Here’s How People Discovered They Were Living With A Monster

Published on 12/24/2021
Here's How People Discovered They Were Living With A Monster

Here’s How People Discovered They Were Living With A Monster

It can be difficult to live with others if you’re a neat freak. Getting around piles of unwashed laundry, coming home to a sink full of dirty dishes, and working as a part-time garbage collector on occasion. When luck isn’t on your side, however, you may be forced to share a living space with someone who is virtually impossible to live with. Do you want to see how that looks?

A Messy Eater

When you’re biting into a thick, juicy burger or nibbling on a pizza loaded with toppings, you can be a messy eater. What’s not acceptable is splattering food on every available surface.

A Messy Eater

A Messy Eater

This man’s girlfriend isn’t a sloppy eater; she’s just trying to feed everyone at the table at the same time. Imagine going on a date night with her only to have her eat everything except the one place where food belongs, which is inside her mouth.

Taking the Toothpaste’s Life

The fact that this isn’t the only toothpaste monster story on the list is a little concerning. Why are people trying to fight a war with the poor tubes? Squeezing the tube lightly should give you enough product to work with.

Taking The Toothpaste's Life

Taking The Toothpaste’s Life

The Redditor posted a photo of his girlfriend’s toothpaste next to his own, with his being the cleaner (top picture). His girlfriend doesn’t even close the toothpaste cap, causing the toothpaste to dry and form a crusty layer in his mouth. Ew!

Please Use a Bigger Pot

This photo baffles us while also triggering our OCD. One Redditor shared an alarming photo of a dangerously overflowing pot of tomato soup. Their husband is adamant about not using a bigger pot. We only have one question for you: why?

Please Use A Bigger Pot

Please Use A Bigger Pot

When the liquid begins to boil, the soup can spill at any time, potentially destroying the stove and reducing the quantity. Isn’t it just as simple as using a larger pot? It’s possible that some people despise being persuaded.

The Pizza Monster

“Pizza is a round food item cut into triangles and delivered in square boxes,” says one person who knows everything there is to know about pizza. Any rational person would never cut a pizza that way! The boyfriend of the Redditor is very concerned about his pepperoni and will do anything to avoid cutting it.

The Pizza Monster

The Pizza Monster

We appreciate the sentiment, but we have no idea what kind of monster would cut their pizza in this manner. It would be somewhat inconvenient to eat, defying the laws of this amazing food.

Let Him Help

Isn’t it great when your partner assists you around the house? Chores get done faster, and you’re both equal in the marriage, so it’s only natural. Some spouses, on the other hand, are not so kitchen-friendly or chore-friendly. This image was shared on Reddit, and it’s sure to irritate foodies.

Let Him Help

Let Him Help

The long, smooth strands of spaghetti that can be curled into the grooves of a fork are the beauty of spaghetti, and the husband simply broke them up to fit inside a jar already full of penne.

Last Bits of Cereal

Leaving food stuck in the sink is always rude. The person who clogs the sink after washing their dishes owes it to the next person to clear it out so that they can use it comfortably. Unfortunately for this Redditor, her boyfriend isn’t convinced.

Last Bits Of Cereal

Last Bits Of Cereal

There are some bits of cereal floating in the milk after he finishes his breakfast. He could spoon them out and throw them away, but he prefers to empty everything into the sink and leave the cleanup to his girlfriend.

It’s Right There!

A bathroom hamper is easily among the top 10 tools and equipment that make our lives easier. I mean, who wants to do laundry every day? Why does this husband have no regard for such a useful object? You don’t even have to fold the clothes before putting them in.

It's Right There!

It’s Right There!

Our problem might not even be with the disrespect; it could be with the fact that the hamper is right there, and the clothes are scattered on the ground just a few inches away.

Instructions Are Right There

Another instance where people choose to ignore instructions that are right in front of them. This photo of a Redditor’s socket set, which appears to be anything but organized, was posted by a Redditor’s dad. His son took advantage of it and did not bother to replace everything.

Instructions Are Right There

Instructions Are Right There

This is inexplicable because all of the sockets are designed to fit perfectly within their pockets, and the pockets also have numbers and markings inscribed on the bottom to indicate which sockets go where. Perhaps the son was young and didn’t realize the significance. However, why would a small child require sockets?

That’s Not How You Eat

They weren’t having it when a Redditor’s wife left him half of a KitKat. It would have been fine if she had eaten both halves of each bar, but she left them in a haphazard arrangement, with one being taller than the other.

That's Not How You Eat

That’s Not How You Eat

This has no effect on the taste, but it defeats the purpose of having a KitKat in the first place. People, if you’re going to leave half a Kit-Kat, please leave two full sticks rather than the half of the thing.

What Was She Trying?

For us, and honestly, for any sane person, the picture triggers all kinds of OCD. We’re not sure what this wife was trying to accomplish by removing the bag clip.

What Was She Trying?

What Was She Trying?

Why wouldn’t she want to keep her Flaming Hot Cheetos as fresh as the day she bought them? Still, before attempting to use the clips to close her snack, she should have gotten rid of the packaging that came with them.

Can’t Even Attach Toilet Paper

We have no choice but to believe that their spouse has never lived alone based on the Redditor’s post; otherwise, how would they not know how to change a toilet paper roll? It’s not rocket science, even if they didn’t.

Can't Even Attach Toilet Paper

Can’t Even Attach Toilet Paper

The hook is already in place; all you have to do now is replace the empty roll with the filled one. These are the moments when you realize you’re married to a monster but it’s too late to change things. Best of luck, fellow Redditor.

No Need to Clean

It’s become a running internet joke in which children share how their parents are worried about germs on their TV remote controls and thus cover them with plastic. This illustration explains why they do it.

No Need To Clean

No Need To Clean

White specks of dust (and whatever else) accumulated between the buttons because the author’s grandparents never cleaned their remote. Every time you touched this remote, you’d have to wash your hands.

Burn it to the Ground

Everything is made easier when you have a good roommate. They clean up after themselves, don’t interfere with your personal affairs, and, most importantly, don’t do this! This Redditor intended to prepare a nice homecooked meal for themselves, but what they discovered in the kitchen was truly disgusting.

Burn It To The Ground

Burn It To The Ground

We’ll give the roommate that gas stoves aren’t the easiest to clean, but isn’t it unsanitary to leave them unclean? Would you eat a meal in a home like this? We’d never do something like that.

I Want the Middle Piece

When something like a cake or brownie is baked in a house, there’s usually a fight over who gets the corner piece, mainly because it’s the best part — crispy yet soft. With that in mind, I’m not sure why anyone would want the middle piece.

I Want The Middle Piece

I Want The Middle Piece

Even if they did, why did they cut the banana bread in half, remove a piece, and part the bread like Moses parted the Red Sea? The author’s girlfriend must be extremely picky when it comes to her choices.

The Center Is the Best

Ah. Another day, another person who will not eat pizza properly. We would have let this guy off the hook with any other food, but when it comes to pizza, there are some ground rules that must be followed. The son of the Redditor eats his pizza in a very specific way: from the center.

The Center Is The Best

The Center Is The Best

It’s fine if some people don’t like the crust. They could still eat it without ripping it apart in the middle like a crop circle in the middle of a vast field.

Glossy Pink Melt

This picture as a stark reminder of the dangers of storing food in the oven. The author of this post stated that their wife preferred to store items in the oven, despite their disapproval. This is quickly becoming a disaster waiting to happen.

Glossy Pink Melt

Glossy Pink Melt

The author forgot to check inside the oven before turning it on one day. Misfortune struck when his wife’s cutting board melted into a thick, glossy puddle of pink plastic, as was to be expected.

Couldn’t Find the Trowel

Plants in the house are adorable. They’re like your speechless companions who require very little attention and brighten your day every time you see them. This, however, is no excuse for your spouse to use your favorite kitchen item as a makeshift trowel because he can’t find his own.

Couldn't Find The Trowel

Couldn’t Find The Trowel

One disgruntled Redditor described her husband’s decision to use her favorite tool to care for his cactus. Adults, too, have their preferred kitchen implements. There is such a thing as that.

The Packaging Butcher

We’re not sure why people can’t seem to grasp the fact that every piece of packaging has a convenient way to open it. A bag of chips has pointy grooves on the top where you can rip it, and a carton of milk has a twisting cap to make storage easier.

The Packaging Butcher

The Packaging Butcher

To rip through all of the packagings like this, the Redditor’s wife must have been extremely hungry (or angry). We’re not going to lie: it appears to be terrifying. Is this how she always opens snacks?

Lack of Visual Sense

Some people are born without basic visual sense, which would not have bothered us as much if their work wasn’t so triggering! While he was at work, the author’s wife hung a nice little picture and a cute shelf.

Lack Of Visual Sense

Lack Of Visual Sense

Her gesture was admirable because she was simply attempting to beautify the wall, but her placement choice was disastrous. This renders the shelf useless because whatever you place on it will obscure the picture. What’s the point of it all?

Hide Your Toothpaste!

When there is a child in the house, it is common to hide chocolates, favorite clothes, or pocket money. You don’t want them to take what is yours by force. You learn as an adult that even the smallest details matter, so you hide your toothpaste from your adoring family.

Hide Your Toothpaste!

Hide Your Toothpaste!

It’s for a good reason, too! The Redditor carefully applies his toothpaste (on the right), but take a look at the one his wife and children use (on the left). Put your toothpaste away!

An Anarchic Slice

It isn’t the most difficult task in the world to cut into cakes and cheesecakes. So, why can’t people complete this simple task? One Redditor wrote this while enraged, announcing the death of a loved one.

An Anarchic Slice

An Anarchic Slice

Now is not the time to be sad! They quickly declared that no one exists who can cut cheesecake like this, and they were correct. They not only ruined the delicate, little cheesecake’s appearance, but they also made it impossible to cut a perfect piece.

Forbidden Pumpkin Latte

Various decorations and traditions are required for various festivals throughout the year. While some people are putting up Christmas wreaths as the holiday season approaches, others have yet to take down their Halloween decorations.

Forbidden Pumpkin Latte

Forbidden Pumpkin Latte

The Redditor’s roommate was too lazy to throw away their Halloween pumpkin, and it actually fits them quite well. The pumpkin melted and disintegrated, splattering goo all over the walls and windowsills. Maybe next year they’ll be more cautious.

Took a Bite

To be honest, biting into plump, juicy fruits is a bit tempting. We’ll never get tired of a plate of nicely sliced fruits, whether it’s mangoes, peaches, or the ever-so-appealing red strawberries.

Took A Bite

Took A Bite

Even so, one child had a peculiar way of eating them, and the Redditor was not amused. The three-year-old bit off half of the strawberries, leaving only the stalk and neck attached. It almost looks like it was devoured by a rat.

Shower Item Hoarder

Recycling is a great way to help the environment by reducing plastic pollution. We don’t know what will motivate you to get rid of your almost-empty body wash and shampoo bottles if that isn’t enough. A Redditor shared a disturbing photo of his wife’s strange habit of not fully using any shampoo or body wash.

Shower Item Hoarder

Shower Item Hoarder

She replaces the old bottles with new ones and keeps the old ones that still have some product in them. The number grew to the point where the husband could line them up along the bathtub’s edges.

Thought of a Birthday Gift

Dentists advise that toothbrushes be replaced every three to four months to ensure that the bristles are in good working order and to avoid bacteria buildup. This toothbrush belongs to a roommate of a fellow Redditor, and it appears that they have a serious case of aggressive brushing.

Thought Of A Birthday Gift

Thought Of A Birthday Gift

One commenter logically inquired as to whether the roommate is enraged every morning. Be cautious, as this falls under the category of overbrushing, which can harm your teeth by removing the enamel coating.

The Audacity!

If you’re going to eat the entire container of ice cream, at least dispose of it properly. In all honesty, we can see a good spoonful of food at the bottom of the tub, so it’s not completely empty.

The Audacity!

The Audacity!

I’m curious as to how the show went between the Redditor and the person who ate it. “You left an empty box of ice cream back in the fridge! ” “It wasn’t totally empty! See? ” — *Proceeds to spoon out the remaining ice cream.*

Cursed Plate of Pasta

A good roommate is, once again, a total blessing. When we refer to a “good” roommate, we are referring to someone who adheres to basic rules. One of them is to store your food properly and discard it when it goes bad if you make it yourself.

Cursed Plate Of Pasta

Cursed Plate Of Pasta

This Redditor’s roommate made a ton of pasta and forgot about their brief existence. The tray of pasta was left to rot as they left for vacation. Not only did it decay, but it also developed fuzz! Is it strange that the author wanted to hold it in his arms?

Read the Label

Couples are hilarious. They fight over the tiniest things, laugh at the most inane jokes, but mostly they find bizarre ways to annoy each other. When the food and water bowls are clearly marked, the Redditor doesn’t understand why his wife would mix them up.

Read The Label

Read The Label

The wife switched the two around, possibly because it wasn’t a big deal (pets can’t read), but the spouse had strong feelings about it. “I’m starting a fight with my wife,” they said.

Mom, Send Pots

Being broke (or a minimalist) entails surviving on the bare essentials, particularly crockery. Two pots were all that a pair of roommates had. With such a scarcity, it’s obvious that things must be properly stored to ensure that the others can cook at any time.

Mom, Send Pots

Mom, Send Pots

Unfortunately, one of them keeps the entire pot in the refrigerator, making it difficult for the other to cook. Isn’t it possible that they could just buy some Tupperware? This is something we despise.

East vs. West

“Opposite attracts,” according to old tales and sayings, but we know better. Living with polar opposites is always a recipe for disaster if one of them isn’t very accommodating. What would you do if your roommate’s cleaning habits are diametrically opposed to yours?

East Vs. West

East Vs. West

Take a look at the left side of the room, which is immaculately clean and well-organized. Look to the right now; we’re sure we could find some unwanted lifeform if we looked hard enough. This makes us feel a variety of emotions.

A Festive Potato

We won’t go into great detail about this one because it’s so revolting. Sure, a person can’t have too much hygiene, but how far away from it do they have to be to realize that they’re allowing new life forms to grow in their pantry/refrigerator?

A Festive Potato

A Festive Potato

One particular potato has decided to sprout new life among the packets of biscuits, melted chocolate, dirty spoon, cans, and instant noodles. They could take that outside and turn it into a garden!

Kung Fu on the Bread Packet

It’s a joyous occasion to be with your significant other on your first holiday together. It’s also when you’ll discover their strangest habits and most incredibly annoying quirks. For example, before her eyes fell on the package of bread, this Redditor was enjoying a peaceful holiday with her boyfriend.

Kung Fu On The Bread Packet

Kung Fu On The Bread Packet

While it is easily opened by untwisting at the top, the boyfriend chose to show off his upper body strength by ripping it open in the middle. If we ever knew any, it would be a red flag…

You Must Break KitKats!

Let’s start with the basics, shall we? KitKats are eaten in a particular way: you break off one bar and eat it. You’ll never eat a whole KitKat! We’re not sure why people bite into things that clearly have indents in the middle that indicate they need to be broken off.

You Must Break KitKats!

You Must Break KitKats!

Isn’t it always the wives who do this? Please, for the love of everything sane and normal, break off the bars piece by piece when eating a KitKat, according to someone you’ve never met.

Phone but Doubles as Plate

The average price of a smartphone in 2020 was $363, and you could buy a bunch of cheap plastic plates at Dollar Tree. We don’t know about you, but $362 seems like a significant difference.

Phone But Doubles As Plate

Phone But Doubles As Plate

Why does the author’s wife eat and drink from her tablet instead of a plate? To begin with, the tablet’s exterior is filthy from constant handling. Second, food should never be placed on top of electronics! Third, plates and coasters were created specifically for this purpose.

Please Wash Pooper Scoopers

This is the story of a roommate who was devoted to their cat but had no regard for personal hygiene in other areas. We understand that you need to clean your cat’s litter box, but don’t put the dirty, unwashed scooper in the sink.

Please Wash Pooper Scoopers

Please Wash Pooper Scoopers

People on Reddit also expressed their dislike for the roommate, suggesting that they leave it in their bed next time. People’s plates are also stored in the kitchen sink. What’s the point of mixing it with kitty litter?

Heap of Spaghetti Wires

If you thought tangled headphones were bad, wait until you see this. It brings me joy to see spaghetti wrapped around each other with a generous serving of sauce. Seeing an alarming number of wires and chords all tangled up in a tangle doesn’t make me happy.

Heap Of Spaghetti Wire

Heap Of Spaghetti Wire

We’re confident it would take the author’s boyfriend days, if not weeks, to sort and untangle these wires. Why bother when you can simply gather them and secure them with a tiny clip?

They Look Similar

It may appear childish, but mixing two different kinds of candies that taste completely different is not acceptable. M&M are chocolate or peanut-butter gems with a glossy, crunchy layer that pops in your mouth, whereas Skittles have the generic fruity taste we all grew up with and loved.

They Look Similar

They Look Similar

It’s possible that the author’s wife has never had these before. What else could account for her putting them both in the same bag? Ignorance at its finest? Is she a monster who likes to eat both candies at the same time?

Grew a Little Buddy

Why not start a small potato garden while you’re stuck inside during the worldwide lockdown? One potato is all you’ll need. If you keep it in a humid environment for a few weeks, it will turn into a disgusting little plant.

Grew A Little Buddy

Grew A Little Buddy

This Redditor discovered that their flatmate had been growing it for more than a year. At the very least, it grew as a result of your efforts! Was the roommate oblivious to the strange thing growing in their home, or did they do it on purpose?

One Ply Isn’t Enough!

There will be many times in your life when you will choose to save. Being a minimalist isn’t bad, and skipping out on a few minor luxuries here and there to save money is fine. One-ply toilet paper, on the other hand, is not acceptable.

One Ply Isn't Enough!

One Ply Isn’t Enough!

A Redditor shared the terrifying story of his wife purchasing one-ply toilet paper for the first time. Let’s be clear: one-ply feels like it doesn’t exist. Still, because it was her first time, he has the option of letting it go. But why was this the first time for her?

Invent Toothpaste Guards, Please

Fortunately, this is the last time in this article that we’ll have to show spine-chilling stories about people abusing toothpaste. This is possibly the worst image we’ve seen so far.

Invent Toothpaste Guards, Please

Invent Toothpaste Guards, Please

The toothpaste is all over the tube, on the inside of the cap, in the mouth, and on the inside of the cap. It’s a mystery how the author’s significant other got toothpaste all over the place! “Even two-year-olds do better than that,” one Redditor commented, and we concur.


We’d like to applaud this poster’s roommates for taking out the trash, but the fact that they didn’t replace the liner and continued to throw trash in the can despite this negates their first action.



Do it right if you’re going to do something. If you’re going to do something half-heartedly, you might as well not do it at all. After all, no one wants to open an unlined trash can only to discover that trash has already been placed inside. I can only imagine the stench…

Diffusing the Bomb

Listen, this may not be the worst thing in the world, but the fact that the author here even posted this photo shows that it irks him. And you try to be mindful of your significant other when something bothers them, right?

Diffusing The Bomb

Diffusing The Bomb

In this case, however, that is simply wrong. She does this because, according to the poster, “it’s like you’re diffusing a bomb and you have to get there before it goes off.”

Got Milk?

This has to be one of the most vexing things ever invented. Whether it’s an empty OJ carton or a milk container, there’s nothing quite like opening the refrigerator and finding this instead of what you expected.

Got Milk?

Got Milk?

It’s one thing to finish the milk and inform your roommate that more is required. It’s a different story if you finish the milk and then have the audacity to return an empty container for someone else to throw away.

Do You Own a Trash Can?

Okay, everyone, we have a very important question. Is it really that difficult to get rid of your trash?! This isn’t the filthiest post on the list, but we’re having a hard time understanding why this particular wife prefers her nightstand to be so cluttered, especially since it’s also quite environmentally unfriendly.

Do You Own A Trash Can?

Do You Own A Trash Can?

Maybe these people should stop using plastic bottles and find another way to drink their water. They will not only be assisting planet Earth, but they will also no longer have to look at this sight.

Thumbs Down

This is a bit revolting, to be honest. While we understand that shedding is a normal bodily function, we don’t think anyone enjoys entering the shower and being greeted with this.

Thumbs Down

Thumbs Down

Upon closer inspection, it appears that the poster’s wife got a little creative and shaped her hairball into a thumbs down sign. And, while it may not be the most attractive sight, we must admit that it made us laugh when we realized it was a masterpiece.

Upside Down & Inside Out

Let’s be honest: this has no negative impact on anyone, not even the poster, but we can tell it’s a recurring source of annoyance for him. Even his wife may not notice when she opens cereal boxes backwards.

Upside Down & Inside Out

Upside Down & Inside Out

It’s clear that this husband and his OCD can’t take it anymore. He’s labeled his significant other as a monster because things have gotten so out of hand for him.

Lint Bunny

This isn’t the first time someone has forgotten about the lint catcher in the dryer while doing their laundry. We can’t help but shake our heads, even though it’s not the most unusual thing.

Lint Bunny

Lint Bunny

And besides, we’re sure the poster has reminded his roommates to clean the dryer’s lint catcher several times. There’s no denying that these roommates are monsters, whether they didn’t understand what he was saying or simply chose to ignore it.

Mmmm, Rotten Milk

We can’t decide which is worse: putting empty milk cartons back in the fridge or not completely screwing the caps back on. At the very least, there’s no risk of spoilage if you return an empty container to the refrigerator.

Mmmm, Rotten Milk

Mmmm, Rotten Milk

On the other hand, if you don’t properly seal your foodstuffs, you might wake up one morning with rotten milk in your coffee. On second thought, we’d say this is the worse of the two possibilities.


What is it about people that they can’t seem to finish a product before purchasing another? From the looks of it, there’s enough ketchup in each of these bottles to make a full bottle of the condiment.



If that is indeed the case, this woman is a complete waste of resources. Why not just get rid of the old bottle if you’re going to buy a new one?

A Big Stack of Scratches

We gasped a little at this one, if we’re being honest. Typically, it is the parents who advise their children to be cautious or to take better care of delicate items. This, of course, includes re-inserting DVDs into their proper cases to avoid scratches, dirt, and other damage.

A Big Stack Of Scratches

A Big Stack Of Scratches

Let’s just say that we hope this apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, because we wouldn’t want to see the poster treat their own valuables in this sort of way.

Tower of Rolls

Hoarders come in a variety of forms. Hoarders who refuse to let go of old furniture, out-of-style clothing, and even childhood possessions. To say the least, seeing someone hoarding empty toilet paper rolls is unusual.

Tower Of Rolls

Tower Of Rolls

The boyfriend of a Redditor appears to have developed an unhealthy attachment to toilet paper rolls and refuses to discard them. Maybe he’s trying to set a Guinness World Record for the strangest hoarder. Or, they could be planning to construct a fort with them. We can’t guarantee that things will stay the same.

Leave Them In

This is a difficult one to figure out. Why would anyone keep eggshells in their house? It isn’t as if discarding them takes an eternity. We’re not sure what to make of one Redditor’s wife’s strange habit of keeping broken eggshells in the carton.

Leave Them In

Leave Them In

It’s understandable if you were cooking and broke some eggs, then kept the shells in the carton until you were finished so you could discard them all at once. But, what about putting them back in the fridge with the rest of the food?

Did a Rat Bite It?

Here’s something that unintentionally triggers our OCD. By its very nature, aluminum foil is quite brittle. To tear it off, you don’t need much strength (quite roughly at that). Baking sheets are the same.

Did A Rat Bite It?

Did A Rat Bite It?

The truly prim and proper use a pair of kitchen shears to get the best, cleanest cuts to wrap their food in these circumstances. Others, like the post author’s roommate, do it the old-fashioned way and end up with a complete disaster.

You Do the Washing

When the author of this Reddit post became ill, they locked themselves in their room out of consideration for others. They had no intention of giving their roommate and his girlfriend what they had. They would naturally expect others to be decent people and take care of the house.

You Do The Washing

You Do The Washing

Imagine being sick and having to isolate yourself for four days to protect some people who kept piling up dishes in the kitchen sink. Were they expecting the author to clean up after them? Give them the title of “Worst Roommate.”

Thieving Cowboy Cat

Some posts are so funny that we can’t stop laughing for more than 10 minutes. This poor woman had just returned home from her weekly grocery shopping and had piled her belongings on the kitchen table before going to the bathroom. She returned to find a small monster had devoured all of her tortillas.

Thieving Cowboy Cat

Thieving Cowboy Cat

Cowboy, her clever little feline, was the culprit, not her younger sibling, children, spouse, or roommate. The best part is that the cat made sure to eat each and every tortilla. “None for you!” he exclaimed.
