Everyone Can Relate To These Typical Mother-in-Law Incidents

Published on 06/29/2021
Everyone Can Relate To These Typical Mother In Law Incidents

Everyone Can Relate To These Typical Mother In Law Incidents

It’s not always sunshine and rainbows when dealing with our family’s relatives. Often, the exact opposite is true. We wish we could say all Hollywood’s depictions of awkward in-law relationships are inaccurate, but we can’t. They hit the nail on the head. Consider yourself fortunate if you were blessed with wonderful in-laws! You’re a one-of-a-kind individual. Nothing is more difficult than pretending to love your spouse’s in-laws while they have high expectations for you that they can’t seem to meet. People took to social media to vent and share some common mother-in-law mishaps that everyone can relate to.

Teach Them, Young

It’s critical to instill healthy habits in your children at a young age so that they can carry them into adulthood. You want your children to have good habits, from cleaning up after themselves to keeping dentist appointments, so that their spouses don’t have to pick up the slack. It’s only common sense.

Teach Them Young

Teach Them, Young

It’s understandable to become irritated when your mother-in-law gives you advice that she wouldn’t give herself. This wife is expressing her dissatisfaction with the situation. When her own son leaves his socks in the middle of the living room floor, her in-law advises her to teach her children to pick up after themselves when they are young.

Talking Just to Talk

There is an appointment to the conversation when most people talk. It’s usually informing, complaining, or telling a story. Some people prefer to get right to the point, while others prefer to tell a story; however, your story should always have a point. There’s usually a point you’re trying to make when you start a conversation. On the other hand, some people will just talk for the sake of talking.

Talking Just To Talk

Talking Just To Talk

This is something that mothers-in-law are known for, and you’re never quite sure why. She’ll say something completely unrelated to the topic at hand, only to end up with no point other than to inform you. People sometimes just want to talk to someone for the sake of talking.

Finally, a Haircut

It can be frightening if your hair is cut and styled, but it’s also a great feeling at the same time. You can feel healthier, lighter and fresher in your hair. Hairstylists are hair magicians, and having your hair styled and trimmed up makes you feel stunning, as if you’re a new person.

Finally, A Haircut

Finally, A Haircut

With the current situation, however, nothing was open, and no one had access to cosmetics. Once everything was open, one woman posted a picture of her new hairstyle on Twitter, along with her mother-in-advice law’s that she should never let her hair get that way again. She must have forgotten that everything was shut down for everyone, and it wasn’t her fault. How about a compliment that isn’t insulting?

Cat Litter Replacement

Mothers-in-law are not always obnoxious and domineering. At times, they can actually remind people of how human they truly are through candid conversations and silly errors. Their mistakes serve as a reminder that no one is perfect, regardless of how hard any mother-in-law tries.

Cat Litter Replacement

Cat Litter Replacement

For her daughter, one mother-in-law thought she’d found a suitable cat litter substitute. She claimed she had found some sand in the shed for her litter box, but she had been using dry cement instead. Everyone makes mistakes, but her cat’s paws aren’t carved in concrete.

An Inappropriate Dress

Weddings are a lot of fun to dress up for and attend. Weddings can be a wonderful celebration to remember, not just for the bride and groom, but also for family and guests, with delicious food, glamorous decorations, dancing, and fancy clothes. It’s a special day when the groom and bride make a lifetime commitment to one another.

An Inappropriate Dress

An Inappropriate Dress

Traditionally, the bride wears an elegant white gown to most weddings. Wearing a wedding gown to a wedding you’re attending could be seen as inconsiderate and disrespectful. This woman’s mother-in-law did the unthinkable and attended her wedding in a wedding gown. I’m not sure what the mother-in-law was attempting to prove here, but it couldn’t have been anything positive unless she was trying to establish a strange tradition.

Public Personal Discussions

Nowadays, social media is where you can talk about whatever you want. You can have any conversation and express your opinion publicly, from disagreeing with politicians to calling out someone’s wrongdoings. And it’s all fun and games until the topic is you – or something else embarrassing to you.

Public Personal Discussions

Public Personal Discussions

When your mother is Facebook friends with your mother-in-law, it can get quite awkward. Until someone brings up a personal topic on a public platform, it is usually mutually beneficial. Some people are unaware that certain topics should be discussed in private in order to avoid making everyone uncomfortable.

Waiting on a Grandchild

It’s true: once their children have found a “keeper” for a spouse, most parents want grandkids. When their responsibilities as parents are fulfilled, they are ready to welcome grandkids into their lives. Who can blame them, after all? They get to spend some time with their adorable little grandkids before sending them home with their parents.

Waiting On A Grandchild

Waiting On A Grandchild

Certain parents grow impatient while waiting for their children to have children so they can become grandparents. On Facebook, one mother-in-law stated that she was still awaiting the arrival of her baby grandchild. To be honest, what is the rush? Grandchildren will come when your children are ready. Why are they being rushed into it?

Body Expectations

When it comes to your self-image, it’s critical to remember that how you feel about yourself is more important than how you think you should look according to someone else. Bear in mind that others’ perceptions of you are merely reflections of their own. You have the option of believing what they say or continuing to love yourself as is.

Body Expectations

Body Expectations

If they expect a certain body type from their children’s spouse, mothers-in-law can be blunt. In many cases, they will ask if you have lost weight as a passive-aggressive approach to the subject, implying that you should lose weight. The truth is that no one else matters if your spouse loves you and you love yourself.

Foreign Insults

It’s never easy to marry into a family that has a prejudice against you. Your spouse wants their family to like you, but no matter what you do, they will not change their minds. Even if you’ve done nothing wrong and appear to be perfect, some families are simply set in their ways and prejudices.

Foreign Insults

Foreign Insults

When you’re married to someone whose family speaks a different language, things can get even more complicated, especially if they don’t like you. In an attempt to bring his family and spouse closer together over dinner, the family began to criticize his spouse in their native language. It’s no surprise that they cut them out of their lives when family descends to such depths.

Turn Up for the Wedding

Marriage is a life-changing event. It’s a time for family members to envelop the groom and bride in a loving and committed ceremony. Weddings can turn into quite a party, depending on the number of guests. However, as we’ve seen in a number of Hollywood films, a lot can go wrong.

Turn Up For The Wedding

Turn Up For The Wedding

It’s a situation no bride should have to deal with when her mother-in-law shows up drunk before the wedding even starts. Most people have that one family member or friend who always gets out of hand during any occasion. It could be a brother or a sister. It’s the mother-in-law in this case.

Going Through What?

In life, change is unavoidable. Whatever you go through will mold you into the person you will become. Everyone, however, goes through changes as a result of basic human anatomy. We all go through puberty as teenagers. Some of us reach that stage at a younger age, while others do so later in life, but it happens to everyone.

Going Through What?

Going Through What?

Though some accept it as a natural part of life, others want to know if you have. One mother-in-law even inquired about her daughter-in-metamorphosis law’s with her son. That’s an odd way of putting it, and it’s an awkward way to broach the subject with her own son.

No Vacation Days

How long has it been since you took a day off? You most likely have no recollection of it. It is critical to take time off from work to relax and reset your mind. Taking time off is also a good way to give your family your full attention if they are missing you a lot. However, you may not want to take time off for everyone.

No Vacation Days

No Vacation Days

One man finally took a day off work to spend quality time with his family. He was looking forward to spending the day with his family at home when he learned that his mother-in-law was also coming to town on the same day. He, of course, chose to go to work. So much for a relaxing day.

Insensitive Comments

It’s important to choose the right person for the right reasons when you fall in love with the person you want to marry. It’s also important that your parents approve of your future spouse to some extent. Some parents, on the other hand, have unrealistic expectations and will only accept you marrying someone they choose for you.

Insensitive Comments

Insensitive Comments

Whatever your parents think of your spouse, they should respect your decision and keep their inflammatory remarks to themselves. There’s a time and a place for everything, even if they need to express their feelings toward your spouse. One mother-in-law went too far when she expressed her disapproval of who her son married while his spouse was giving birth. Neither the time nor the place are appropriate!

Family Boards Games

Board games are a great way to spend time with friends and family while bonding. They have the ability to get people to open up, laugh, and work together to win a game. Some games, however, can bring out the competitive (or even rude) side of people, as I am all too familiar with from personal experience.

Family Boards Games

Family Boards Games

You usually want to impress your in-laws when you’re playing with them. However, they may not be as concerned with impressing you as this mother-in-law was when she made a joke about her daughter-in-eyebrows law’s during a friendly game. In-laws can reveal how they truly feel during times like these, whether it was just a guess or a passive-aggressive attempt to insult.

Wishful Thinking

It takes time and thought to decide to start a family. Most pregnancy discussions center on making sure you’re financially prepared, happy with your life, and have accomplished your goals before bringing children into the picture. It’s a huge step, and one that should not be taken lightly.

Wishful Thinking

Wishful Thinking

When your parents really want you to have children, they can come across as selfish and inconsiderate. They should respect what you want for yourself, whether it’s intentional pestering, innocent wishful thinking, or downright rude comments, unlike this mother-in-law who always thinks her daughter-in-law is pregnant. This could be misinterpreted by the daughter-in-law, but she is, thankfully, taking it in stride.

Spreading Rumors

When meeting and interacting with their spouse’s family, young couples may have a lot to deal with. What did you think of your spouse’s family when you first met them? What were their impressions of you? These questions will almost certainly never be answered. Family isn’t always the easiest part of a relationship, especially if your partner’s family dislikes you.

Spreading Rumors

Spreading Rumors

His girlfriend’s mother spread rumors that she was pregnant in this case. It’s unclear why she, or anyone else for that matter, would spread rumors about such a life-changing event. It was discovered that the rumor was false after being threatened by several family members. The boyfriend is within his rights to be angry. At the very least, he now understands the type of family he’ll be joining.

Low Blows

To reach your weight-loss goals, you’ll need patience and a consistent daily effort. If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you know that it’s as much a mental battle as it is a physical one. In any case, it’s critical to remember why you began and to surround yourself with people who will encourage you to continue.

Low Blows

Low Blows

There will, however, always be those who aren’t supportive or who will criticize your efforts. One future mother-in-law did exactly that, striking a blow to her son’s girlfriend, who had made significant weight loss progress. She could be having a bad day or simply have a personal problem with the situation.

Drama from Your Mama

Drama occurs when unimportant circumstances are purposefully turned into a problem. Some people, on the other hand, are huge fans of drama. Those are the individuals you are familiar with. They’re familiar to all of us. While many people go to great lengths to avoid drama and dramatic situations, others go to great lengths to create drama in any circumstance.

Drama From Your Mama

Drama From Your Mama

The story of this mother-in-law is quite bizarre. It’s easy to see why the couple didn’t want to invite her to their wedding, or to anything else for that matter. Unfortunately, this demonstrates that no matter how hard you try to avoid drama-inducing situations, they are occasionally unavoidable.

Ridiculous Expectations

To some extent, everyone has expectations. You anticipate a specific outcome from your day or a specific response from someone. You have expectations of your children, spouse, and pretty much everything else in life. Which is perfectly normal if you can learn to let go of your expectations for others to be themselves.

Ridiculous Expectations

Ridiculous Expectations

While it’s admirable to want your children and their spouses to succeed, that doesn’t always imply that you know what’s best for them or what will bring them joy. One mother-in-law threatened to call the cops and have her son checked into a psychiatric facility if her expectations were not met. All because he chose to work in the technology industry rather than study law.

Flip the Switch

You believe you understand someone until they flip a switch on you. We all have that switch, but it is more prominent in some of us than in others. You can know someone for years and believe you have a good grasp on their personality until something happens to them or they reveal their true nature.

Flip The Switch

Flip The Switch

They believe they know and like their mother-in-law one day. Then, a few years later, she transforms into an intolerable person to be around, one who outdoes everyone and pretends to be someone in public. Something in her life must have triggered the development of such character, or perhaps she was born with it.

Embarrassing Stories

Everyone has embarrassing stories they’d rather not tell in front of a group of people. We usually have the decency to keep such stories to ourselves if we know something embarrassing or revealing about someone else. Some stories have a moral to them and aren’t too embarrassing to tell in public. Some stories, on the other hand, are best kept hidden.

Embarrassing Stories

Embarrassing Stories

Mothers seem to enjoy talking about their children’s most embarrassing moments for some reason. Similarly, if your mother-in-law sees you and your significant other in an intimate situation, she’ll undoubtedly inform someone. The best time to tell everyone about it is usually not at your rehearsal dinner. In any case, no one was interested.

Strange Drama

There shouldn’t be much to deal with when it comes to dealing with exes in a new relationship. Things can get a little tense when an ex is involved in some way. When your family or in-laws are still in contact with your spouse’s ex, it doesn’t help matters.

Strange Drama

Strange Drama

It was a sticky situation when this woman’s future mother-in-law moved her boyfriend’s ex into their home while he was still living there. Many people would not put up with such situations and would break up with their partner. Despite the fact that things turned out better, she may always have reservations about her mother-in-law.

Insensitive Eviction

It’s understandable if you’re evicted for not paying your rent or being a difficult tenant, but it’s never easy. Everyone has bills to pay, and if you can’t afford to stay, you’ll have no choice but to leave. However, when you’ve just lost someone you care about, being evicted is the last thing on your mind. Every situation has its own set of circumstances, right?

Insensitive Eviction

Insensitive Eviction

Her mother-in-law evicted one woman from her condo just a few months after she lost her husband. Her in-laws decided they didn’t want to be landlords any longer, which is common for parents who have lost a child. They could, however, have worked out a better situation for their daughter-in-law and been more considerate; after all, she had lost someone.

Have a Baby Already

The pressure to have children after marriage can be amplified by your surroundings, friends, and, most importantly, your parents and in-laws. If you’re already trying to conceive, the added pressure can cause undue stress. Trying to conceive a child can be a lengthy process.

Have A Baby Already

Have A Baby Already

You must now draw a line somewhere when your mother-in-law becomes unacceptably pushy. Otherwise, she will continue to press the issue. Conceiving is easy for some people; for others, it may take some trial and error. During this time, be sure to surround yourself with positive people and stay away from those who are causing you stress.

What’s for Dinner?

The majority of childhood traumas can have a long-term impact on your life. You don’t want to revisit any scenario similar to the traumatic event, no matter how minor the incident appears to be. Most people respect you for it, but some people will find heinous ways to challenge you for no apparent reason.

What’s For Dinner?

What’s For Dinner?

A childhood trauma involving her pet pig caused one girl to stop eating pork. While most people would respect her eating habits, her boyfriend’s mother made pork for her every time she was invited to dinner. The family hardly ate pork outside of dinners with her, so it appears that the mother had it out for her.

Wedding Brawl

Many weddings begin with a peaceful ceremony and end with a festive reception. People sometimes drink too much and act foolishly as a result. To some extent, this is expected, depending on the families. In most cases, it’s just amusing and harmless. Things don’t usually turn violent.

Wedding Brawl

Wedding Brawl

Unless, of course, the bride’s mother-in-law hates her to the point of assaulting her in the parking lot shortly after the wedding. The bride’s bruises served as a constant reminder, so it doesn’t sound like the honeymoon was much of a honeymoon. The fact that the mother-in-law has no recollection of anything does not excuse her actions.

The Wrong Name

It can be difficult for some people to remember names. It’s nothing personal, but some people have a hard time remembering names. Depending on the situation, it’s usually easier to remember their name by the third or fourth time you interact. It’s understandable if you misspell someone’s name, but how do you misspell your son’s wife’s name?

The Wrong Name

The Wrong Name

This woman’s mother-in-law called her by the wrong name for three years. Maybe they didn’t spend enough time together for her to remember her name, or maybe it was a deliberate act. In any case, after four years together, she finally got the name right. It’s better to be late than never.

Calling You Out

Taking care of your body is an important part of maintaining a positive mindset. Working out your body, whether through exercise or simple stretches on a daily basis, also works out your mind. Because people enjoy different things, whether it’s jogging or pilates, everyone can find something that works for them.

Calling You Out

Calling You Out

Even so, just because you are taking care of yourself does not mean that everyone else should as well. One mother-in-law makes a point of pushing the issue of exercise to the point of tagging both her daughter and daughter-in-law in a workout post, claiming that they have no excuse not to exercise because she did.


A special bond exists between mothers and their sons. Most mothers are afraid that when their son marries, this special bond will be broken. They’ll be replaced in some way (though you can’t replace your mother). Moms want their children to be happy and surrounded by people who bring out the best in them.



When it comes to letting their children go off and marry, mothers can be overprotective of them. One mother-in-law despised her son’s bride so much that she wrote him the day before their wedding to warn him, left early in tears on the day of their wedding, and then sent the bride an obscene email the next day. You must let your children go and make their own decisions as adults, no matter how much you love them.

Unnecessary Comparisons

Weddings are an understandably emotional occasion. Families are coming together on both sides to unite the couple as family dynamics change. While it’s usually a happy occasion, it’s not without its share of mixed emotions. When it comes to letting go of their babies, mothers have the most difficult time.

Unnecessary Comparisons

Unnecessary Comparisons

Some mothers-in-law put off expressing their true feelings about their children’s future spouse until the wedding day. If you ask us, it’s the worst possible timing. One mother-in-law made a passive-aggressive comparison to her daughter-in-law. It was all about the bride that day; instead of putting her down, she should have been lifting her spirits.

Family Vacations

Vacationing should be a pleasurable experience. On a cruise ship, vacationing with family relatives is always a unique experience. Even if your family isn’t particularly enjoyable, you’re on a large boat with the ability to escape to the other side if necessary. On the other hand, you can’t just jump off the boat to get away from the awkwardness.

Family Vacations

Family Vacations

On a cruise ship vacation, one couple joined their in-laws. Instead of getting off on the right foot, the mother-in-law announced that her daughter-in-law was not required to accompany her on the trip. The daughter-in-law, on the other hand, didn’t require an invitation because she had already paid for her ticket and all other expenses. Why not try to have a good time together instead of making things uncomfortable?

Not-So Meaningful Presents

For birthdays and holidays, homemade gifts are the best options. They can be made specifically for the recipient and are usually more thoughtful than, say, body lotion. When someone gives you a handmade gift, you feel even more special because they took the time and effort to make something unique for you.

Not So Meaningful Presents

Not So Meaningful Presents

When people expect you to give them a gift, the gift loses its uniqueness. When she didn’t receive her gift for the Christmas exchange, one mother-in-law did exactly that. Homemade items aren’t mass-produced on a large scale or in a hurry. When you demand the gift anyway, it’s not much of a gift.

No Animals Allowed

This isn’t much of a commotion. However, it is a disturbing way of life. Animals are simple to love because you can see the emotions and expressions on their faces, and you can easily interpret their noises. If you’re a true animal lover, having them on the couch, in your bed, or licking your face isn’t a problem.

No Animals Allowed

No Animals Allowed

Not everyone, however, is an animal lover. All animals, according to one mother-in-law, are filthy, emotionless, and belong outside. One could say the same thing about some people who hold such beliefs about animals. We’re not saying that, but it’s a possibility.

Passive Aggressive Presents

Gathering with family for the holidays, especially at Christmas, should be a pleasurable experience. Everyone is gathering for dinner, gifts, tree decorating, movie-watching, and socializing. However, not everyone in the family gives thoughtful and enjoyable gifts.

Passive Aggressive Presents

Passive Aggressive Presents

To suggest that her daughter-in-law lose weight, one mother-in-law uses a passive-aggressive approach. Slim fast and diet pills in a box aren’t the best ways to motivate people to lose weight. That is not the way to go about it if you truly want to assist someone in living a healthier lifestyle. On the contrary, it could backfire.


The majority of people will be ecstatic to see you marry. When a couple gets engaged, most people are ecstatic. Friends and family members of your choice will assist you in preparing and planning everything from the location of your wedding to the design of your table centerpieces.



In some cases, mothers-in-law are the ones who are not happy or easygoing about the marriage. In this case, she repeatedly expressed her displeasure with the couple’s marriage to her daughter-in-law. She seemed adamant about informing her that she was unhappy with the engagement.

Differences of Religions

When it comes to the holidays, people from all walks of life celebrate them in their own unique ways. It’s better to accept your differences and appreciate your similarities rather than forcing one to conform to the other when two families come together with different religious backgrounds.

Differences Of Religions

Differences Of Religions

He mother-in-law wanted her to continue their holiday traditions and decorate with Santa Claus and reindeer during the holidays. The mother-in-law makes no mention of the fact that her daughter-in-law did not celebrate the holiday and has her own traditions.

No Filter

Some people will lose their cool and say whatever comes to mind without considering whether it needs to be said or whether what they’re about to say is even justified. However, some people should only hear the truth if it is necessary and relevant. There are some things that should be kept out of the conversation. Take a look at the photo below if you don’t believe us.

No Filter

No Filter

The mother-in-law in this case speaks without filter and could easily be labeled a “gossip queen.” She’d probably reveal certain details depending on who she’s speaking with just to have something to grumble about. No one can trust someone who gossips openly in front of everyone.

Tone it Down

Marriage, as you are probably all too aware, requires effort to keep the love alive. Some people have an easier time doing this because they take their time and are aware of their relationship. Others can easily become engrossed in their work and stress, allowing their relationship to slip through their fingers.

Tone It Down

Tone It Down

For her husband to leave a Post-it note claiming the marriage was over after twenty-two years is a long time to be married. As the wife attempted to contact him, she dialed her mother-in-number, law’s who proceeded to scream about all of her transgressions and how nothing else mattered except her son. This mother-in-law couldn’t control herself and used the opportunity to lash out at her daughter-in-law. Regardless of the circumstances, we believe it is harsh to leave your wife through a Post-it note.

Discussions in the Next Room

Talking to your parents about your marriage on a regular basis can help you get out of trouble. Unless you have a parent who can play the neutral role and understand both sides, they will usually take the side of their child (which is understandable) and will not benefit the married couple.

Discussions In The Next Room

Discussions In The Next Room

While her husband tells his mother about all of their quarrels, her mother-in-law takes her son’s side and assures him that he has done nothing wrong. Instead of teaching him that he is perfect, she should encourage him to accept responsibility for his part in the relationship’s fights.

That’s None of Your Business

If there’s one theme running through this article, it’s that mothers-in-law frequently have concerns about their son’s spouse’s weight. If her son had a problem with her weight, he would have married someone else or talked to her about it. However, as most people are aware, people are more than their weight.

That’s None Of Your Business

That’s None Of Your Business

Because of her mother-in-law’s constant comments about her weight, one daughter-in-law has developed a self-image complex. It’s so bad that she’s thinking about going on a crash diet before her November visit. Either that, or she could defy her and declare that she loves herself just the way she is. Whichever is the most convenient.

Paying a Compliment Doesn’t Cost a Thing

Some people simply have no idea how to compliment someone. They can’t bring themselves to tell someone that they look nice or that the dish they’ve prepared is delicious for some reason. It’s usually motivated by a sense of resentment. Or, there’s envy. Either way is fine. This appears to be the case with this mother-in-law, who refused to acknowledge the deliciousness of the dish her daughter-in-law prepared.

Paying A Compliment Doesn’t Cost A Thing

Paying A Compliment Doesn’t Cost A Thing

This is something that happened to her mother and her mother-in-law, according to this woman. Her mother-in-law refused to admit that she enjoyed the meal she had prepared. It appears that it took her several years to finally admit that it was delicious. We’re not sure why it was so difficult for her to compliment her daughter-in-law. Maybe it’s because cooking is her thing and she’s afraid of it?

Control Freak

Some people need to have complete control over their lives, and some mothers want to have complete control over their children’s lives. Even after their children have grown up and left the nest, they still wish they had more control over their lives. They primarily want to be able to choose their partner. They do it because they believe they are the most knowledgeable.

Control Freak

Control Freak

Of course, no matter how well they know their children, they can’t and shouldn’t decide who would be the ideal partner for them. Everyone should be free to date whomever they want. They have the right to express their displeasure and to speak their minds, but breaking them up? This isn’t a Hollywood film, for crying out loud.

Ungrateful Behavior

When someone needs help, you will usually assist them for as long as you are able, whether it is a friend or a family member. It’s one thing to seek assistance from time to time in difficult situations, but it’s quite another to rely on people who are willing to help because people are unwilling to help themselves.

Ungrateful Behavior

Ungrateful Behavior

It’s one thing to help your mother-in-law when she requires assistance. Unlike this mother-in-law, who takes advantage of her son-in-law and, after years of receiving his assistance, treats him with contempt, showing no gratitude for everything he has done for her over the years. Give the man a break; he’s a new father, and it’s time for him to focus on his own family.

Pants on Fire

No matter how you look at it, being a parent isn’t an easy job. It also takes a mature person to step in and raise another person’s child when their biological parent is absent. Stepping into this new role can be especially difficult for someone who has never had children.

Pants On Fire

Pants On Fire

Nothing is worse than a difficult situation becoming a heinous situation as a result of a family member’s manipulative behavior. You’d think that as a potential mother-in-law and grandmother, she’d want the best for her grandchildren and children. Her actions, on the other hand, reveal the true nature of her personality.

Psychologically Unstable

It’s not for the faint of heart to deal with difficult family members. While some family members, such as relatives, are easy to dismiss, close relatives can strain any relationship. Imagine having a mother or mother-in-law who is suffering from delusions and needs to be institutionalized.

Psychologically Unstable

Psychologically Unstable

When your parent is mentally ill, you can understand him or her a little better. That doesn’t mean they should have a lot of contact with you or your family. Take, for example, this case of a mentally ill mother-in-law who insisted on pushing her delusions onto her son and daughter-in-law. What would you do if you were in this situation? You and your family may require some distance from time to time in order to remain healthy.
