45 Kitchen Storage Hacks to Help You Declutter and Improve Your Space

Published on 05/26/2021
45 Kitchen Storage Hacks To Help You Declutter And Improve Your Space

45 Kitchen Storage Hacks To Help You Declutter And Improve Your Space

Our kitchen area is prone to becoming cluttered. To begin with, the necessary appliances and groceries that are either too large or used too frequently to be stored in cupboards take up the majority of the counter space. But, on the other hand, these tricks and tips should help you clear out any clutter in your kitchen.

Putting Storage Containers in the Pantry

Even though we often go into the pantry intending to make it look well-organized and perfect, last-minute grocery shopping or the demands of daily life can often overtake us. Storage containers can help you get a head start on organizing your pantry.

Putting Storage Containers In The Pantry

Putting Storage Containers In The Pantry

You can label each storage container, so you know exactly what to put in it. Even better, it allows you easy access to utensils you don’t use very often, such as baking equipment. Your kitchen will appear to be much more organized as a result.

Store Cutting Boards Inside Cupboard Doors

Some of the tricks will require some DIY work, but they can all be completed in under 10 or 15 minutes. For example, we are often unaware of how much space our chopping or cutting boards consume, but there is a simple solution.

Store Cutting Boards Inside Cupboard Doors

Store Cutting Boards Inside Cupboard Doors

Cutting boards fit easily inside any kitchen cabinet or cupboard door. It should only take a few pieces of wood and a few screws to construct a suitable stand for them. Then, when you’re preparing dinner, they’ll be easier to reach!

Hanging Utensils Upside Down

Every one of us almost certainly has a utensil drawer that is so disorganized that it is impossible to open due to a misplaced ladle or spatula. However, most of these utensils have a hole at the end of their handle, which is not widely known.

Hanging Utensils Upside Down

Hanging Utensils Upside Down

This hole uses a hook to hang utensils like ladles or even pots and pans upside down. All required is either the purchase of an overhead hanging rack or the purchase of removable hooks.

Reusing Old Containers for Storage

We occasionally purchase groceries in large packages, such as cereal or rice. However, when we get to its end, there is frequently insufficient material to justify keeping it in the packaging. As a result, relocating them to smaller containers can save a lot of space.

Reusing Old Containers For Storage

Reusing Old Containers For Storage

In situations like this, purchasing reusable containers or even saving leftover bottles or packaging can be lifesaving. The packaging can be thrown out, and more space in the kitchen is created by placing leftover products in these containers.

Building Spice Racks in the Pantry Door

We all want a plethora of spices in our kitchen cabinets to enhance the flavor of our meals. Having a lot of spices, on the other hand, can take up valuable kitchen cupboard space that could be used for other groceries. Fortunately, there is a workable solution.

Building Spice Racks In The Pantry Door

Building Spice Racks In The Pantry Door

Spice racks that are slim and compact enough to be installed on the inside of your pantry door are available. You can make as many rows as you want to store your spices, and you can even use velcro to keep them in place!

Turning Filler Panels Into Cabinets

We frequently notice cabinets that we have never used while walking around our kitchens. Because panels are sometimes installed to make a kitchen look finished, but they aren’t functional as cabinet space. Some people have decided to make their own filler panel cabinets to change this.

Turning Filler Panels Into Cabinets

Turning Filler Panels Into Cabinets

These filler panels often slide out instead of opening like a regular cabinet, allowing the full cupboard space to be used to store appliances or utensils like Tupperware or spices. This will quickly declutter your kitchen.

Turning Your Dresser Into a Functional Island

Kitchens can be oddly designed at times. It will give us a lot of floor space but not a lot of counter space. So why not use an old dresser as an island in your kitchen to maximize your counter space for cooking and prepping food?

Turning Your Dresser Into A Functional Island

Turning Your Dresser Into A Functional Island

It will not only provide you with much-needed drawer space, but it will also be the ideal height for you to sit and eat a meal or do some work.

Storing Things Vertically Using Magazine Racks

Even if you haven’t read a magazine in a while, you may find yourself with many magazine racks and nothing to put in them. They can, however, be repurposed for other purposes, such as kitchen storage.

Storing Things Vertically Using Magazine Racks

Storing Things Vertically Using Magazine Racks

These racks can be attached to the side of cabinets to provide storage for items like cookbooks, cutting boards, and dish towels. It will keep these utensils off your counters and make your kitchen appear more organized.

A Rustic Produce Stand

People may be trying out new hobbies and interests, including gardening and growing their own fruits and vegetables—However, there way to keep your pride and joys from cluttering your countertops.

A Rustic Produce Stand

A Rustic Produce Stand

It’s simple to turn a few wire baskets and a few pieces of wood into a cute rustic produce stand. It will resemble your own personal farmers’ market, right in your own home. As a result, you can achieve a pleasing aesthetic while also making your kitchen appear cleaner.

Using Hooks to Hang Pans

If you don’t want to spend the money on an overhead wire rack to hang your pots and pans, you can make your own with hooks and a horizontal pole if you have enough wall space.

Using Hooks To Hang Pans

Using Hooks To Hang Pans

People can use the hooks leftover from their closets to hang up any spare or awkwardly shaped pots and pans by installing a pole, commonly used to hang curtains. This addition will allow you to store more groceries or utensils in your cabinets.

Putting Labels in Your Fridge

While this method does not guarantee that your kitchen will be less cluttered, it does help organize your refrigerator space to store more groceries. It also aids in planning what meals will be prepared throughout the week.

Putting Labels In Your Fridge

Putting Labels In Your Fridge

Labeling which parts of your fridge you’ll use for specific items will aid in restocking the fridge after you’ve gone grocery shopping, as well as making sure that everything is consumed before it expires.

Make a Condiments Holder

The condiments in your refrigerator or cabinets may be taking up more room than you think. You can keep all of your condiments in one place by putting them in one sample holder, such as a cardboard box or another drink holder.

Make A Condiments Holder

Make A Condiments Holder

This also means you’ll never forget where you put a particular condiment or if you’re out of ketchup or mayonnaise while grocery shopping. In addition, it will help to declutter your kitchen if you keep them all in one place.

Making Dividers for Your Drawers

Our cutlery or utensil drawers, as previously mentioned, can be a maze to navigate. Some people prefer disorganization because it helps them remember where they put their utensils, while others prefer more organized drawers.

Making Dividers For Your Drawers

Making Dividers For Your Drawers

By making drawer dividers, you can massively declutter your kitchen drawers and give each utensil its own spot. These can also be made to order utensils with unusual shapes, such as a whisk or a vegetable peeler.

Making Displays for the Dishes

If you think back to your childhood, you’ll recall that special dishes and plates were frequently reserved for special occasions. However, if they are only used a few times a year, they may be wasting valuable kitchen cabinet space that could be put to better use.

Making Displays For The Dishes

Making Displays For The Dishes

This person decided that the aesthetics of their unique plates were so complimentary to their kitchen that they wanted to display them. Although displaying these dishes on shelves can give your kitchen a unique look, cat owners should be cautious.

Storing Pot Lids Inside Cabinet Doors

You might not realize it, but keeping pots and lids together can help you save a lot of space in your cabinets. However, you might be storing your pot lids and pots separately, which means you might lose a lid or two.

Storing Pot Lids Inside Cabinet Doors

Storing Pot Lids Inside Cabinet Doors

This hack entails attaching some wood to the inside of a cabinet door to create a pot lid shelf. The handles will prevent the lids from sliding through the crack, allowing for more storage space inside the cupboards.

Keep Your Cutlery Organized

It’s a good idea to keep your cutlery organized in the same way that you keep your utensils drawer organized. You may have many different cutlery sets taking up a lot of space, so putting them in jars makes them more accessible.

Keep Your Cutlery Organized

Keep Your Cutlery Organized

Forks, knives, and spoons can all be stored in these jars. To keep your cutlery separated, you can use different containers or caddies. It also adds to the aesthetic and uniqueness of your kitchen.

Making Shelves Out of Wooden Pallets

When it comes to making your kitchen look less cluttered, using wall space is your best bet. While you could buy shelves at a local department store, you can make your own for a lot less money, and they’ll be much more durable.

Making Shelves Out Of Wooden Pallets

Making Shelves Out Of Wooden Pallets

Making shelves out of wooded pallets can be especially useful if you need to store appliances like rice cookers or air fryers, or even pots and pans that couldn’t be hung up for whatever reason.

Create Space Under Kitchen Sink to Hang Cleaning Supplies

People are afraid to touch the cupboard beneath the sink. It’s usually stuffed with a mishmash of old cleaning supplies, dishwashing supplies, and other household items. While organizing it can be not easy, installing a shower rod may be worthwhile.

Create Space Under Kitchen Sink To Hang Cleaning Supplies

Create Space Under Kitchen Sink To Hang Cleaning Supplies

The spray bottles can be hung over the shower rod, rather than taking up valuable cupboard space, as shown above. It also allows for the organization of cleaning supplies by room or object.

Storing Food in Jars on the Counter

We understand that some people believe that clearing their countertops of all food and utensils will make their kitchen appear decluttered. However, having something on display can give a kitchen more personality and make it appear more welcoming.

Storing Food In Jars On The Counter

Storing Food In Jars On The Counter

Foods like pasta and cereals can be stored in glass jars instead of their original packets or cardboard boxes. These jars have a seal, so your food will stay as fresh as the day you bought it, and they also make your kitchen look nicer.

Building Shelves for Your Cookbooks

Some of us may have gone through a phase of purchasing cookbooks to improve our cooking skills. On the other hand, the books have remained unopened and unused, even though the recipes were followed. They now serve no purpose other than to take up space.

Building Shelves For Your Cookbooks

Building Shelves For Your Cookbooks

This can be remedied, however, by adding shelves to the ends of your cabinets. These shelves are handy because they will show your guests that you have a basic understanding of cooking, even if you have never read a single page.

Use Magnets to Store Spices on the Fridge

The side of our refrigerators is often a magnet graveyard filled with magnets from previous vacations. But, on the other hand, this open space can be put to much better use as a spice storage area!

Use Magnets To Store Spices On The Fridge

Use Magnets To Store Spices On The Fridge

If you don’t have enough counter space or can’t build your own spice rack, attaching them to the side of the fridge with magnets is a convenient way to keep your spices close at hand while cooking.

Using Boxes to Store Other Food Items

Before you throw away your old cereal boxes, consider how they could be put to better use. For example, you can easily make containers for sachets of various food items by cutting and folding these boxes in a specific way.

Using Boxes To Store Other Food Items

Using Boxes To Store Other Food Items

Some sachets, such as seasoning packets, cake mixes, or powdered sauces, can go stale in the back of a cupboard and be too late to use before you realize it. Also, it will be easier to keep all of your packets together and properly stored if you keep them all in one container.

Hanging Baskets on the Wall

If clearing out your kitchen is your top priority right now, we recommend hanging some baskets. The baskets’ purpose is to repurpose the typically unused wall space in people’s kitchens.

Hanging Baskets On The Wall

Hanging Baskets On The Wall

Not only that, but it also adds some personality to your kitchen. Fortunately, you can choose any style of the basket you want to match the rest of your kitchen’s design and aesthetic.

Make Your Own Coffee Station

You can always make your own barista experience at home if you miss your morning coffee run while commuting to work! Place a rack filled with various flavored syrups and ingredients to use in your coffee to make the most of your empty spaces.

Make Your Own Coffee Station

Make Your Own Coffee Station

This can also help in the decluttering of your kitchen. This saves space in the kitchen by storing all of your coffee and flavorings in one location. Whether it’s inside the cabinets or on the countertops, making this area can benefit you.

Create Shelves Inside of Cabinets

When looking for a home, most people will look inside the cabinets to see enough room for their dishes and groceries. However, we frequently find ourselves stacking plates and bowls on top of one another to make room for everything.

Create Shelves Inside Of Cabinets

Create Shelves Inside Of Cabinets

This universal problem has a straightforward solution. The solution is to build more shelves. Thinner shelves can be used to hold smaller plates or bowls. This addition will make your kitchen cabinets appear more organized and less cluttered.

Add a Towel Holder Inside Your Sink

A sink is a place where we don’t always think to put things. Even though its primary function is to wash our dishes, the sink can also store various cleaning products, allowing it to take up less counter space.

Add A Towel Holder Inside Your Sink

Add A Towel Holder Inside Your Sink

As a result, adding holders for sponges, brushes, and even cleaning towels can make a huge difference in your kitchen. Also, because most kitchen sinks are made of stainless steel, cloth holders are usually magnetic. As a result, you’ll have plenty of space around your sink once it’s installed, making it appear less cluttered.

Purchasing a Faucet Sponge Holder Attachment

While your sponge may not take up much room, its presence near your kitchen sink can make it appear much more crowded and cluttered than you’d expect. Plus, it’ll almost certainly end up at the bottom of your dirty dishes pile.

Purchasing A Faucet Sponge Holder Attachment

Purchasing A Faucet Sponge Holder Attachment

You can buy a sponge holder that hooks around your faucet to make this easier. This will serve as a resting place for the sponge when it is not in use. You can also use an old plastic water bottle to make one!

Making a Pull-Out Cutting Board With a Hole

While it may seem counterintuitive to set aside two drawers for a cutting board and garbage can, doing so can actually reduce the need to store your cutting boards elsewhere because there is already a designated space for them.

Making A Pull Out Cutting Board With A Hole

Making A Pull Out Cutting Board With A Hole

To create their cutting board and trash combination, the maker used a filler panel. The cutting board has a hole in it, allowing any leftovers or peels to be scooped and tossed without having to lift it across the room.

Create a Paper Towel Dispenser Drawer

From the previous point, allocating one drawer to a single purpose may appear to be a waste of space, but it can also make your kitchen appear less cluttered.

Create A Paper Towel Dispenser Drawer

Create A Paper Towel Dispenser Drawer

This drawer is solely for the storage of paper towels, allowing people to clean quickly. Your counters will now be spotless, and you’ll be able to quickly locate your trusty paper towels in the drawer whenever you need them.

Make Produce Drawers in Kitchen Cabinets

If you have too many drawers but not enough wall space, this could be a good option. Of course, you can always produce dispenser drawers to keep your produce off the counters and make your kitchen look less cluttered.

Make Produce Drawers In Kitchen Cabinets

Make Produce Drawers In Kitchen Cabinets

Produce can be kept fresh and ready to use by placing it in baskets lined with a linen cloth. It will also make different areas of your kitchen look unique by changing the drawer designs.

Install a Retractable Cookbook Stand

We have the solution to your problem if you enjoy using cookbooks but hate getting them covered in flour and other ingredients. This method will not only keep your cookbooks clean but will also help to elevate your kitchen.

Install A Retractable Cookbook Stand

Install A Retractable Cookbook Stand

Investing in a retractable cookbook stand will help you create less clutter while cooking and will also allow you to store a cookbook when not in use. In addition, the retractable holder is hidden beneath the kitchen cabinet, taking up no additional space.

Place Wire Racks in the Refrigerator

This is yet another storage tip to help you make the most of the space in your refrigerator so that your groceries have a home. A simple wire rack or shelf can make a huge difference in terms of space.

Place Wire Racks In The Refrigerator

Place Wire Racks In The Refrigerator

Instead of stacking groceries on top of one another, your fridge can now be evenly spaced and organized so food doesn’t fall on you every time you open the door. You’re welcome!

Attach a Wire Storage Rack on the Side of the Refrigerator

Look no further if you’re looking for a simple way to store a large number of frequently used kitchen items in a location that’s both accessible and convenient. This wire storage rack hangs from the fridge’s top and has multiple shelves for spices, jams, and soda cans.

Attach A Wire Storage Rack On The Side Of The Refrigerator

Attach A Wire Storage Rack On The Side Of The Refrigerator

This wire storage rack even has paper towel holders, so they’re always within reach when you’re in the kitchen. It also has hooks on the bottom for hanging utensils, so you don’t lose them. That’s the epitome of efficiency!

Place a Lazy Susan in Your Fridge

If you don’t like wire racks, there is an alternative that is even easier to use. A Lazy Susan is an excellent addition to your refrigerator shelves because the circle shape is very spacious, allowing you to place dairy and condiments on it easily.

Place A Lazy Susan In Your Fridge

Place A Lazy Susan In Your Fridge

This will allow you to make the most of the space that these items normally take up. Instead of forgetting about the tub of sour cream in the back of the fridge, a quick spin of the Lazy Susan will bring it back to mind.

Place a Lazy Susan Into Your Storage Cabinets

Your Lazy Susan can be stored in a variety of places, not just your refrigerator. A Lazy Susan will come in handy if you’re looking to improve your storage space, such as your dish cupboard or cleaning supplies cabinet.

Place A Lazy Susan Into Your Storage Cabinets

Place A Lazy Susan Into Your Storage Cabinets

In this cramped space, a Lazy Susan can help you get to everything you need. It works especially well in the cleaning cabinet of the previous user. It’s also very appealing to the eye.

Purchase a Rack for Small Spaces

Nothing is more aggravating than having a small gap in your kitchen that you know could be better utilized. Unfortunately, the small gap is frequently used as a graveyard for dust, dirt, and food scraps rolled off the counter. Here’s how to make the most of it!

Purchase A Rack For Small Spaces

Purchase A Rack For Small Spaces

Investing in a small, wheeled rack like the one shown above can be a great way to add storage to an otherwise crowded area. For example, this person could arrange so many different oils, spices, and sauces in such a stylish manner, as you can see here.

Purchasing Shelving and Hanging Storage Can Save You

Why not combine the two? We’ve previously discussed using your wall space to hang shelves or overhead racks for pots and pans. Installing a shelf and pot holder combination will save you space and improve the appearance of your kitchen.

Purchasing Shelving And Hanging Storage Can Save You

Purchasing Shelving And Hanging Storage Can Save You

Because the shelf is above reaching height, it could store cookbooks or appliances that aren’t used very often. For example, display your brand new cast iron skillet for all to see!

Take Your Anger Out on the Countertop

We don’t recommend this trick to anyone with small children, but it is an interesting way to store knives. This countertop also functions as a knife block, allowing you to free up space in your utensil drawer for those special knives.

Take Your Anger Out On The Countertop

Take Your Anger Out On The Countertop

There are holes on the countertop large enough to accommodate each knife in the collection, which would be particularly useful for aspiring chefs and cooks. It’s also easy to clean because it’s kept next to the sink.

Screw Mason Jar Lids on the Bottom of Cabinets

This effect gives the impression that you have floating mason jars in your kitchen. If you want to give your kitchen a Harry Potter vibe, try putting these ‘levitating’ mason jars on the counter.

Screw Mason Jar Lids On The Bottom Of Cabinets

Screw Mason Jar Lids On The Bottom Of Cabinets

By screwing the mason jar lid to the bottom of the cabinet, you can easily support the mason jar and free up a lot of storage space previously occupied by the jars. So it’s not as difficult as it appears!

Making a Napkin Holder From Clothing Pegs

We always try to make our storage hacks as appealing as possible; otherwise, they will appear even more cluttered than before. These storage hacks may also necessitate a small amount of creative DIY that takes less than 10 minutes.

Making A Napkin Holder From Clothing Pegs

Making A Napkin Holder From Clothing Pegs

A handful of old clothing pegs were used to create a napkin holder. While we may not consider napkins to be a space hog, it is critical to keep them neat, so they do not appear as clutter on any counter or shelf.

Build Your Own Spice Rack

This should be a relatively simple first project for you if you’ve recently taken up woodworking. It’s impossible to screw it up unless you’re Homer Simpson. Any counter or cabinet space that was previously used for spices will be freed up with this hack.

Build Your Own Spice Rack

Build Your Own Spice Rack

This spice rack is thin enough to fit inside a cabinet door and contains various spices that add flavor to any dish. Ensure that the door closes completely after installation.

Placing Your Cutting Board Over Your Sink

Many people in big cities like New York or Chicago may already be aware of this hack, but it can also be used by people who want to save counter space. It can be difficult to find enough room for a cutting board, so this hack ensures that you have one.

Placing Your Cutting Board Over Your Sink

Placing Your Cutting Board Over Your Sink

A cutting board hung over the sink is a nice touch in any kitchen. You can also easily throw the peels into the garbage disposal once you’re done because of its location.

Creating Shelves Within Your Own Fridge

While wire shelves or stands may benefit some refrigerators, this hack will benefit anyone with a different refrigerator setup. You can buy shelves that can be hung, like the one shown here, to add more storage space.

Creating Shelves Within Your Own Fridge

Creating Shelves Within Your Own Fridge

While these areas may not be large, they are useful for storing small items that tend to get lost in the clutter. Fruits, vegetables, cheeses, and eggs are all examples of this. We’re puzzled as to why these aren’t already in our fridge!

Store Your Onions and Garlic

While you may have seen numerous hacks for extending the life of onions and garlic bulbs, there is one simple solution. Please take out your old bamboo steamer basket because it’ll do the trick.

Store Your Onions And Garlic

Store Your Onions And Garlic

The bamboo steamer basket is usually well ventilated, preventing your produce from spoiling or sprouting roots. This can be kept on your counter, in your pantry, or on a shelf and is ready to use whenever you need it.

Clip-on Mini Fridge Shelves

This could be a useful tip to help you maximize your space and make it look less cluttered if you have a mini-fridge in your den, office, or home office and there isn’t much storage space.

Clip On Mini Fridge Shelves

Clip On Mini Fridge Shelves

These clip-on mini-fridge shelves are inexpensive and simple to set up. They should stay in place if you wrap the clip around the shelf above them. A word of caution: these shelves, like the rest of the fridge, are small, so don’t put too much on them.
