Celebrities Desperately Wish We Never Saw These Deleted Tweets

Published on 06/04/2021
Celebrities Desperately Wish We Never Saw These Deleted Tweets

Celebrities Desperately Wish We Never Saw These Deleted Tweets

One of the most important rules to remember when it comes to the internet is that while your information may be deleted, the internet never forgets. It will always be there, no matter how hard you try to delete it. In fact, trying to keep something off the internet can sometimes backfire, as happened with these 40 embarrassing celebrity tweets. Unfortunately, these tweets will last until the end of the internet, no matter what they do.

Kanye West

Kanye West reigns supreme when it comes to strange and bizarre tweets. Without a doubt, he is a phenomenal artist and a multi-talented individual. It’s just that his tweets can be a little… how do we say this… out there at times.

Kanye West

Kanye West

Why would Kanye delete this if he didn’t realize he’d gone a little too far with it? It occurred to him that, as much as we may aspire to live the celebrity lifestyle he enjoys, whining about Persian rugs is probably not something most of us can relate to.

Michael Caine

Michael Caine is best known for his role as Batman’s butler Alfred in the Chris Nolan film series, but he has a long list of accomplishments. He’s one of the best in the business when it comes to acting, whether on stage or screen — he isn’t as good at tweeting, it seems.

Michael Caine

Michael Caine

In the genre of “deleted celeb tweets,” this quickly became a classic. It’s an odd one, to say the least. It implies that these stories appear regularly, and he constantly has to swat them away. Maybe it’s better if we don’t know.

Jonah Hill

We’re all familiar with and fond of Jonah Hill. He’s the man behind such films as Superbad and 21 Jump Street, and he seems like a laid-back guy. But, of course, even the most laid-back of us have bad days, and Jonah is no exception.

Jonah Hill

Jonah Hill

To put things in perspective, CNN anchor Don Lemon tweeted that he had said hello to Jonah Hill in a hotel lobby and that Hill had snubbed him, treating him as if he were “the help.” Jonah retaliated with the above tweet, which he later deleted. We hope he learned the importance of taking a deep breath before tweeting.

Lindsay Lohan

Managing social media can be difficult. It takes a lot of effort to build a following, engage your audience, and stay relevant. There’s a reason why big companies hire individuals or entire firms to handle their accounts.

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan

Knowing what platform you’re posting to will help. If you’re learning how to run a Social Media empire, we believe that’s probably day one. Lindsay appears to have learned her lesson by deleting the tweet, but that’s a difficult error to make.

Taylor Swift

The secrets that celebrities like to share with us are something we enjoy hearing about. They pass on their trade secrets to us to make our lives easier. There’s a reason celebrities’ beauty advice is so popular.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

However, not every piece of advice is as good as it appears. Taylor Swift appeared to have reconsidered and deleted this one after sharing it. On this one, perhaps we shouldn’t follow her lead.


Whether you’re a celebrity or not, establishing a career is difficult. But, on the other hand, Performers have a lot to improve on: not only do they need to be talented and practice their craft, but they also need to stay fresh and relevant to keep the public’s attention.



As a result, Cher is unlikely to be the only celebrity who has pondered this question. However, she may be one of the few people who has asked it publicly on Twitter. But we’re confident that a legend like Cher will figure it out. I mean, how could she not?

Ryan Lochte

It’s human to make mistakes, and making a typo on Twitter is no different. Ryan Lochte is a world-class athlete, but that doesn’t mean he’s immune to blunders, such as forgetting how to spell “scissors.”

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte

In any case, we’re not sure where he was going with this one. However, because the tweet has been deleted, that will remain a mystery for all time. Some mysteries are bigger than we’ll ever be able to comprehend.

Aaron Carter

Audiences tend to be fickle. A celebrity can rise to fame and then fall out of favor in an instant. But, while tastes change, the facts never change — there are some rock-solid truths that we can all hold on to in a changing world.

Aaron Carter

Aaron Carter

Aaron Carter doesn’t want to offend anyone, but he’s clinging to a truth: he’s Aaron Carter. It was true before he tweeted it, and it remains true now that he has removed it. Some things remain constant throughout time.

Kevin Durant

Kevin Durant is a force to be reckoned with on the court, but his scientific knowledge appears to be lacking. On Twitter, he shared some of his thoughts on the subject before quickly deleting them.

Kevin Durant

Kevin Durant

In all fairness, though, this is a good question. How do scientists come up with this kind of information? We believe he would not have learned what he was looking for even if he listened to the documentary while the club’s music was playing.

Kim Kardashian West

When you think of what a celebrity is, there’s a good chance you think of Kim Kardashian. Though she may not have as bad of a Twitter following as her husband Kanye, she’s posted her fair share of strange tweets.

Kim Kardashian West

Kim Kardashian West

Kim’s musings on forensic science and crime scene investigation make us sit up and take notice. Now that we think about it, it’s not such a silly question after all. So what else might identical twins be capable of if they put their minds to it?

Larry King

The world is amazing when we’re young, full of wonders that we can’t wait to discover. Then, as time passes, we mature and gain a better understanding of the world. That’s when everything starts to feel routine and boring.

Larry King

Larry King

Larry King isn’t one of them. His childlike wonder at something as simple as the clocks turning back is endearing. He took down the tweet, but we wish he hadn’t. Yes, it’s a little odd, but Larry, embrace your inner dork! It’s something we’d like to see.


Fergie has amassed quite a following, thanks to the Black Eyed Peas and her own solo endeavors, and her fans adore her not only for the music she makes but also for who she is — and she’ll thank her lucky stars that she is who she is.



TGIF can mean a lot of different things to different people, but for Fergie, it means “Thank God I’m Fergie.” Even though she deleted the tweet, we can all wish for this level of self-assurance. So the message is still relevant.

Drake Bell

Even though this tweet has been deleted, it is associated with a tragic story that will never be forgotten. Who remembers those two brothers from Nickelodeon’s Drake and Josh and their beautiful bond?

Drake Bell

Drake Bell

Unfortunately, that relationship does not appear to have continued after the show ended. Drake took to Twitter to announce that he was not invited to Josh’s wedding. Though the tweets are no longer active, we will remember Drake’s pain. He seems to have taken it pretty hard.

Aaron Carter… Again

Twitter is an excellent platform for engaging with your audience, getting to know your followers, and connecting with them on a personal level. However, some celebrities do a better job than others by posting relatable content that people can relate to.

Aaron Carter... Again

Aaron Carter… Again

… and some celebrities have been caught on camera yelling at their limo driver. We’re glad Aaron deleted this one because it was a bit of a snub. Please, man, don’t scream at your driver.

Lindsay Lohan

Who doesn’t enjoy an April Fool’s day joke? There is, however, a right and wrong way to go about these things; you don’t want to joke about anything too serious, lest people’s hopes are raised.

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay sparked a lot of interest when she announced her pregnancy on Twitter. When did this occur? What was the father’s name? What was the story? Twitter wanted to know everything. The tweet was then removed. April fools!

Justin Bieber

We aspire to be like our idols at times, and at other times, a celebrity will become our idol because they appear to be so real and relatable. As a result, we have the impression that we truly understand them and that they, in turn, understand us.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

We’re not sure where Justin Bieber’s tweet fits in, but it’s most likely accurate. If chickens said that, it would be fantastic. Or it could be that it isn’t. Maybe it’d just be strange. We’re confused, to be honest.

Jordyn Woods

For those who aren’t familiar with Keeping Up With the Kardashians, here’s a quick recap: Jordyn Woods and Kylie Jenner were best friends back in the day. But it turns out that F doesn’t always equal “forever,” as Jordyn’s friendship with Khloe Kardashian’s boyfriend, Tristan, quickly deteriorated after she kissed Tristan.

Jordyn Woods

Jordyn Woods

Jordyn made this pun on her name in response to these tragic events, but she ultimately decided to remove it. Was she remorseful for what she said, or just dissatisfied with how the pun was received?

Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart has had an extraordinary career — as a former model, a caterer, and a celebrity chef, she has authored numerous books and built an empire. Yet, despite her ups and downs, she continues to be popular with thousands worldwide.

Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart

Perhaps this tweet was not one of Martha’s proudest accomplishments. However, we believe we know why the strange tweet was deleted. So, what is Twitter’s version of a pocket dial?

Jaden Smith

It’s almost cheating to include Jaden Smith on this list. Will Smith’s son is well-known on Twitter for his bizarre tweets, and he regularly entertains his followers with odd and surprising insights.

Jaden Smith

Jaden Smith

Perhaps he decided he didn’t want to be held responsible for people dropping out of school, but we think we understand Jaden’s perspective on this one. The school instills conformity, but creative types like Jaden would prefer to be spontaneous and uninhibited — and perhaps the world would be a better place if they were. We understand.

Solange Knowles

Solange Knowles — or simply Solange, as she’s known — isn’t just Beyonce’s sister. She’s a talented performer in her own right, with a slew of hits under her belt and a devoted following. As a result, when she speaks, her listeners pay attention.

Solange Knowles

Solange Knowles

It’s understandable why this tweet was deleted. Because it’s difficult to comprehend what’s happening here, it may be more relatable than it appears. Who hasn’t experienced an itchy thumb at some point in their lives? We’re merely attempting to be courteous. However, we’re not entirely certain that we understand.

Kanye West, Take Two

Another of Kanye’s infamous tweets has surfaced, this time about the dangers of flying, which is a more relatable topic than Persian rugs. We’ve all been on a plane, whether it was a domestic or international flight, and we’ve all had our share of bad experiences.

Kanye West, Take Two

Kanye West, Take Two

Perhaps that isn’t so relatable after all. Kanye’s fear of waking up next to a water bottle strange, and we can’t say we’ve ever had the same reaction. Perhaps you had to be present.

Mary J. Blige

It’s necessary to maintain humility. You’re only human, no matter how smart you think you are, and if you try too hard to be above it all, people will delight in pointing it out when you make a mistake.

Mary J. Blige

Mary J. Blige

Mary J. Blige realized her mistake and deleted the tweet, but not before Twitter picked up on it and mocked her. True, it’s aggravating when people doubt your intelligence, but tread carefully when attempting to communicate this on Twitter.

Lil Jon

TMI — too much information — is a category of deleted tweets that includes the strange, wonderful, and worrisome. Lil Jon’s deleted tweet falls squarely into the third category, and it’s easy to understand why.

Lil Jon

Lil Jon

Well, it happens to the best of us — but maybe the rest of the world doesn’t need to know. When Lil Jon deleted this tweet, he clearly believed that was the case… but it was too late. For better or worse, what goes online stays online.

Bebe Rexha

We’ve all thought twice about what it would be like to have a time machine and where we’d go if we could go anywhere — or anytime. The glitz and glam of Paris are always enticing, and going back in time to when vintage fashions were all brand new would be a treat.

Bebe Rexha

Bebe Rexha

When almost everyone on Twitter pointed her to the history books, Bebe realized she’d made a big mistake. During World War II, Paris was occupied by the Germans in 1940. Unfortunately, that is most likely not the best time to visit.

Martha Stewart… Again

We couldn’t resist bringing back Martha Stewart. She’s well-known for her recipes, but this one may not be as well-known. It’s probably not as good as some of her previous works.

Martha Stewart... Again

Martha Stewart… Again

That’s correct. That may seem basic, but who are we to interrogate Martha? She knows what she’s doing when it comes to the enticing world of food, but not so much when it comes to social media. Oh, well, she must’ve realized what she’d done because the tweet was deleted… but not before the rest of the world noticed.

Rita Ora

Nothing beats social media for interacting with your audience and generating excitement for your projects. That’s what Rita Ora intended to do on Twitter, but things don’t always go as planned.

Rita Ora

Rita Ora

Rita’s tweet, however, did not receive the 100,000 retweets she had hoped for. Because she deleted it after she didn’t get the response she wanted, it’s difficult to say how many retweets it received in the end.

Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart is a stand-up comedian and actor well-known worldwide for his razor-sharp wit and hilarious comedy routines. So he should know better than to make light of something as dangerous as driving while intoxicated.

Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart

However, after Kevin deleted the tweet, the story has a happy ending. First, of course, he was arrested after failing sobriety tests, and he’s since called it a “wake-up call.” We’re relieved to hear that — drinking and driving are hazardous.

Jason Biggs

Comedy is a delicate balance of the familiar and the strange, connecting with your audience while also surprising, shocking, and amusing them. Because the risk of punching down with Twitter jokes is all too real, the guideline has always been simple: don’t punch down.

Jason Biggs

Jason Biggs

Jason Biggs tried his hand at humor in response to the downed Malaysia Airlines flights, but his joke fell flat. He later deleted it and apologized. That’s probably for the best because there’s no reason to make light of people’s suffering.

Lindsay Lohan

Alright, so we can’t all keep up with everything that happens globally — not even the most ardent fan can keep up with every single celebrity. Even so, some celebrities have instant celebrity status — and if anyone qualifies, it’s Oscar winner Emma Stone.

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan

It appears that not if your name is Lindsay Lohan. Lindsay asked this question on Twitter many years ago, and it has since been removed — but Emma Stone’s star has risen since then, and her name is now more well-known than ever.

Alexa Chung

Even high-fashion designers, like Alexa Chung, have weird dreams. As you may well wonder, what do fashion designers imagine when they dream? That is the answer. Other fashion designers can be the answer.

Alexa Chung

Alexa Chung

You wouldn’t expect a dream about the eccentric Karl Lagerfeld to be sexy, and Alexa doesn’t seem to think so either. She stated that she does not want to discuss it, and the tweet has since been deleted, so she appears to be telling the truth. It’s probably best to leave this one alone.


Some deleted tweets are better off staying deleted, from the risque to the downright rude — especially if they’re only going to cause drama. But, on the other hand, is there any harm in taking a look if the damage has already been done?



When Rihanna tweeted this at Beyonce, Twitter erupted in a flurry of drama even five years later. Of course, there are probably better ways to share that information — but not necessarily if you want maximum impact.

Kim Kardashian

Kim is back on the list, but this time with something a little less thought-provoking than her previous musings on twin siblings’ genetic profiles. Instead, her thoughts have returned to the mysteries of the English language this time.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

We’re not linguistics experts, so we’re not sure if she’s on to something. She had to be unsure herself because she ended up deleting this one. We’re curious as to what the answer to this whimsical “What if?” was.

Kim Kardashian, Once More With Feeling

So this is a bit of a cheat, but we needed to hear from Kim K one more time. Here’s a tweet that hasn’t been deleted yet, but we think it should be. Kim, we adore you, but what is going on here?

Kim Kardashian, Once More With Feeling

Kim Kardashian, Once More With Feeling

We assume that not everyone can know everything, and Kim has a lot on her plate just being her beautiful self. In fairness, we suppose that everything considered, it’s not that bad.


Ashanti brings us a piercing question straight from the TMI files that gets right to the heart of couples’ intimacy. Whether you live together or not, she has a burning question for which she is desperate to receive an answer.



She’s no longer there because she appeared to have second thoughts. This tweet has since been removed, which is probably for the best… after all, we wouldn’t want anyone to start responding to it, would we?

Hailey Baldwin

She was just a fan like everyone else before she became Hailey Bieber. When Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were dating, many people, including Justin’s future wife, hoped their relationship would last.

Hailey Baldwin

Hailey Baldwin

It’s easy to see why this tweet was taken down. The time you shipped your husband and his ex isn’t exactly a memory you’d want to cherish. We can only imagine how strange it must be to have to go back through your Twitter account to accomplish this.

Liam Payne

Liam Payne is a British singer, songwriter, and former member of One Direction. Twitter is a fantastic platform for expressing yourself. But, unfortunately, sometimes people go too far and share too much — and other times, people have the complete opposite idea and try to share their onions as well.

Liam Payne

Liam Payne

When we say people, we’re referring to Liam, and when we say he tried to share his onions on Twitter, we believe it was a mistake. On the other hand, who knows? We’ll never know because the tweet was deleted long ago.

Tyra Banks

There’s a fine line between too much information and just enough information to be relatable. It can be difficult to strike that delicate balance of revealing just enough to allow others to know you without revealing too much. It’s tough when there are so many people on Twitter who want to pick apart everything.

Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks, a celebrity supermodel, chose to delete her tweet rather than continue walking the tightrope — she may have made the right decision, but she may not have. We figure it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Justin Bieber Is Back

Justin Bieber’s journey has been long and winding, from his early days as a YouTube performer to his current international superstardom. He was bound to make a mistake or two along the way, such as tweeting his WhatsApp to everyone on Twitter.

Justin Bieber Is Back

Justin Bieber Is Back

We wouldn’t reveal Justin’s WhatsApp account if he had one — he changed it after realizing his mistake. However, we hope he finds it amusing. After all, it seems like something your father would do rather than a teen heartthrob.

Rita Ora… Again

This isn’t quite a deleted tweet, but it is part of the ongoing saga that began with Rita Ora’s underperforming tweet earlier in the list. Rita made the following statement after deleting the tweet asking for retweets in exchange for her new music:

Rita Ora... Again

Rita Ora… Again

That would certainly be a regrettable incident — but whether or not it really happened that way appears to be a question that’s currently being debated, based on the responses on Rita’s Twitter timeline. Unfortunately, some people don’t appear to believe it.


It’s nice to end on a positive note; we all make mistakes, but what matters is that we learn from them. Lizzo, the popular singer, learned a valuable lesson when she blasted a Postmates delivery driver to her entire fan base, which did not go well.



However, the silver lining to this incident is that Lizzo deleted the tweet and issued an apology. It isn’t easy to deal with the responsibility of being the owner of a huge Twitter following, but she has vowed to use social media more responsibly.
