chemical-free? Don’t worry; the tea will take care of that for you as well if you’re brewing two batches, including the mirrors and floors, to speed up the process.

Use Baby Oil to Clean Metal Faucets

You will always have a bottle of baby oil on hand if you have a small child. If you don’t already own one, you’ll need to purchase one to clean metal faucets. In addition, baby oil can be used to polish stainless steel surfaces in your home.

Use Baby Oil To Clean Metal Faucets

Use Baby Oil To Clean Metal Faucets

If there are any spills, make sure you have wipes or paper towels on hand to clean them up. No one wants to touch a slick handle when washing their hands or taking a shower.

Use a Dryer Sheet to Remove Soap Grime

Dryer sheets are necessary, especially if you want your clothes to smell fresh for a long time. Dryer sheets also contain chemicals that can be used for a variety of cleaning projects. One of them, for example, is to wipe away soap grime in the shower.

Use A Dryer Sheets To Remove Soap Grime

Use A Dryer Sheets To Remove Soap Grime

To give the sheet something to work with, do this while the shower is still running. After which, in a few moments, your shower will be filth-free, and you can discard it when you’re done.

Over-The-Door Shoe Organizer

Clear plastic over-the-door shoe organizers are probably something you’ve seen before. If you order them online, however, you can get them for a lower price. They’re also sold in various stores, and they’re an excellent way to add storage to your bathroom. It is also beneficial for children who lose their belongings frequently.

Over The Door Shoe Organizer

Over The Door Shoe Organizer

These organizers are ideal if you have many products in your bathroom but don’t have a lot of space. After all, if the back of your door is empty, to begin with, you may be wasting valuable space. The organizers are also useful inside pantry doors, hallways, and bathroom closets.

Metal Magazine Holder for Hair Tools

One of the most significant bathroom challenges women face is finding a place to store their hair tools. While some people have a designated drawer for their belongings, others do not store them on their counters. This fantastic hack will come in handy if you fall into the latter category.

Metal Magazine Holder For Hair Tools

Metal Magazine Holder For Hair Tools

Hair tools can be stored in metal magazine holders in the bathroom. If you don’t want your holder to be seen, place it on the inside of a cabinet door. It will then be hidden when you close the door. It’s also possible to drill it into the bathroom door’s backside.

Use a Screwdriver to Reach the Cracks

Is there anything you can’t reach in your bathroom? A good example is a crack between the toilet seat and the water tank. A screwdriver and a wet wipe will suffice if you’re in a hurry to clean up.

Use A Screwdriver To Reach The Cracks

Use A Screwdriver To Reach The Cracks

Wear gloves because you might be surprised by what you find there. If you use the same technique throughout the house, the results will astound you. This method is effective for all hard-to-reach corners.

Use Bleach to Clean Your Toilet Brush

After you’ve scrubbed your toilet with the brush, don’t forget to sanitize it. Before flushing, slowly pour bleach over the bristles while the brush is still over the toilet bowl. The bleach may produce fumes. As a result, you don’t want it to linger for too long.

Use Bleach To Clean Your Toilet Brush

Use Bleach To Clean Your Toilet Brush

Allow the toilet brush to dry on the toilet seat’s underside. Keep in mind that this hack does not require you to buy high-end brands. All that is required is a bleaching agent. Also, don’t use more than a tablespoon for a bucket of water.

Steam-Iron Your Clothes after a Shower

If you leave town for a conference or other important event and realize you don’t have an iron because your clothes are wrinkled, you might be frustrated. You can steam-iron your clothes in the shower, fortunately.

Steam Iron Your Clothes After A Shower

Steam Iron Your Clothes After A Shower

Close the door and hang the shirt, dress, or trousers on the showerhead after a hot shower. Due to the heat and steam in the room, the fabric will loosen, and your clothes will appear steam pressed.

Don’t Forget to Clean Your Tub Jets

Countless people do not have Jacuzzi tubs in their homes, but if you do, make sure the tub jets are clean. It can become clogged if the incoming water is too hard. Instead, half-fill the tub with water and pour in the dishwashing liquid. After that, add a splash of bleach to give it a thorough cleaning. Before draining the tub, give it 15 minutes.

Don't Forget To Clean Your Tub Jets

Don’t Forget To Clean Your Tub Jets

To rinse it, fill it with water and drain it again. Vinegar can also be used as a bleaching agent. If your jets become clogged, avoid using bath oils or baby bubble baths. Instead, after you’ve finished bathing, leave the water running.

Use White Vinegar and Baking Soda to Clean Grime

If you want to use all-natural cleaning agents in your bathroom, there is probably no better combination than baking soda and white vinegar. Remember learning about the ingredients for making a volcano when you were in elementary school? We’ll get the same result with the combination we’ve got. Baking soda has basic, whereas vinegar has high acidity.

Use White Vinegar And Baking Soda To Clean Grime

Use White Vinegar And Baking Soda To Clean Grime

They’ll combine and dislodge the dirt from your surfaces. The mixture will not harm your skin, but it may irritate it over time. So, make sure you’re wearing your gloves while doing this exercise. If you don’t want to use vinegar, you can always use vodka.

Install a Shelf above the Door

For a small bathroom with limited storage space, installing a shelf above the door is a brilliant solution. In addition, all of the materials you’ll need for the project can be found at a local store.

Install A Shelf Above The Door

Install A Shelf Above The Door

Whether you want a plain or fancy shelf is entirely up to you. To keep the shelves from collapsing, make sure they’re securely fastened and that you’re not putting too much weight on them.

Use a Pumice Stone to Clean Your Toilet

Is there a dirt ring on your toilet that you can’t seem to get rid of? Then a pumice stone is a good option. You most likely have one in your drawers when you used it for pedicures or as a gift you never opened. If you don’t want to use harsh chemicals, cleaning your toilet with a pumice stone is a good idea.

Use A Pumice Stone To Clean Your Toilet

Use A Pumice Stone To Clean Your Toilet

Make sure the stone isn’t scorched and that it hasn’t come into contact with any of your beauty products after you’ve finished using it. The stone can be used for your next toilet cleaning, but not for a pedicure.

Install Coat Racks Instead of Towel Rods

Consider using coat racks on the wall if you’re having trouble finding a place to hang all of your family’s towels. Then, after exiting the shower, everyone will have enough space to hang their robes and towels to dry.

Install Coat Racks Instead Of Towel Rods

Install Coat Racks Instead Of Towel Rods

If you’re on a budget, you can find individual hooks to hang on the wall. Command hooks are a good option if you live in a rented home and don’t want to drill holes in the walls. Then, when you move out, you can detach them without damaging the wall.

Remove Soap Scum with Cooking Spray

Have you ever considered using your PAM bottle for something other than frying eggs? As strange as it may sound, removing soap scum with non-stick cooking spray works. If you have a can in your kitchen, it’s time to develop new uses for it.

Remove Soap Scum With Cooking Spray

Remove Soap Scum With Cooking Spray

Spray the problem area with nonstick cooking spray. Allow the spray to work for ten minutes, but don’t leave it on for too long. Next, rinse your pan with cold water. The amount of soap scum has decreased, as you can see. After that, use your regular cleanser to clean your shower.

In a Pinch, Use Kool-Aid for Toilet Cleaner

We’ve all heard of Kool-Aid, the sugary drink that kids love to drink, especially during the summer. Many people, however, are unaware that a lemonade drink packet can be used to remove stubborn stains from a toilet seat.

In A Pinch, Use Kool Aid For Toilet Cleaner

In A Pinch, Use Kool-Aid For Toilet Cleaner

The lemon mix’s high citric acid content aids in removing stains and residue, which can be a pain to remove. Allow the mixture to work for five minutes inside the toilet. Give yourself a good scrub after that. On the other hand, Kool-Aid isn’t as effective as a toilet cleaner.

Use a Magic Eraser for Soap Grime

We’ve seen several methods for cleaning the bathroom grime on this list. One of the ways they’ve proven their worth is by using a magic eraser. You’d be surprised at what the product is capable of.

Use A Magic Eraser For Soap Grime

Use A Magic Eraser For Soap Grime

Sharpie smudges, yellowed doors, and other dirt are all scrubbed away. Use the magic eraser to clean it when it gets dirty. Mr. Clean manufactures the product. Dollar stores, on the other hand, offer lower-cost alternatives. Each of these boxes costs 50 cents because most of them contain two erasers!

Roll Up Your Towels Instead of Folding

Do you wish you had more closet space in your bathroom? Instead of stacking towels, try rolling them up. It will cut down on the amount of space you need on a closet shelf significantly. It also allows for more toilet paper and other small items to be stored.

Roll Up Your Towels Instead Of Folding

Roll Up Your Towels Instead Of Folding

Not only does a rolled-up towel save space in your cabinet, but it also adds a touch of class. The sheets have been folded into an origami swan that resembles a hotel. While the rolled-up towels aren’t particularly fancy, they do give the impression of a well-organized bathroom.

Use a Cake Plate for Soaps

Consider purchasing a multi-tiered cake stand for additional vertical storage in your bathroom if you can find one online or in stores. Its multiple tiers are ideal for stacking washcloths, soaps, and a variety of other items. You could even decorate it with flowers to make it more appealing.

Use A Cake Plate For Soaps

Use A Cake Plate For Soaps

To keep the sink area tidy, buy a multi-tiered cake plate like the one pictured above if you don’t already have one. Also, make sure all of your cleaning supplies are on display at the same time. Finally, see if your local thrift store has any vintage cake plates if you’re on a budget.

Grapefruit and Salt is a Great Tub Cleaner

You might need a little grit to get rid of the gross grime in your tub. Do you have a grapefruit on hand, as well as a pinch of salt? Salt the open side of the grape after cutting it in half. Scrub with the other half after that. The citric acid in grapefruit will help break down the grime, and it also smells fantastic.

Grapefruit And Salt Is A Great Tub Cleaner

Grapefruit And Salt Is A Great Tub Cleaner

Give everything a good rinse with water once you’ve finished. It’s an excellent suggestion for anyone who prefers natural alternatives to harsh chemicals. Finally, toss the fruits in the compost heap if you have one in your backyard.

Multiple Towel Racks

Numerous people, especially those who share a bathroom with roommates or live with their family, struggle to find enough space in their bathrooms for towels. A towel rack with multiple bars would be an excellent solution.

Multiple Towel Racks

Multiple Towel Racks

You can either buy a more expensive metal towel rack or look online for a less expensive alternative. Remember to clean your towels every two to three washes. Even if your body is clean when you step out of the shower, washing your towels regularly helps prevent bacteria build-up.

Turn Your Shaving Cream Upside Down to Avoid Rust

You may have noticed that after a while of using a shaving cream can, rust appears. The rust eventually turns your shower shelf into an unappealing orange ring. This can be avoided by storing the cream upside down.

Turn Your Shaving Cream Upside Down To Avoid Rust

Turn Your Shaving Cream Upside Down To Avoid Rust

Some people find it difficult to store the can upside down due to the small dispenser. Instead of being filled with cream, the container should be placed in a bottle or tube to avoid these problems.

Use Your Drill for Deep Scrubs

Is there a stubborn scum on your bathroom tile? Brushes are a wise investment for your power drill. It will outperform anything you could do manually. This will only work if you already own a drill, as you might expect. A discount retailer like Walmart or Harbor Freight will sell you one.

Use Your Drill For Deep Scrubs

Use Your Drill For Deep Scrubs

Keep in mind that the drill’s scrubbing attachment can be used for various other tasks if you like it. Buffer attachments, for example, are useful if you want to give your car a deep shine. Others use a massage tool to help them untangle knots in their backs.

Clean the Exhaust Fan

Over time, the bathroom exhaust fans become caked with mold and dust, preventing them from working properly. If you live in an apartment, learning how to clean the fun is beneficial. Unfortunately, management may send a maintenance worker to your home to detach and clean the vent for you rather than allowing you to handle it.

Clean The Exhaust Fan

Clean The Exhaust Fan

At the very least, use a YouTube tutorial as a guide if you’re brave enough to clean the exhaust fan on your own. Another option is to watch and then copy what another person has done. Remember to wear your protective gloves while on the job.

Don’t Forget to Clean the Baseboard

The baseboard is close to the wall, near the bathroom floor’s bottom. The molding strip is often overlooked or forgotten, but it must also be cleaned. Dust collects on baseboards, and they rarely look as good as they did when you first bought them. If necessary, dust it with a microfiber cloth or an old rag.

Don't Forget To Clean The Baseboard

Don’t Forget To Clean The Baseboard

If the whiteboard has become discolored, you can always use the magic eraser. Then you can re-glaze it to make it look lovely and white. Finally, if all else fails, repaint the baseboard to give it a fresh look.

Organize the Space under the Sink

If you want to clean quickly and efficiently, keep all of your cleaning products and tools in one room. So you don’t have to carry bathroom supplies back and forth, keep them on the kitchen counters. If at all possible, keep everything in one place.

Organize The Space Under The Sink

Organize The Space Under The Sink

Under the bathroom sink, there is a lot of wasted space. Instead, buy a shelf and some brackets to make a storage unit. It will be easier for you to clean the bathroom, but it will also be more convenient for other users, such as your guests.

Clean the Plunger

After you’ve finished using your plunger, clean it and store it for later use. After you’ve finished using the toilet, flush it a few times to ensure that freshwater runs down. Then, in a bucket, combine bleach and water to disinfect the bowl. You can also use disinfectant spray.

Clean The Plunger

Clean The Plunger

Boiling water will suffice if you don’t have any spray or bleach. Boil water in a kettle and pour it over the rubber plunger to sanitize it. Rep the process after you’ve finished using a plunger in your kitchen sink.

Clean bath mats in the washing machine

Some people forget that bath mats, like rugs, require the same level of sanitation as a towel. When people step on the mat, their feet are dirty or wet. As a result, you should wash and dry them every two weeks at the very least. It’s also a good idea to keep a spare mat on hand when the dirty one is cleaned.

Clean Bath Mats In The Washing Machine

Clean Bath Mats In The Washing Machine

After the rugs have been washed in the washing machine, allow enough time for them to dry. You can hang it outside if there is enough light. Make sure it’s scorched before returning it to the bathroom.

Use Paint That Prevents Mold

Mold prefers a dark, moist environment to thrive. Because bathrooms are designed to be wet, mold and mildew thrive in them. Unfortunately, many people are unaware that mold-resistant paint for bathrooms can be purchased at hardware stores. Ask a store employee for assistance if you’re having trouble finding it.

Use Paint That Prevents Mold

Use Paint That Prevents Mold

As a result of the paint, mold will be less likely to grow on your ceilings and walls. If your bathroom already has mold, use a bleaching agent to remove all of the blackness. If you don’t want to get stains on your clothes, wear clothes you don’t like. Hire a professional to help you if the situation becomes too much for you to handle yourself.

Draft a checklist first

The bathroom is one of the smallest rooms in the house. If this is your first time doing the clean-up, you may feel lost. A checklist is a good place to start because you must leave everything spotless.

Draft A Checklist First

Draft A Checklist First

If you have the list, mapping out the game plan will be much easier. First, carry all of the cleaning supplies you’ll need at once to save time walking back and forth. Then, check to see if your plan is feasible. For example, the floor should come last.

Teach Your Kids to Clean Up After Themselves

Some parents, ironically, go to great lengths to provide for their children while neglecting to educate them. While making your children clean the bathroom may seem strange, it is the most effective way to raise a responsible generation. Children should be well-rounded rather than excelling in one area while failing in others.

Teach Your Kids To Clean Up After Themselves

Teach Your Kids To Clean Up After Themselves

Teach your children to clean the bathroom from a young age. Then, make sure they know how to clean up after themselves if something goes wrong. Don’t be afraid to be harsh when asking your little bunnies to be responsible; it’s the best way.

Clean From Top To Bottom

When it comes to cleaning the bathroom, the order in which you complete tasks is important. It may seem easier to attack whatever you see first, but it’s better to start with a mental list and work your way down. That is, start at the top of the room, such as the ceiling fan or the walls, and work your way down to the floors.

Clean From Top To Bottom

Clean From Top To Bottom

Cleaning tends to leave a mess in other places, which is why this is so important. If you clean the floors first and then the walls, for example, you’ll end up back where you started: with dirty floors. As a result, it’s a good idea to plan out your tasks before starting them.

Deoderize A Drain

It’s unpleasant to have an unpleasant drain odor. That is something that no one wants. However, you can easily clean a drain that stinks, whether in the bathroom sink, the shower, or the kitchen sink! Only two ingredients are required, both of which are most likely already in your pantry: baking soda and vinegar.

Deoderize A Drain

Deoderize A Drain

Baking soda and vinegar combine to produce the well-known fizz. However, it helps break any congealed grease in the drain that may cause an odor. One cup of baking soda, followed by two cups of white vinegar, should be poured down the drain. After that, flush it with hot water for half an hour.

Use Dental Floss To Clean

It can be difficult to clean your sink at times. It has so many small parts that reaching them, let alone cleaning them, can be difficult. But you’re in luck because you already have the tool you need in your bathroom cabinet: dental floss!

Use Dental Floss To Clean

Use Dental Floss To Clean

Dental floss is a great way to get rid of buildup in the faucet handles’ nooks and crannies. Simply grab a piece, rub it along any small spaces that you can’t reach with your hands or other tools, and watch the grime disappear.

Remove Makeup Stains With Shaving Cream

This hack is for you if makeup stains are the bane of your existence. There’s only one thing you’ll need to get rid of makeup stains for good: shaving cream. That’s right; you read that correctly. When it comes to removing makeup stains, a little shaving cream goes a long way.

Remove Makeup Stains With Shaving Cream

Remove Makeup Stains With Shaving Cream

Because shaving cream dissolves in oil, it aids in the removal of makeup stains on clothing. Allow a squirt or two of shaving cream to sit on the stain for about 10 minutes. Then, using a clean cloth, carefully blot as much of the stain as possible, rinse the area with cool water, and put it in the washing machine on a normal cycle.

Mark Old Sponges

Kitchen sponges are a breeding ground for bacteria and other contaminants you don’t want to deal with, so if you’re planning on repurposing any worn-out sponges to clean other areas of your home, read this first.

Mark Old Sponges

Mark Old Sponges

Cut a corner off an old sponge the next time you want to use it to clean floors or bathrooms. This way, you’ll know it’s a utility sponge and won’t use it on something else, like kitchen dishes!

Put Command Hooks On Your Trash Can

Countless people struggle to keep the trash bag from falling inside the trash can. There is, however, a simple solution to this problem that only requires one low-cost item: command hooks!

Put Command Hooks On Your Trash Can

Put Command Hooks On Your Trash Can

Place one on each side of the trash can with a couple of command hooks. You’ll have something to hook the bag handles onto this way. As the bag fills up, this will keep it from slipping and falling into the can.

Prevent Fog On Your Bathroom Mirror

It’s inconvenient to get out of the shower, look in the mirror, and find it fogged up from all the steam. It turns out that shaving cream is all you need to avoid this situation! Shaving cream can create a protective coating on the mirror, similar to protecting the skin from razor cuts.

Prevent Fog On Your Bathroom Mirror

Prevent Fog On Your Bathroom Mirror

When you’re in the shower, the glycerin in the shaving cream will keep the mirror from steaming up. Apply a thin layer of shaving cream to the mirror before wiping it clean the next time you shower. You can use the same method on shower doors, windshields, and even eyeglasses for the same purpose!

Remove Nail Polish Stains

It’s no secret that nail polish stains are difficult to remove. But, the good news is that we have now discovered an excellent solution to this issue! So, the next time you spill a little nail polish or smear it on something you don’t want it on, try this.

Remove Nail Polish Stains

Remove Nail Polish Stains

Start by soaking a dryer sheet in nail polish remover. Even a used dryer sheet will suffice. It’s supposed to be abrasive enough to get rid of any stubborn nail polish stains. This hack will work wonders on your counter or your carpet.

Hang Your Brushes Upside Down

It can be a pain to clean your makeup brushes at times. How are you supposed to lay them out to dry them, especially when it comes to drying them? They shouldn’t be placed on a towel because the bristles will flatten on one side. So, what are your options?

Hang Your Brushes Upside Down

Hang Your Brushes Upside Down

This hack is great! Rubber bands or hair ties are all you’ll need for this method. Who doesn’t have something like that on hand? Simply use a rubber band or hair tie to secure each makeup brush to your towel bar and hang them upside down to dry.

Dust Before Cleaning

This may appear to be overly simplistic but bear with us. Get a paper towel or a clean rag before using the spray or cleaning product to clean the toilet. Make sure to wipe down the toilet first to remove any dust or grime.

Dust Before Cleaning

Dust Before Cleaning

This should be done before using any wet products to make your job easier. If you tried to use the wet product directly on the buildup, it would worsen. You’ll save a lot of time and effort if you get rid of all the dust first.

Make Your Windows Shine

You’ve come to the right place if you’re having trouble cleaning your windows. You’ll only need three simple ingredients that you probably already have at home: white vinegar, 70% rubbing alcohol, and water to get that perfect shine.

Make Your Windows Shine

Make Your Windows Shine

To make your cleaning solution, combine one part of white vinegar, half a part of rubbing alcohol, and two parts of water in a spray bottle. This solution is also suitable for use on windows, shower screens, and mirrors! To get a streak-free finish, buff with a microfiber cloth.

Wash Toothbrush Holders

The toothbrush holder is one of those parts of the bathroom that gets overlooked, but it can get pretty nasty over time, with dust, grime, and other unpleasant things growing on it. So naturally, there is a straightforward solution to this problem.

Wash Toothbrush Holders

Wash Toothbrush Holders

Make use of the dishwasher! All you have to do now is toss it in the dishwasher – but first, double-check that it’s dishwasher safe. If not, make sure to clean it out because toothbrush holders are a great place for bacteria to grow.

Place Cotton Balls In Your Trash Can

To say the least, it’s only natural that the bathroom will have some unpleasant odors. One of them could come from the garbage can. While there isn’t much you can do about the trash itself; you can reduce the odor.

Place Cotton Balls In Your Trash Can

Place Cotton Balls In Your Trash Can

Get some cotton balls and your favorite essential oil before you put a trash bag in the can. Place the cotton balls in the bottom of the trash can, underneath the bag or liner, and soak them in the oil. Your trash can will smell nice and fresh this way.

Freshen The Air

As you’ve probably guessed, white vinegar is an excellent ingredient to keep on hand at all times. Because it’s so versatile and useful in so many areas of the house, keep a bottle on hand at all times. An unpleasant odor is one issue that frequently arises in bathrooms.

Freshen The Air

Freshen The Air

In this case, white vinegar will be beneficial. In fact, it has the same effect as alcohol in perfume. So, in a spray bottle, combine one part vinegar, one part water, and your favorite essential oil or even perfume to make your own air freshener. Then give it a good shake to combine everything and spritz as needed!

Increase The Temperature

It’s a good idea to raise the temperature in the room before cleaning the bathroom for a more effective clean. This will help in several ways, including improving the cleaning abilities of the active ingredients. That isn’t all, though.

Increase The Temperature

Increase The Temperature

Raising the temperature in the room also causes the dirt and grime to break down faster due to the heat. This will make it easier for you to clean it all at the end of the day. In fact, experts even recommend warming up ingredients like vinegar to make them work better. The acidity will work more efficiently to break up the dirt and gunk in the bathroom.

Soak A Paper Towel In Bleach

Even though having marble surfaces is a luxury, maintaining them can be difficult at times. Because the surface is so light and smooth, stains are easily visible. Not to mention that it’s a delicate material that’s difficult to clean.

Soak A Paper Towel In Bleach

Soak A Paper Towel In Bleach

Bleach, paper towels, and a cup are all you need to remove stains from marble. Overnight, place a cup over a bleach-soaked paper towel. First, test a non-visible area of the marble to make sure it does not become discolored or damaged. If everything goes well, you’ll have a fantastic stain remover!

Install A Magnetic Strip

It’s effortless to misplace small items in the bathroom, let alone throughout the house. For example, if you don’t have a place to put your bobby pins or nail clippers, they can disappear in an instant. However, there is a straightforward solution to this issue.

Install A Magnetic Strip

Install A Magnetic Strip

Purchase a magnetic strip and place it on the bathroom wall or inside a drawer or cabinet. You’ll be able to store all of your small metallic trinkets inside and never lose track of them this way!

DIY ‘Before You Go’ Spray

Going to the bathroom can result in a rather… unpleasant odor. But, of course, it’s completely normal and something that everyone can relate to! This, however, does not have to be the case. In fact, there is a product called a “before you go” spray that can help you avoid this.

DIY 'Before You Go' Spray

DIY ‘Before You Go’ Spray

You also don’t have to spend a lot of money on it because you can easily make it yourself. Witch hazel, essential oils, and water are all you’ll need. Fill a small spray bottle halfway with water and 15 drops of witch hazel, and 15 drops of essential oil. Combine everything, and you’re ready to go!

Keep Bath Toys Mold-Free

Have you ever considered how moldy bath toys can become over time? Unfortunately, it appears that not many people do. It’s a problem because kids are constantly interacting with them! The good news is that they are simple to clean.

Keep Bath Toys Mold Free

Keep Bath Toys Mold Free

You should wash the toys regularly, but you should also prevent mold by squeezing each toy until it is scorched after each bath. If you notice black mold while squeezing the toy, discard it and replace it.

Clean The Soap Dispenser

The soap dispenser is another overlooked area in the bathroom that many people neglect to clean. With built-up soap and grime, it can get pretty dirty after a while. However, cleaning it is easier than you might think, and it should be done regularly.

Clean The Soap Dispenser

Clean The Soap Dispenser

To complete this task, you only need one item: disinfectant wipes. That’s all there is to it. So, if you notice dirt on the soap dispenser now and then, wipe it down with a clean disinfectant wipe, and you’re good to go!
