50 Simple Everyday Mistakes You’ve Made Throughout Your Life

Published on 05/07/2021
50 Simple Everyday Mistakes You've Made Throughout Your Life

50 Simple Everyday Mistakes You’ve Made Throughout Your Life

Studies indicate that it can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days to form a new habit (or break an existing one), averaging 66 days to start a new behavior automatically. So, if we’ve been doing something incorrectly since we were children, it’ll take some time and effort to change our ways. So, of course, the question is: what exactly have we been doing “wrong?” Well, you’ll soon find out.

Not Washing Your Hands for 20 Seconds

The global health crisis has raised public awareness of the importance of washing hands thoroughly and correctly, rather than simply saturating them with water and calling it a day (or even worse, not washing them at all).

Not Washing Your Hands For 20 Seconds

Not Washing Your Hands For 20 Seconds

To get the job done properly, wet your hands first, then add soap and lather for twenty seconds. You can even use a technique similar to that used by surgeons to wash their hands by interlocking your soapy fingers, washing the palms of your hands with your fist, and turning the faucet off with your elbow.

Not Putting Eggs & Dairy in the Right Part of the Fridge

We can’t really blame ourselves for this one because most refrigerators have a small compartment and door shelves that are practically made for milk and eggs.

Not Putting Eggs & Dairy In The Right Part Of The Fridge

Not Putting Eggs & Dairy In The Right Part Of The Fridge

However, studies have shown that the shelves at the top of the fridge are warmer than the lower ones, so put any food or drink that is likely to spoil on the lower, colder shelves when stocking the fridge.

Excessive Mouthwash

Isn’t everything in moderation? So goes the saying. This includes mouthwash, which experts advise us to use sparingly. The reason for this is that if we slam a tidal wave of it into our mouths, we risk washing away bacteria that are supposed to help us.

Excessive Mouthwash

Excessive Mouthwash

Excessive mouthwash use has even been linked to Type 2 diabetes in some studies! So limit your mouthwash use to once a day and avoid chugging it.

The Right Way to Clean Jeans

Some of you may already know this (but we bet a lot of you don’t), but you shouldn’t wash your jeans every time you wear them. Even after three or four times of wearing, it’s not enough!

The Right Way To Clean Jeans

The Right Way To Clean Jeans

Studies have shown that washing jeans frequently ruin the color and shape of the denim, and the pants can lose up to 4% of the fibers. Acceptable wearings of jeans between washes range from five to 10 uses.

The Right Way to Load a Washer

Our entire lives have been spent misusing the washing machine. We’ve been dumping our laundry into the washer, adding the detergent, and then starting it.

The Right Way To Load A Washer

The Right Way To Load A Washer

However, the proper method is to start filling the machine with water, add the detergent, and distribute it through the water before adding your clothes. This method ensures that the detergent is evenly distributed across all of the clothes. Don’t forget to clean the washer after you’re done to get rid of any leftover bacteria.

Storing Wine Glasses Incorrectly

Unexpectedly, wine glasses aren’t designed to be stored upside down, even if you believe it will keep dust out of the interior of the glass (just use them more, duh).

Storing Wine Glasses Incorrectly

Storing Wine Glasses Incorrectly

Storing a wine glass in this manner puts a lot of pressure on the rim, which is usually the most fragile part of the glass. Wine glasses should be stored stems down to avoid moisture buildup and the formation of pressure cracks.

Use the Correct Plunger for the Sink

You might be surprised to learn that plungers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each designed for a specific purpose. This means you won’t have to unclog the kitchen sink with your toilet plunger (which you should never do anyway because it’s gross).

Use The Correct Plunger For The Sink

Use The Correct Plunger For The Sink

For the sink, the ‘cup plunger,’ which has a wider brim, is a good choice, while the ‘flange plunger,’ which has a narrower brim, is the plunger of choice for the toilet. Who’d have guessed plungers could be so intricate?

Let Sleeping Babies Lie

Some parents try to keep their children awake during the day to sleep longer at night (therefore allowing them to sleep more, too). Experts, however, believe that this is not the best strategy.

Let Sleeping Babies Lie

Let Sleeping Babies Lie

Parents will have difficulty getting a baby to sleep, whether the baby has been rested throughout the day or is exhausted from not being allowed to sleep. The key is to develop and stick to a schedule that works for every child.

How to Load the Dishwasher Properly

Some people meticulously organize their dishwashers, while others simply throw dishes and glasses in there. However, given that certain parts of your dishwasher work better on certain foods than others, it appears that the former option is preferable.

How To Load The Dishwasher Properly

How To Load The Dishwasher Properly

Apparently, dishes that have had protein-rich food on them should be placed on the outer rim of the unit, while carb-heavy plates should be in the center, according to one study. Give it a try, see if it cleans the dishes more effectively!

Bobby Pin

If you’ve been having trouble keeping bobby pins in place, it’s likely because you’ve been misusing them for quite some time. One side of the pin is flat, while the other is wavy due to the design.

Bobby Pin

Bobby Pin

The waves should be inserted facing your scalp because they are meant to grab onto the hair and keep the pin in place. That should hopefully prevent your hair from becoming untangled and messing up your style.

Ceiling Fan Flow

A ceiling fan can provide welcome relief from the hot summer months, but many people are unaware that it can also be used in the cooler months if you know how to operate it.

Ceiling Fan Flow

Ceiling Fan Flow

A fan should be turned counter-clockwise in the summer to push cool air down and cool your space. Then, simply switch the flow to push warm air downwards as the weather gets colder.

Keep the Roll in Place

Anyone who has ever attempted to tear a sheet of aluminum foil from the box understands how aggravating it can be when you begin tugging on the roll, and the entire roll comes out.

Keep The Roll In Place

Keep The Roll In Place

However, there is a good chance you have been overlooking the feature intended to keep the foil in place, which is the tabs on the side of the box (the arrow points to them in the picture above). They’re supposed to be pressed in, and they’re supposed to keep the roll in place while it’s being used.

Resistance Bands

While resistance bands are currently trendy among so-called Instagram fitness ‘experts,’ the truth is that they have been a versatile tool used by professionals in the sports and fitness industries for decades.

Resistance Bands

Resistance Bands

They can be used to rehabilitate injuries, increase flexibility, and serve as a resistance tool to aid muscle and strength development. Unfortunately, most people mistake taking what they see on social media from influencers at face value and failing to conduct the necessary research to use resistance bands properly.

Taking Off Your Shirt

One would not assume that we have been improperly removing our t-shirts for years, and the truth is that we have not. However, there is a much faster way than you probably are unaware of.

Taking Off Your Shirt

Taking Off Your Shirt

Rather than grabbing the bottom part of the shirt and pulling it over your head, try grabbing your sleeve from your armpits, pulling your hand out, and then pulling the shirt over your head. Give it a shot and see what you think!

Get Rid of Those Wooden Chopping Boards

While wooden chopping boards may look great in the kitchen, they are notoriously difficult to keep free of bacteria. In addition, because they are typically not dishwasher safe, they must be hand washed.

Get Rid Of Those Wooden Chopping Boards

Get Rid Of Those Wooden Chopping Boards

Additionally, bacteria and pathogens can seep into the board’s grain over time and repeated use, making removal nearly impossible. Therefore, while wooden boards may appear to be superior in terms of aesthetics, consider an alternative for your health’s sake.

Napkin Etiquette

With the success of Netflix’s The Crown, everyone may improve their table manners. However, how good is your napkin game? Can you do simple ones or even better?

Napkin Etiquette

Napkin Etiquette

While most people would pick up their napkin and place it on their laps once the food arrives (in fact, most people would leave it on the table), the proper, polite way, according to all etiquette experts worldwide, is to place your napkin on your lap immediately upon sitting.

Cleaning Your Blender Properly

Nowadays, most blenders claim to be dishwasher-safe, which leads us to believe that you can simply toss it in with the rest of your dirty dishes. However, this is not the most efficient method of cleaning the device.

Cleaning Your Blender Properly

Cleaning Your Blender Properly

The best method is to fill it halfway with warm soapy water and then run the blender for a few seconds to clean the machine thoroughly. Additionally, for extra credit, enter the room with your hands to complete the task (but take the blade out first, of course).

Stop Grabbing That Wine Glass Without Any Class!

While it may feel natural to hold a wine glass by the cup, this is the incorrect way to do so because you transfer heat from your palm to the glass, warming the wine and changing its flavor.

Stop Grabbing That Wine Glass Without Any Class!

Stop Grabbing That Wine Glass Without Any Class!

The proper way is to hold the glass at the stem with your thumb and index finger, which aids in balance and makes it easy to swirl the wine to aerate it and prevent heat transfer.

Brushing Your Hair

When most people with long hair get out of the shower, they brush their hair from the bottom up, as the bottom section of hair tends to have the most tangles.

Brushing Your Hair

Brushing Your Hair

However, this is detrimental to the hair’s health because it suffocates the natural oils produced by the scalp and can also result in breakage, which results in split ends – both of which wreak havoc on the hair’s overall health.

Recovering From a Night of Drinking

Many people wake up the next morning with the not-so-pleasant aftereffects of a night of drinking and seek relief with Tylenol. This may help a little, but the best course of action is to hydrate.

Recovering From A Night Of Drinking

Recovering From A Night Of Drinking

Because hangover symptoms are associated with dehydration (some have described it as feeling as if you’re dying of thirst), it’s critical to replenish your system with water. If you’re having a tough time, substitute Pedialyte for Tylenol.

That’s Not for Storage

Allow me to be candid – do you truly understand the purpose of the oven’s bottom drawer? No, this is not intended to be an additional storage space for baking trays.

That’s Not For Storage

That’s Not For Storage

This is the warming drawer, which you can use to keep pre-cooked food warm while waiting for your dinner party to arrive or your other food cooks if you require additional space. Simply select the warm setting and place the covered dish in the drawer while completing the remaining tasks on your to-do list.

Cold as Ice

A large ice bucket has proven to be a useful resource for chilling beer or wine many times, hasn’t it? You might argue that it gets the job done, but there are more efficient ways to do it.

Cold As Ice

Cold As Ice

Yes, freezing the drink is an option, but you risk forgetting about it and ending up with a block of ice instead of your wine or beer. If you need to chill a large number of drinks quickly, a salt and ice water bucket is the best option.

Fabrics Before Paint

When it comes to decorating a room, it’s best to start with the fabrics and accessories and then move on to the walls. It may seem counterintuitive, but doing so will help you better understand how the room will look and help you choose the perfect color and shade for the walls.

Fabrics Before Paint

Fabrics Before Paint

To not have any more mess, make sure there are old blankets and plastic sheets in the places you’ve already contaminated, as well as in other places where you wouldn’t have as many messes!

Composting the Problem

Composting helps to protect the environment by reducing chemical fertilizers (among many other benefits). However, just as with recycling, you must be cautious not to compost the wrong foods.

Composting The Problem

Composting The Problem

Citrus peels, onions, bread, and walnuts should not be composted because they contain compounds or qualities that reduce the compost’s efficiency. Furthermore, some of them are particularly appealing to the vermin you don’t want rummaging through your trash.

Not Re-Setting the Wi-Fi Router

Did you just plug it in and go about your business when you set up a wireless router in your home? If this is the case, you’ve made it simple for hackers to gain access to your personal information.

Not Re Setting The Wi Fi Router

Not Re Setting The Wi-Fi Router

The best option is to reset the WiFi password and make sure all updates are installed after you’ve set up your router and have internet access to protect yourself as much as possible.

For Fork’s Sake

We hope you’re never in a situation where you need to know which cutlery to use when (that would be a sign you’re in a snooty establishment, and who wants that? ), but if you are, here’s a helpful hint.

For Fork’s Sake

For Fork’s Sake

Start at the outside and work your way inwards when presented with a small armament of cutlery by your plate. After that, get out of there as quickly as possible.

When Was This Ever Good Advice?

It’s hard to believe, but there’s apparently some bizarre ‘advice’ floating around that says wearing a white t-shirt will help shield your skin from the rays of the sun.

When Was This Ever Good Advice?

When Was This Ever Good Advice?

This is obviously untrue, and it should come as no surprise that a white t-shirt does not protect at all. You can and should always use sunscreen because it has been proven to protect you from sunburn.

A Popular Myth

How many times have we been told that our heads are where most of our body heat escapes? As a result, during the cold winter months, we always make sure we have enough hats. However, it turns out that the notion that we lose the majority of our heat through our domes is incorrect.

A Popular Myth

A Popular Myth

Heat loss from our heads is less than 10% of what it is elsewhere in the home. So what you have been told is untrue. However, it is less than what you may have been led to believe.

Sleep Soundly (and Safely)

The position in which you sleep is entirely up to you. Some people prefer to sleep on their side, while others prefer to sleep on their back, but experts agree that sleeping on your stomach is dangerous. According to chiropractors, this is the least healthy way to sleep because it causes the spine to twist excessively.

Sleep Soundly (and Safely)

Sleep Soundly (and Safely)

Furthermore, people who sleep on their stomachs frequently keep one leg bent up towards their torso, causing a kink in the flow of blood and nerve signals, which can lead to respiratory problems. Use wedge pillows and other accessories to help you transition to sleeping on your side.

Don’t Put Chocolate in the Fridge

Listen up, all you chocolate lovers. We understand how tempting it is to keep chocolate in the fridge during the summer, but this is something you should avoid.

Don’t Put Chocolate In The Fridge

Don’t Put Chocolate In The Fridge

This is because the cold temperature can alter the flavor of the chocolate and cause sugar bloom, which alters the texture. Finally, chocolate absorbs odors from other foods in the refrigerator. So find a cool, dark place to store the chocolate instead of the fridge.

There’s a Right Way to Cut Bread

What’s that popular saying? “The best thing since sliced bread.” According to how some people cut their slices (flattening them to the cutting board or tearing them), the next step shouldn’t be too difficult.

There’s A Right Way To Cut Bread

There’s A Right Way To Cut Bread

Flip the loaf of bread vertically instead of using a knife to cut slices. This is great for bread because it results in far fewer crumbles, resulting in evenly and perfectly sliced slices.

Dipping Oreos

You’d think there’s no such thing as a bad way to eat an oreo. After all, how difficult could it be? Eat it whole, twist it, and eat half at a time – the important thing is to get it in your mouth and chew it!

Dipping Oreos

Dipping Oreos

However, those of you who like to dip the cookie in a glass of milk will probably end up messier than the rest of us because you’ll have a hard time fitting the cookie and your fingers into the glass at the same time. So just use chopsticks or a fork to poke a hole in the cookie and dip it that way.

Shoe Marks the Spot

No one enjoys standing in lines, especially long ones where you are forced to stay on your feet for an extended period of time while being bored out of your mind. If only we could make the Caribbean way of doing things an unofficial rule around the world.

Shoe Marks The Spot

Shoe Marks The Spot

It entails removing your shoes and using them to save your spot so you can sit and relax while you wait. It sounds like a nice method, but let’s face it: in the United States, no one will follow that rule, and your shoes will be kicked to the side in no time.

Getting Rid of Those Annoying Threads

Aren’t those dangling threads that we have on our clothes and couches the worst? And we always end up pulling the thread out with our fingers, which only makes the thread bigger and worsens the problem.

Getting Rid Of Those Annoying Threads

Getting Rid Of Those Annoying Threads

This is preferable: We recommend using a razor rather than your fingers when you are shaving the material here to prevent excessive scraping and shaving since you do not want to slice it.

Using a Straw for the Soda Can

We’re not sure who’s still drinking soda from a can with a straw (since straws are terrible for the environment and nothing is stopping you from a) drinking straight from the can and b) pouring it into a glass), but it turns out the can be made for it.

Using A Straw For The Soda Can

Using A Straw For The Soda Can

You can flip the tab on top of the open hole, and you can use it as a straw holder! To reiterate, please refrain from using straws. Or any plastics, for that matter.

Stopping Your Earbuds From Falling Out

With the advent of Air Pods and other wireless devices that you can throw in your ears, this tip is definitely out of date, but for those of you who still have traditional earbuds, here’s a trick to keep them in your ear when you’re on the go.

Stopping Your Earbuds From Falling Out

Stopping Your Earbuds From Falling Out

Wrap your earbuds around your ear and then insert them. This will assist them in remaining in one location. Is that clear? Now get some modern technology.

Disguising Typos

Instead of scribbling furiously (which will make your handwriting resemble that of a child), try this if you managed to mess up your handwriting on something important, such as an exam essay or official document.

Disguising Typos

Disguising Typos

Simply write some other letters on top of the misspelled word (or words), making it impossible to read and saving you the embarrassment of people discovering you don’t know how to spell some basic words.

Connecting Extension Cords

Extension cords always seem to come out of the socket, whether you trip over them or they just happen to pop out on their own. So why not use a tried-and-true knot to secure it?

Connecting Extension Cords

Connecting Extension Cords

Try tying your cords in a knot and plugging them in together. We’re not saying you have to use a sailor’s knot (like a reef knot, rolling hitch, clove hitch, sheet bend…there are a lot of them), but a standard one should suffice.

Chilling a Beverage

You could always throw it in the freezer and trust yourself to remember to take it out before it completely freezes if you don’t have the patience to wait for it to get cold – but there’s a far more effective method.

Chilling A Beverage

Chilling A Beverage

Cover your bottle with a wet paper towel or kitchen towel and leave it in the freezer. Wait for a few minutes, and pull it out, and then have a nice cold drink of water!

Watch Your Gum Intake

You should read this if you enjoy chewing gum and can’t go a day without putting a stick in your mouth. Gum is loaded with sugar, which can feed the bacteria already present in your mouth. This, in turn, can lead to more bad breath, prompting you to chew more gum in an attempt to alleviate the problem, resulting in a destructive cycle.

Watch Your Gum Intake

Watch Your Gum Intake

Instead, work on your oral hygiene and give your teeth a break. You might be able to get by using only on things like breath mints if you have no other options.

Don’t Cool Leftovers

Many of us were taught as children that we should cool leftovers (especially those containing tomatoes) before storing them in the refrigerator. This, however, turns out to be a bad idea.

Don’t Cool Leftovers

Don’t Cool Leftovers

According to the USDA, food left out at room temperature enters an unsafe temperature zone. If you must let food cool before putting it in the fridge, at the very least, cut it into smaller portions so it cools faster and you can get it in faster.

When to Brush Your Teeth

We’re guessing that most people brush their teeth twice a day, but some people prefer to brush three times or in between meals. However, some experts believe that this is a mistake.

When To Brush Your Teeth

When To Brush Your Teeth

According to some studies, brushing after a meal can harm the layer beneath your enamel, potentially leading to future dental problems. So rest assured that brushing twice a day (along with flossing) is sufficient.

How to Create Soft Serve Ice Cream

Because getting ice cream out of a cartoon straight from the freezer can be a pain, some people prefer to soften it first by microwaving it. But there’s a better way to make serving ice cream easier!

How To Create Soft Serve Ice Cream

How To Create Soft Serve Ice Cream

By storing the ice cream in an airtight bag and using a microwave, you can prevent freezer burn and keep it from solidifying while softening the texture.

Stop Putting Avocados in the Fridge

Avocados are the most delicious. They are the mother of guacamole and go with almost everything. Some people believe that this fruit (yes, it’s a fruit) is the best food item. That means we must treat them properly, which includes keeping them out of the refrigerator.

Stop Putting Avocados In The Fridge

Stop Putting Avocados In The Fridge

The reason for this is that avocados produce the same chemicals that ripen bananas. To speed up the ripening process, place freshly picked avocados in a warmer room (around 68 degrees Fahrenheit).

Check Your Recylcing

Recycling is critical, and each household should do its part to help clean up the environment. When you know what you’re doing, it’s relatively simple, but many people don’t.

Check Your Recylcing

Check Your Recylcing

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, we regularly throw non-recyclable items into recycling bins, such as greasy pizza boxes and colored paper. So do your homework, recycle properly, and make it a habit – it’s crucial!

Wait to Rinse

It appears that we will have to start brushing our teeth with a timer in the morning. We don’t wait long enough before rinsing with mouthwash, not because we don’t brush for long enough (though you should brush for at least a minute).

Wait To Rinse

Wait To Rinse

For best results, wait at least 30 minutes before rinsing to allow the toothpaste to do its job. Then, have it once the timer runs out.

Stretching Doesn’t Prevent Injury

Several studies have found no difference in injuries between those who stretch before exercise and those who do not. Don’t you wish you could go back and slap this study in the face of your old gym trainer?

Stretching Doesn’t Prevent Injury

Stretching Doesn’t Prevent Injury

That isn’t to say you shouldn’t stretch at all; quite the contrary. Stretching improves mobility and blood circulation, both of which are important no matter what exercise or sport you’re about to do.

There’s a Better Way to Work Your Abs

How many times have you heard or seen trainers claim that sit-ups are the best abdominal exercise? Unfortunately, the truth is that they aren’t, and they may end up working the musculature around your hip joints more than your abs.

There’s A Better Way To Work Your Abs

There’s A Better Way To Work Your Abs

Squats, V-Ups, and even deadlifts are more effective exercises. It’s all about controlling your breathing and using your abs during compound movements (movements involving multiple joints) to get a more effective “pump.” Powerlifters have powerful abs for a reason.

Once a Day is Enough

Showering once a day appears to be the most effective strategy. This is not only better for the environment because it saves water, but it is also healthier. That seems counterintuitive – after all, isn’t showering and washing your body with soap and being clean a good thing?

Once A Day Is Enough

Once A Day Is Enough

Well, not quite. Showering too frequently can strip your skin of the beneficial bacteria it requires to stay healthy and cause it to dry out. So, as much as possible, limit it to once per day.

Up the Sunscreen

Sunlight is beneficial to our health, but we must be cautious because the sun’s rays can harm our skin. That’s why we have sunscreen, but according to scientists and dermatologists, we’ve all been using too little of it for it to be fully effective.

Up The Sunscreen

Up The Sunscreen

Another disadvantage is that we’re applying it at the wrong time: we should apply a shot glass of sunscreen 15 minutes before we’re exposed to the rays of the sun.
