40+ Times When Kids Were Caught Doing Their Most Dangerous Stunts

Published on 02/17/2022
40+ Times When Kids Were Caught Doing Their Most Dangerous Stunts

40+ Times When Kids Were Caught Doing Their Most Dangerous Stunts

Despite our best efforts to keep an eye on them at all times, kids are capable of some pretty crazy antics. When it came to risk-taking activities like drinking poisonous liquids, skydiving, and pulling off other daring heists, these young people didn’t hold anything back. A quick-thinking person saved the day by rescuing these children just in time. Take a look at all the times kids have been caught doing crazy things.

What Wonderful Flames

It’s not unusual for young children to see the world as an enormous jigsaw puzzle. You can poke and prod and have a grand ole time because some pieces fit into other pieces. That’s the only thing we can infer from what happened here.

What Wonderful Flames

What Wonderful Flames

When this cute kid saw a wall socket and their shoelace, he must have thought, “Wonderful!” After placing one inside the other, they must have been shocked to see flames shooting out of the wall. This baby miraculously survived.

We Know What We’re Doing

No matter how much of a relief it is when your child has passed the “shoelace in the socket” phase, the anxiety still remains. Teenagers do, in fact, engage in risky and potentially harmful behaviors. It’s outrageous!

We Know What We’re Doing

We Know What We’re Doing

This person took their teenage son and his high school friends camping, which is an excellent parenting decision. Teenage mutterings about lighter fluid, on the other hand, is never a good sign. Another crisis appears to have been averted.

Purse Your Lips Please

It’s hard to understand the consequences of your actions when you’re a kid. When your parents talk about consequences, they make it sound like they’re imposing rules. It’s also a lot of fun to break the rules, isn’t it?

Purse Your Lips Please

Purse Your Lips Please

In this case, a seven-year-old girl claims that she was aware that nail polish was lipstick. We’re not buying it because we believe she was just trying to smear nail polish across her brother’s mouth.

Boots at the Ready

It’s time for a couple of escape artists who managed to sneak out of their house in the wee hours of the morning. One dragged a stool while the other unlocked the door. They then made sure to wear their rain boots with their pajamas, which was adorable.

Boots At The Ready

Boots At The Ready

After all, what’s the point of sneaking out at 6 a.m. if you’re not going to splash around in some puddles? These two daredevils’ parents must have been relieved when they were able to track them down.

Mission Impossible: The Twins Edition

Here’s another example of how a pair of twins worked together to accomplish something truly extraordinary. Their parents, on the other hand, are still baffled as to how they pulled it off.

Mission Impossible: The Twins Edition

Mission Impossible: The Twins Edition

While their parents were napping, this pair of two-year-old twins managed to completely empty their bedroom, including furniture, beds, and a large rug. Because the parents struggled to put everything back in its place, they are baffled as to how their teeny tots managed it.

That Was Hilarious

Parents, be warned: this is a difficult story to read. We have a group of siblings who saw a movie and decided to recreate some of the action. They were particularly enthralled by the act of killing someone by twisting their neck and breaking their neck.

That Was Hilarious

That Was Hilarious

When they tried this move, one of the kids’ necks “ripped and popped.” Fortunately, everyone was so amused that they abandoned the attempted murder and instead laughed. A major crisis has been averted!

Hey Daddy, One Thing

This list has a fair amount of stories about fires, which isn’t a surprise. It makes sense, given that children often set themselves on fire without even realizing it. Children in this situation were building a wall of cushions right in front of a gas fire.

Hey Daddy, One Thing

Hey Daddy, One Thing

As a result, the flames died down, catching the sofa cushions and causing a fire in the living room. Thankfully, this child arrived at her father on time, avoiding a major disaster.

I Said Now, Please

Another child who approached their parent with a sense of urgency. They pushed back and said, “Now, please,” when their parent told them to wait a minute. That’s not a good sign.

I Said Now, Please

I Said Now, Please

One of the children had set fire to a light bulb by covering it with flammable material. This parent tried to put it out by throwing a wet towel on top, but it only caused the bulb to explode. Overall, it wasn’t a particularly pleasant afternoon.

Watching in Slow Motion

You may have noticed that some of these kids were not caught prior to committing a daredevil act. Unfortunately, some of them did commit a dangerous act while their parents stood by helplessly.

Watching In Slow Motion

Watching In Slow Motion

We have a budding stuntman on our hands, as well as a mother who is forced to watch in slow motion. This child threw himself down a flight of stairs after a toy. It was time to go home after spending the night in the hospital.

Let’s Take the Window

Children often lack the ability to comprehend potential dangers. In other words, they are too focused on their own needs and plans to consider any obstacles or consequences. It’s a pleasant way of life, but it also necessitates constant care and supervision.

Let’s Take The Window

Let’s Take The Window

When their pregnant mother was napping, these siblings decided to climb out the bedroom window. They then proceeded to cross a busy street in order to purchase candy. Come on, kids!

A Designer in the Making

How long did you expect it to take us to start painting? Children, as we all know, enjoy putting color where it doesn’t belong. This could happen on walls, carpets, clothing, or anywhere else they can splatter a paintbrush.

A Designer In The Making

A Designer In The Making

She dashed after her daughter as soon as she heard a suspicious “nothing!” Little Madison, who was staying with her family in a rented apartment, had painted some of the light carpet there.

Abracadabra – It’s Done!

We have to admire this young lady’s audacity in convincing her younger brother that she was a gifted magician. She claimed she could land a knife between his feet without stabbing him to prove it. Surprisingly, she pulled it off the first time.

Abracadabra – It’s Done!

Abracadabra – It’s Done!

Unfortunately, this only served to persuade this magically inclined child that she was, in fact, magical. When her second throw went wide, she realized it had to be a fluke the first time. The feet, thankfully, were spared!

How Could She Be Mad?

It’s probably not unusual for children to be put to bed and then decide that they’d rather go out. Some kids want to splash in puddles, while others want to go shopping, and this kid wanted to pay a visit to the neighbor who gave her candy. This appears to be a secure option.

How Could She Be Mad?

How Could She Be Mad?

Needless to say, the candy lady recognized this child’s grandmother. Despite this, she was able to escape the house using the keys and watch cartoons while eating peanut butter crackers.

Not Today, Superman

The Superman figure is another popular type of child daredevil. We’ve met the fire starters and the escape artists, both of whom work in the shadows. Superman, on the other hand, prefers to go for it in broad daylight, firmly believing in their own ability to fly.

Not Today, Superman

Not Today, Superman

Wearing a kitchen towel, this young Superman was discovered on the first-floor window ledge. Thankfully, someone alerted his mother in time, and she was able to rush upstairs and grab him. We’re sure he got a good talking to!

It Seems We’ve Taken Something

It’s possible – and even likely – that this story is based on an urban legend. It has, however, survived for decades for a reason: it is a fantastic story. According to legend, a small child goes missing at a zoo and is eventually discovered drenched. The family returns home after the child claims he fell in a puddle.

It Seems We’ve Taken Something

It Seems We’ve Taken Something

Later, when the child is taking a long bath, his grandmother comes over to see how he is doing. Unfortunately, she discovers him with a stolen baby penguin when she enters.

Check That Out for Me

Taking zoo animals and jumping off balconies aren’t the only wild stunts. Stunts such as pressing stinging nettles are also available. Adults understand that stinging nettles are all stinging nettles, and that grabbing them will result in painful bumps.

Check That Out For Me

Check That Out For Me

This isn’t quite wild enough to cause you to trip and fall down the stairs, but it’s still rather childish. As intrepid explorers, the two of them must imagine themselves trampling through the garden in search of painful plants.

Pass the Wrench Mom

What about a kid who knows how to use power tools? That sounds like a great combination. This mom overheard her four-year-old daughter muttering that all she needed was a hammer and a nail, according to our next post.

Pass The Wrench Mom

Pass The Wrench Mom

It’s a good thing this kid thinks aloud because things could have turned out badly. We’re willing to bet this mother was in the room within seconds of hearing her daughter talk about hammers. Another emergency has been averted!

Perching on the Ledge

You can go to great lengths as a parent to ensure your child’s safety. You could warn them about potential dangers ahead of time, keep an eye on them at all times, or teach them a set of rules to follow in unusual situations.

Perching On The Ledge

Perching On The Ledge

Despite this, another child could undo all of your hard work. One child opened a window and told the other to sit on the window ledge in this case. This mother, understandably, is still traumatized.

Squirrel Feeding Time

Similarly, even the most responsible child can become easily distracted, putting them in danger. Cute animals are a common way for this to happen. For example, if a small child sees a puppy, a squirrel, or a magpie, they may follow it without thinking and end up lost or in danger.

Squirrel Feeding Time

Squirrel Feeding Time

By climbing over a three-story balcony, this little one decided to fly and feed some squirrels. Thankfully, her mother noticed her when she had one leg over, dropped her phone, and bolted.

This Cord Looks Tasty

What about children who put things in their mouths? Now that we think about it, children are huge dangers, with seemingly limitless ways to harm and be harmed. What a terrifying thought!

This Cord Looks Tasty

This Cord Looks Tasty

This individual was babysitting and went out to refill the child’s juice cup. The child, on the other hand, was happily chewing on an electrical cord when they returned. To make matters worse, the cord was connected to a on lamp. That’s begging for trouble.

Up, Up and Away

Another superhero, this time a creative one, is on the way. Our brave heroine, a six-year-old girl, decided to put her flying abilities to the test. Instead of jumping from a balcony or window ledge, this kid chose to leap from the top of a swing set, which is a much more difficult feat.

Up, Up And Away

Up, Up And Away

Jumping off things, as we all know, does not result in flight, but rather in injuries. Unfortunately, our Supergirl ended up in two casts and two fractured wrists. It’s a fascinating backstory.

Tastes Like Jell-O

Surprisingly, a viral trend in 2017 saw kids and teens filming themselves eating Tide PODS laundry detergent. Previously, the company changed the packaging to prevent children from eating them by mistake because they looked like hard candies.

Tastes Like Jell O

Tastes Like Jell O

Part of us wonders if these things are simply delicious; otherwise, why would people continue to eat them? Just kidding – please don’t eat them. The Tide POD wave was way ahead of this kid. When everyone else was eating paste, they were eating gel air freshener.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Another set of troublesome twins has arrived. Hooray! To open the blinds this time, two brothers collaborate. This is actually quite wholesome compared to some of the antics on this list. They simply want the light to enter!

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

The twins, on the other hand, carry out their plan in a risky manner. While one climbs a chair and grabs the blinds’ handle, the other pushes the chair forward. Having a twin appears to be a particularly effective way to get into trouble.

Please Just Leave It Alone!

While there are many small children on this list, it’s important to remember that teenagers enjoy doing stunts as well. This mother adds her two cents to the conversation, reminding other parents that kids don’t get any better as they get older when it comes to doing risky or reckless things.

Please Just Leave It Alone!

Please Just Leave It Alone!

This mother claims her child was upstairs quietly playing, but she later discovered he wasn’t. Instead. In the bathroom, he was dismantling both sink drains. That appears to be inconvenient.

Just a Tiny Fire

So far, kids have used sofa cushions, shoelaces, and wall sockets to start fires. It’s past time to bring up the subject of a toaster fire. This one started when a child wrapped a pizza pop in a paper towel and popped it in the toaster oven.

Just A Tiny Fire

Just A Tiny Fire

Is it just us, or should kids not have access to toaster ovens if they don’t know how to use them? No metal! No paper! Isn’t that obvious? When the fire broke out, thankfully, this child ran to her father.

What Else Could We Do?

Let us explain the Sharpshooter to those who are unfamiliar with professional wrestling. The Scorpion Death Lock was invented by Japanese wrestler Riki Choshu, but it is most commonly associated with Canadian wrestler Brett Hart.

What Else Could We Do?

What Else Could We Do?

A submissive hold is used, in which one person sits or stands on the compressed back of the other. Overall, it is not something you want your young children to do. When their three-year-old yelled “Sharpshooter!” this parent thankfully fled.

So I’ll Grab Your Feet

Shivers will run up any parent’s spine as they read the following story. This individual was caring for their children when she became aware that something was not quite right. She realized she was correct after further investigation.

So I’ll Grab Your Feet

So I’ll Grab Your Feet

This mother discovered one of her children preparing to hang the other by her feet from a high balcony in order to reach something. While this move may appear to be effective in cartoons, it is essentially a death wish in real life.

Dinner Is Served

Putting unknown objects in their mouths is a favorite pastime of many children. They learn about the world in the same way that animals do. However, unlike animals, their digestive systems are incapable of handling it.

Dinner Is Served

Dinner Is Served

This Twitter user claims that she and her sister sampled some leaves when they were only one and three years old, respectively. Whatever they ate was spicy and peppery, and they quickly developed swollen lips and severe pain. The parents of the girls were understandably terrified.

It’s Hammer Time

You never know what you’re going to get when you mess with small children. They lack the reasoning abilities of adults, as well as the perspective required in health and safety situations. As a result, the reaction could be a little out of proportion.

It’s Hammer Time

It’s Hammer Time

These children were on a camping trip when their older siblings began to bully them. The older kids poked their heads into the tent fabric, pretending to be ghosts. Unfortunately for them, the little ones used a hammer to defend themselves.

It’s Bubbling Over

The best part of our next story is that the kid was fully aware of what was expected of them and eagerly accepted it. In essence, two young girls discovered some washing liquid that their father had left lying around. They decided to waste it right away because they knew he wouldn’t want them to waste it.

It’s Bubbling Over

It’s Bubbling Over

They had bubbles up to their necks when their mother eventually discovered what they were up to. We’re glad these two got their hands on some dish soap, to be honest.

We Never Saw Them Again

For some parents, choosing a babysitter is a high-risk situation. They don’t want to entrust their children to just anyone. Other parents are more concerned with who will willingly spend time with their rambunctious children.

We Never Saw Them Again

We Never Saw Them Again

Two parents returned home to find their toilets overflowing and all of their pans strewn about trying to catch the water. To give them some context, the next thing they saw were two babysitters fleeing for their lives.

Why Is She So Quiet?

Parents are well aware that excessive silence is not a good sign. Sure, you don’t want your children screaming and yelling all day, but it’s nice to know they’re not up to anything. In this story, a mother realized she hadn’t heard much from her small daughter in a long time.

Why Is She So Quiet?

Why Is She So Quiet?

What is the reason for this? Of course, she had superglued her lips together. What else would a small child do with a tube of obscenely sticky, and unquestionably toxic, paste?

It’s Double the Trouble

Double Trouble: When Twins Go Wild is back for another episode. This example demonstrates that children can perform incredible feats without having developed verbal communication skills. The twins only had to coordinate their movements in this case.

It’s Double The Trouble

It’s Double The Trouble

Two small boys, both under the age of two, managed to steal the coffee table from one room and place it in their own. We’re sure the boys were just planning a tea party, but they were caught at the last minute.

Just Take the Leap

Another wise adult has noticed that silence is not a good sign. When this mother and aunt entered the living room, they discovered her son and nephew planning a daring stunt. The kids apparently wanted to catch the ceiling fan and swing around on it.

Just Take The Leap

Just Take The Leap

Fortunately, these daredevils were apprehended before they caused themselves serious harm. They could have ripped the fan from the ceiling or ripped their faces open while trying to do so! They could have also jumped a small distance and landed on the ground.

Pretty Shocking Behavior

You’d think that being with a teen sibling would keep a child safe, but apparently, that isn’t always the case. A teen sat at her computer, while her younger sister tried to electrocute herself by scaling heights.

Pretty Shocking Behavior

Pretty Shocking Behavior

With a fork, this child climbed on top of some furniture to reach the ceiling fixture. We don’t even want to consider all of the possible injuries that could have occurred in this situation!

That’s My Cue

There are other cues for parents to check on their children besides hearing stone cold silence. Parents may want to check in if they hear their children talking about hammers, lighter fluid, or even gel air fresheners, as we’ve seen. But what if you can’t figure out what they’re up to?

That’s My Cue

That’s My Cue

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” asked this parent’s small son to his slightly less small son. Any time is a good time for a father to dash into the next room.

How Did This Even Happen?

You can’t keep your eyes on the kids for every second when you’re babysitting. Obviously, you should give it your all. But someone has to go to the bathroom, or get a drink of water, or chase down one of the kids while the other burns the house down.

How Did This Even Happen?

How Did This Even Happen?

This poor babysitter dashed to the bathroom only to return to a blazing fire. The children she was caring for started a fire in the garage while she was away. Now is the time for a babysitter to start freaking out.

Super Glue Never Sticks!

Here are a couple of illustrations from a young daredevil. This little boy successfully persuaded someone else that “super glue never sticks.” Now, we understand that this was just a kid, and we know that reverse psychology works, but why would anyone believe something like that.

Super Glue Never Sticks!

Super Glue Never Sticks!

Everyone, take note: Because of how superglue-y it is, superglue is called superglue. This implies that it always sticks absolutely, positively, and without fail. In addition to setting fire to someone’s house, this stunt-loving kid punched himself in the face.

He Is an Artiste

Some people don’t think drawing on walls is a stunt, but they simply don’t appreciate the arts. When this toddler went silent for a while, his grandfather assumed he was drawing on the walls, which he was. He was correct, of course.

He Is An Artiste

He Is An Artiste

Drawing on walls, carpets, and clothing is a favorite pastime of children. It’s better to divert their attention to something else rather than yelling at them not to. You could also simply let your child’s creativity run wild on a specific wall.

Get Down From There!

As previously stated, going to the bathroom while caring for a child is extremely dangerous. We’re not suggesting that child care providers refrain from peeing; rather, they should be prepared to do so when they return.

Get Down From There!

Get Down From There!

Thankfully, this mother did not return to a fire, but she did discover her four-year-old 15 feet up in a tree. This mother had no choice but to shimmy up there and retrieve her child, despite her fear of heights. Maybe keep the windows locked next time?

Could I Get a Jar?

These parents joyfully handed their child a jar, only to later wonder what he intended to do with it. They discovered both of their children poking a black widow spider with a feather into the jar when they went to investigate.

Could I Get A Jar?

Could I Get A Jar?

Although black widows are not poisonous, they are more likely to bite if they feel threatened. As a result, the feather wasn’t such a good idea. Hopefully, these two children were not hurt. These poisonous spiders can cause serious illness if not handled properly.

Saved by the Bark

It’s time for a new Superman, or at least something frighteningly similar. When playing with his brothers went wrong, this little one actually fell from a building, as we’ll see in our next post. This child squeezed through the balcony railings before slipping and falling multiple stories.

Saved By The Bark

Saved By The Bark

Fortunately, the barking of the neighbor’s dog saved this daredevil kid. The dog was so enraged by what it had seen that it didn’t stop barking until an adult arrived.

On the Road Again

To be honest, this story is only entertaining if you believe the kids were not trying to leave. If that’s the case, this is a rather bleak tale. We can accept, however, that the children in this story had an overactive imagination.

On The Road Again

On The Road Again

The two children in this story appear to have decided to start a new life for themselves. They left the house and set out, only to be discovered in the early hours of the morning walking along a main road.

Consider Me Awake

Adults, do you recall the cues that make them dash into the next room? That’s right, it’s time for another one. It’s not great for adults to hear “don’t wake her” in addition to hearing about power tools and dangerous substances or whispers of “trust me.”

Consider Me Awake

Consider Me Awake

Even though sleeping on the couch, this individual overheard a conversation between two young children about not waking her up. Funny enough, that roused her from her slumber almost immediately.

What a Way to Wake

Finally, we’ll add one more fire to our list of daredevil kids. Someone awoke in the middle of the night to find their small child standing by the bed in this case. He nervously asked if they’d “check” their “campfire” when they looked at him.

What A Way To Wake

What A Way To Wake

Being woken up in the middle of the night by a child isn’t ideal. Even worse is being awoken in the middle of the night to learn of a hidden child fire. Fortunately, the campfire did not cause too much damage.
