25+ Wrong Number Texts Sent That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Published on 10/21/2020
We Salute You

25+ Wrong Number Texts Sent That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

At some point in our lives, we’ve all texted something we would be embarrassed to say to the wrong number. Most of the time, nothing comes out of it, but sometimes the person replies with some priceless words or even a funny picture. Everyone needs a good laugh sometimes. So below, we’ve collected 35 + wrong number texts, which will make you burst out of laughter. Enjoy!

We Salute You

It can be hard and sometimes a little monotonous to live a military life, but when this soldier got the wrong number text, he and his friends decided to have some fun with the ladies who sent the wrong message.

We Salute You

We Salute You

The ladies clearly had some fun, so when they got a reply to the photo, and it was this picture, we were sure they had a laugh or two, especially since the soldiers outdid the girls with their fabulous poses!

Grammar Matters

There are many ways to diffuse a tense situation, but it can be difficult when the confrontation is over text. Of course, you can just ignore the text or even say they got the wrong number, but getting this text could cause you more anxiety when you’re a grammar enthusiast.

Grammar Matters

Grammar Matters

The recipient, therefore, took the time to educate the sender of the message. But it seems that they may not have been as open-minded as the Grammar Warden had initially expected. Then again, we hope the receiver of the text won’t get upset and just let it go!

Someone Got Played

To get this picture back, you spent most of the night, and most of your game, getting those digits, just texting your prospective bae. It seems like a frustrating place to be. We’re pretty sure this guy is a nice guy, so you don’t have to be that mean.

Someone Got Played

Someone Got Played

In any case, he replied right away and let it be easy for you. You should at least be grateful because he didn’t lead you on. Let’s be honest; this is probably more than the girl would have done for him!

Craigslist will Get You Every Time

At long last, you have enough money for this new ride, and you’ve found the perfect option in the sales ads. Well, now you’re going to reach out to the seller to see if it’s good for them to show you the car.

Craigslist will Get You Every Time

Craigslist will Get You Every Time

It would seem that the first text hit the nail on the head, but the second text was a bit more than what the guy was aiming for. Was the car really worth it? Anyway, we hope you got to see the car, dude!

Enough Said

As you all know, when you’re trying to get together with someone, it’s normal to send bathroom mirror pictures to people. So this guy just acted on the new social standard. Too bad he sent the pic to the wrong gender and number.

Enough Said

Enough Said

Despite all that, the gentleman on the other end at least handled it perfectly! To get his point across, however, he could have sent a completely different type of picture. Well, they probably laugh it off after the matter.

You Can’t Play With Someone Like That

Dude, when you realize you have made a mistake, you can’t offer someone the opportunity to party and take it back. It’s just not right. What if that person needed a night out of the house. Or they were so stressed they needed to unwind.

You Can’t Play With Someone Like That

You Can’t Play With Someone Like That

Perhaps they studied really hard and could use a couple of drinks to relax. No matter what their reason was, you shouldn’t have gotten their hopes up and then dashed them all up to bits. Oh, shame on you, man!

Nothing Like A Nick Pic

Heyy girl! We have a strong gut feeling that this picture is a lot better than the one she was looking for before; I mean, why wouldn’t it be?

Nothing Like a Nick Pic

Nothing Like a Nick Pic

Quick question, though: does this person just keep the pictures of Nick Cage on their phone for this occasion? Well, good for them, if it is then. They seemed to have made this person’s day.

Griillll, You So Crazy!

Who begins a text conversation with the words “Who is this?” You were texting them, so you should have some kind of idea of who you’re talking to, right? All of the questions seem so personal and so vague, like they just randomly texted some made-up number or one they found somewhere.

Griillll, You So Crazy!

Griillll, You So Crazy!

But it’s good for the person receiving the text to give them a little crap. Perhaps they’ll be a little more respectful after that when they text the next random number. Or they could be more careful not to have any more strange encounters with texting.

Yo Quiero Telephone

Why would these dogs have their own cell phones? It’s taken a lot of years to get one of our parents to agree, and this chihuahua has one lying around, and it’s got a camera. Well, maybe because he’s been a good boy, right?

Yo Quiero Telephone

Yo Quiero Telephone

It does take a few adorable selfies, though. So why do you have to be so rude when it’s obviously just a small dog with many furs, not a cat? I mean, even if it’s a cat, you don’t need to be that rude.

Not Again

You know the feeling when you’re a girl, and you meet a guy who’s clearly into you, so then you give him the wrong number to get him to leave you alone. It always works; so many guys have experience of what he’s experienced.

Not Again

Not Again

For guys, one useful tip is to text or call the number while you have her in sight to make sure that it is their real digits. You’re going to end up like this guy if you don’t. The person on the other side at least understood the poor guy’s pain!

I’ll Give You the Crazy Eye

You can do one of these two things if you get a wrong number text. You can ignore it and hope that the person on the other end realizes their mistake. Or you can reply with a hilariously crazy close-up look and a question.

I’ll Give You the Crazy Eye

I’ll Give You the Crazy Eye

It looks like this guy tried everything before he had to let the other person know that he wasn’t Jessica. Then again, names that are typically for girls are given to some men. So, who knows, right? But if the receiver says he’s not her, you should have believed him; first, you know.

Not Your Standard Response

This person is selling their feline a little short. We’re sure this gorgeous fluffy calico is more than just a standard one. Even the person who texted them wrongly thinks he’s a lovely cat, as well. What a ‘cultured’ man!

Not Your Standard Response

Not Your Standard Response

It’s about time for this person to stop belittling their kitty and give it the credit it deserves. You’re a terrific cat, don’t let anyone tell you anything else. Let your cat be itself, and it will bring you glory! Kidding, but not really.

Patriotically Yours

Free on Tuesday…Free every day of the week…every day of the year. When you have to deal with everyone’s schedules, it’s hard to make plans. Especially if you have many people to stress about. And dealing with sarcasm makes it even harder.

Patriotically Yours

Patriotically Yours

This reaction from a perfect stranger is amazing, though. Love the addition of the eagle; it really drives home the point. Ask the person next time if they’re working, not if they’re free, just to be on the safe side.

RIP Empathy

If someone’s father dies, we would all hope that there would be more communication than just a text. There are just a few things that deserve a call, even if you’re not on the best of terms. It’s their dad, after all, and not their second cousin once removed Larry.

RIP Empathy

RIP Empathy

A little humor can, for sure, defuse a tough situation. So good to call this person out on their unempathetic use of technology on the recipient of this wrong number text. I mean, wouldn’t you also be affected, even if it wasn’t your late father.

It’s Just Science

Well, first of all, who says raising the roof anymore? And what kind of nickname is T-Rex? Besides, the person who received this text has a point. If they were a T-Rex, raising anything would be quite challenging, with small hands and a big head.

It’s Just Science

It’s Just Science

But then again, it’s a great nickname for their new friend and an even greater image to illustrate their point. Needless to say, we hope Brontosaurus had a chance to raise the roof! After all, his long neck would have reached it.

Oh Yeah! Right Back, Atcha!

This is just so rude! Didn’t their mothers teach them to not push send if they had nothing nice to text?! There’s no need to rub it in his face, even if James does suck. The point is, no one should do this to anyone, even if you’re that close with each other.

Oh Yeah! Right Back, Atcha!

Oh Yeah! Right Back, Atcha!

Not to mention, it is at best exaggerated to make an empirical statement like “everyone thinks you suck.” We’re certain someone doesn’t think he sucks. As for Andrew, it’s not like you know everything about him! Well, hopefully, the receiver didn’t take it to heart.

Attendance Issues

Responsibility is the main factor in keeping a job, and this young lady has shown that she understands it. But, unfortunately, she texted the wrong number and got a sarcastic jerk on the other end. He could’ve messaged her immediately that she got the wrong number, though!

Attendance Issues

Attendance Issues

Everyone likes sarcasm and humor. However, this person took it too far and managed to put the poor girl in trouble. It’s just messed up! A little funny, but messed up! People really don’t think about the circumstances of other people and have fun on their own.

Believe That

Parents just don’t understand! Young teens nowadays, like going to parties! But you’ve gotta fight for your freedom to party! And although it has been a long time since he struggled with things like this, this guy should understand the pain.

Believe That

Believe That

He could just have told the poor kid that life isn’t always fair, and it’s all going to get better. But he’s right about one crucial thing– Bieber isn’t all that! He also informed her about her wrong number text.

Clever Song Lyric, Sounds Familiar

Upon giving birth, your mind may be a little occupied, so sending happy news to everyone can lead to some very uncomfortable or funny reactions. Even if it seems like this one might be a little rehearsed, perhaps it’s all a diversion tactic.

Clever Song Lyric, Sounds Familiar

Clever Song Lyric, Sounds Familiar

Just kidding! This person is obviously quick-witted, and let’s just hope, after all her hard work, the new mom got a hearty laugh from this clever use of a viral song. Even if she didn’t, I think we all do anyway.

Chest Bump

Better question – do you have any more pictures? This is not the most flattering photo if you’re trying to get some girl’s attention. Does anyone else think that the number might have been correct, but the girl just wanted to break things off?

Chest Bump

Chest Bump

Maybe, just maybe, he had his brother or dad take his picture and then sent it to you. I mean, he’s wearing a necklace with a puka shell. For almost any girl, that is a huge dealbreaker. But maybe some girls like that, we don’t know.

May I Ask Who’s Calling?

What’s up, dawg? This person texted the wrong number and went back in time, as it would seem. Who still has a corded landline phone? Plus, how do you use a landline phone if they’re texting you? Let’s try and at least keep your sarcasm plausible.

May I Ask Who’s Calling?

May I Ask Who’s Calling?

But it’s an adorable dog. I hope it’s theirs; otherwise, that opens up a whole bunch of other questions! Like whose dog is it? And why are they answering your phone? In any case, they might be a better conversationalist than us, right?

Desperation At Its Finest

This might be the beginning of something beautiful, but a little creepy, as the wrong numbers say. Who texts a random person who is looking for a girl. That’s what a wide variety of websites and dating apps are all about.

Desperation At Its Finest

On the part of the single guy, it seems very risky! You never know who’s going to give you a reply and take the bait. This is why there are shows like Unsolved Mysteries, you know. Regardless, that was still a nice pick-up line if he just fixed his grammar.

Job Opportunities?

And that’s why the greatest invention ever made is Google. This professional medical text, which he thinks is a doctor and yet gets the wrong number. Hannah figures out what is wrong in a matter of minutes and what needs to be done.

Job Opportunities?

Job Opportunities?

The better question is why it took the doctors to come to the same conclusion within a fraction of the time. Could a normal person find out the answer? We’d hire her if we were the sender of this text!

Kindness Is a Gift

Without even trying too hard, life can be funny. This woman was so excited; she was texting everyone in her contacts. Unfortunately, one of those numbers was old, and she had an entirely different person. After a while, she realized her mistakes, but then this happened…

Kindness Is a Gift

Kindness Is a Gift

The recipient of the message just rolled along with it and showed up carrying gifts. There are only some great people in the world and some who have a great sense of humor. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Everything happens for a reason.

Home Improvement Advice

It looks like D. was outvoted, and had no chance to defend his position, either. That sucks for him, but that little girl, thanks the opinions of the wrong text receiver, is going to have a rocking blue room.


Home Improvement Advice

Home Improvement Advice

While the woman had a receptive ear on the line, we think she’d take the time to narrow the shade down, too. Let’s just hope the woman’s new friend gave her some good advice…turquoise or periwinkle? Guess D’s going to be surprised!

Just Chillin’ With the Homies

A picture is worth a thousand words. Isn’t that what they’re saying? So when you’ve sent a picture of two buddies hanging in the bar, what else are you going to do? Are you going to ignore them or do what these guys did?

Just Chillin’ With the Homies

Just Chillin’ With the Homies

They quickly make a pose and get the waitress at their favorite pizza place to take an epic photo. Send it off, afterward, as evidence that someone gave them the wrong number! Do you think they’ve got the message?

Question Answered…LOL

It’s sweet that this man reaches out to his friend to see what’s going on. He wasn’t sure he expected the answer he got. Though come to think of it, he didn’t seem that shocked when there were no exclamation points at all.

Question Answered…LOL

Question Answered…LOL

Well, the recipient of the text made it clear that it was the wrong number. If he or she did not, though, there would be some very inappropriate rumors about to spread. And not just any rumor, a nasty one at that!

Grandmas Are the Best

When dealing with a large family, trying to make sure everyone knows when and where the family holidays are can be difficult. So this grandma did what every tech-savvy grandma does, and mass texted the same message to everyone in her contacts.

Grandmas Are the Best

Grandmas Are the Best

Luckily, for this young man, they included him. And she said, in true grandma fashion, come over and grab a plate. Though he better be careful, or she will make him do the dishes! But the granny seems nice so that he might get away with it!

Okay, Mom! I Know, Mom!

If someone tells you to call your mom, you sometimes just do it. Unfortunately, the text was meant for someone else for this poor person. But hey, maybe fate was telling them to call their mom more. After all, maybe they keep forgetting to call their mom, too.

Okay, Mom! I Know, Mom!

Okay, Mom! I Know, Mom!

You have to lay blame where it is due after a long talk, though, and this person costs them half an hour of their life – unnecessarily. Tragic and not very nice! Then again, your call with your mom was still eventful as you come to know how she’s doing now.

Didn’t Anyone Teach You To Share?

The person responding to the text is probably correct. After all, no one needs seven dogs. But when they’re that cute, one can understand the inclination to keep all of them. I mean, who would resist these adorable monsters, right?

Didn’t Anyone Teach You To Share?

Didn’t Anyone Teach You To Share?

The initial texter’s hesitancy to just hand her pups over to someone who says they’re good at taking care of dogs can also be understood. This sounds like something a kid would say to get a new pet. Just saying!

We Are Off to See the Wizard!

When you made your way to Oz and skipped down the yellow brick road, that night must have been pretty exceptional. Not sure, but there may have been some questionable substances involved if this is a real picture. Or not.

We Are Off to See the Wizard!

We Are Off to See the Wizard!

Perhaps that’s just a wrong number and someone with a great sense of humor. But wouldn’t it be cool if it wasn’t? I guess we’ll never know. Nonetheless, this was a pretty clever response, and we’re all for it.

Love Is Blind

This text began with a strong message. It’s almost like something Shakespeare would write about. Unrequited love was expressed only to find that it was expressed to the wrong person. It might end up being very romantic, but, alas, it looks like it wasn’t meant to be.

Love Is Blind

Love Is Blind

Even the prose is well written. This might be the best-written rejection text known to man, and in the first place, it happened because of a wrong number. At least, he had practice round for when he would actually be rejected or not.

This Guy Right Here?

It’s not necessary to be mean. He looks like a very nice guy, and remember, you texted him first!  He was brave, though, to say his feelings, and we are sure that he would have gotten the answer he was looking for if the text had gone to the right person.

This Guy Right Here?

This Guy Right Here?

Only if you want to see where this is going to take you! Because you never know, it might be great! We highly recommend from now on that you double-check who you send messages to. And please, be nice if you send something like this to the wrong person.

New Trends?

This person was looking to get into Mary’s chair and needed her hair done. But maybe they should consider booking with whoever they texted if they’re looking for a bold and daring look. It appears that their style is very Avant-Garde.

New Trends?

New Trends?

Even though the person could have just texted, saying that Jeff had the wrong number, they spent the whole time offering some of their portfolio ideas. And as we can see, It shows passion, and it can not be taught! So reconsider, maybe?

At 3 In The Morning?

What happens when both the texter and the receiver get in on the gag. This is a hilarious parody of the classic State Farm commercial. Who knew that State Farm covered breakups and infidelity and that the upgrade would replace the current girlfriend?

At 3 In The Morning?

At 3 In The Morning?

Do you hear that? That’s the phone ringing off the hook. You better pick up; because it looks like you’re going to be pretty busy, Jake from State Farm! Even though he was pretty much insulted at first, he didn’t let that get to his head. What a nice guy!


Someone looking for the finer things in life might want to be careful about whom they contact to get what they want. Although if they sniff around long enough, one can find their desired poison, you can never be 100 % sure who’s on the other end of the line.



This guy had no idea that a sheriff, the last person whom he wanted to disclose this information, happened to be the person he was interacting with via text. Well, we don’t know if the sheriff caught him, but he could’ve lost the man! The dog is adorable, though!

Doesn’t Really Get How This Works

Simply put, it should be pretty easy to understand what that means when someone tells you that you have the wrong number. However, this person managed to get the wrong end of the stick when he contacted the wrong person.

Doesn’t Really Get How This Works

Doesn’t Really Get How This Works

They assumed that when they were told that they had the wrong number, it meant that their long-lost friend had more than one phone number. Classic misunderstanding, right? However, that’s not the case here. But no matter what the recipient has to say, they were convinced that it was their friend until the end.


Anyone who hasn’t seen Batman slapping his sidekick Robin with this classic comic image hasn’t spent enough time on the internet. In virtually any situation where someone is trying to correct someone else, a viral meme can now be used.



And this guy saw the perfect chance to use it when he was contacted by a random stranger who happened to be called “Robin.” Needless to say, the meme worked perfectly and made the point very well! Very funny, too!

Beauty and the Beast

For virtually every kind of kid, they seem to camp with all the different themes. It turns out that this parent had a change of heart when she initially considered sending her daughter to the “Princess Camp.” She was convinced that she was letting her friend Tesha know about her change of decision.

Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast

Needless to say, it was too late before she realized that the guy whom she sent the message was not exactly familiar with princess camps, and probably rightfully so! We hope they contacted Tesha afterward about it and had a good laugh together.

Cool Pose, Bro

When trying to charm someone via text, some guys just don’t really know how to pose properly. While writing the perfect pickup line can be a daunting challenge, it can also be challenging to take the perfect picture. Apparently, this guy pulled it off pretty well.

Cool Pose, Bro

Cool Pose, Bro

With that said, there is no denying that the forced laidback pose with the big grin is, to say the least, a little corny. This is definitely agreed with by the man who replied. You might not get the girl, but at least you found a potential friend.


Most people need whatever help they can get, and some businesses are no different! This bakery was desperate for some additional staff to work that day and contacted who they believed was one of their employees. Unfortunately, this is what happened…



They were in for a rude awakening when they eventually learned that the other end of the line was a young boy. Not just that, but he was completely dedicated to the cause and dressed for the occasion! Get it, young man!

Impromptu Double Date!

We have no idea why the two women who followed decided to text a selfie to someone. Perhaps it was some sort of inside-joke that, for that matter, we’re not in on and never will be. Or, perhaps they were sending someone some proof that they were actually hanging out with each other.

Impromptu Double Date!

Impromptu Double Date!

The guys they sent this by accident and were excited to return the favor and send back a mirror image of the selfie, whatever the case might be. And they pretty much nailed the pose! We hope they laugh at it just like we do!

A Beautiful Wendship

On various occasions, some people will send messages to the wrong number and have no idea how to stop doing it. This woman was convinced that she was texting her friend Wendy when a photo of a man with a giant beard appeared on her screen all of a sudden.

A Beautiful Wendship

A Beautiful Wendship

If that’s not a sign that it’s not Wendy, then we don’t know what is. And even after the man had confirmed that he was a stranger, the woman kept sending him messages thinking that it was Wendy! This man may as well changed his name to ‘Wendy,’ for all the times she had texted him.

Good News All-Around

When all of your relatives live all over the place, how do you celebrate the big news with your entire family? It can be difficult to set up a party in honor of graduation or engagement, so why not just send a photo of the celebration in a group message?

Good News All-Around

Good News All-Around

That’s what this young lady did, but she was quickly welcomed with a response from one of the recipients. It turns out she didn’t know who the couple in the photo was. But we’ve got to give it to them as they were spot on with that impersonation.

Hot Text Time Machine

Don’t you just feel that they look like you when you see a photo of a young person, but a few decades ago? It acts like a time machine that sends you back to another era. Photography has the power to do that.

Hot Text Time Machine

Hot Text Time Machine

That is what happened when this group of old friends sent the wrong person the following group photo. We appreciate the effort, but we will never know why the younger group of friends is shirtless. Hopefully, they took this in a positive way.

It’s Uncanny

Here’s yet another example of a group of friends who, although taken by a very different-looking group of people, ended up receiving cardboard copies of their photos. Initially, one of the ladies simply wanted to send a photo of her to someone else with one of her friends.


It’s Uncanny

It’s Uncanny

She decided to have fun with the situation when the guy with the wrong number decided to match the photo. Moreover, the fun-loving man was also able to match the second photo! Well, fingers crossed that they become friends after this.

Drop Me a Feline

The last thing you expect to get in return when you try to hit on someone via text is a photo of a teenage boy with his cat. This guy had no idea what was going on but soon concluded that he had sent his photo to the wrong number.

Drop Me a Feline

Drop Me a Feline

The boy decided to play a little bit with the guy, and he was taken for a ride when he got another photo, this time with another cat of the same kid! What a treat for the eyes! And, so adorable!

Such a Supernatural

You should be prepared for some questions if you mention someone in a text message to a random stranger. First, a person with the wrong number might want some more specific information about the person they’re talking about. Like how this guy was to him.

Such a Supernatural

Such a Supernatural

However, in this situation, it soon became clear that the guy was just playing around with the person and began sending pictures of various fictional characters called Sam, such as Sam from Supernatural. It’s also funny how they ended their conversation with them calling each other names.

Fashion Wars

Some people with the wrong number may not be so conscious of the customs and traditions of the person who sends the message. At its finest, this is just cultural insensitivity. We know it’s his fault that he sent the photo, but there’s a limit to every joke.

Fashion Wars

Fashion Wars

Nonetheless, this guy obviously didn’t realize that the person who sent it wore a traditional robe from his culture. We hope the man saw the funny side of this person’s joke, but if he were a little offended by it, we wouldn’t be surprised either.

Look Into My Eyes

A classic misunderstanding will turn some wrong numbers into a romantic drama of Shakespearean proportions. This is a perfect instance, and the person with the wrong number thought that the best way to make a point and annoy the original sender would be to use their cat.

Look Into My Eyes

Look Into My Eyes

They zoomed in further on the cat’s penetrating eyes for dramatic effect as they jokingly begged for this person’s love. It’s not Christine, of course, but how much worse can Emily be? She needs some love, too!

Good Cop, Bad Cop

Welp, we think it’s safe to say that this is the worst ‘wrong number’ mishap to make it to the list, especially considering that not all the content in this text exchange is completely permissible depending on where you live.

Good Cop, Bad Cop

Good Cop, Bad Cop

This gal was lucky enough, in any case, to have texted a cop with a perfect sense of humor. We also appreciate the fact that he not only ended the conversation with a selfie badge but instead kept it going by asking his new friend if she still planned to pick him up for the game.

Too Late?

We’re not going to lie — this is super awkward. Nonetheless, what we find weirder than the exchange itself is that, after sending a few risky photos to a stranger, this lady really didn’t feel much remorse. Well, we also wouldn’t be if we have her body!

Too Late?

Too Late?

Everything about this conversation seems a bit too nonchalant if you ask us, even though she shut the guy down after realizing she had the wrong number. Actually, we think it’s safe to say it was a lucky day for this guy until he ruined it for himself.

PB&J This Way

We don’t know what it is, but there’s something that makes us want to cringe in this photo. Perhaps it’s the fact that only after they slather themselves in peanut butter and jelly does the person who texted the wrong number want to hold hands with her partner.

PB&J This Way

PB&J This Way

If this is what they see as ‘couple goals,’ then we don’t want any part of it. Still, we have to say that the person perfectly handled the whole situation on the receiving end of this text and gave us a good chuckle.

Self Esteem Boost

Here’s what happens when you and the stripper from your best friend’s bachelorette party become Facebook friends. He sees that you have moved to his state, so he hit on you again. Too bad that you gave him the wrong number.

Self Esteem Boost

Self Esteem Boost

But hey, at least he’s able to boost the self-esteem of someone, even if they’re not his type. There is no reason for the wrong number to feel down on themselves; after all, they might make a beautiful woman.

To Infinity and Beyond

Checking in and seeing how the evening was going was nice of this friend. They just wanted to make sure they were having a good time with their buddy. If only they had the correct number texted. But it looks like the person is having a good night, in all fairness.

To Infinity and Beyond

To Infinity and Beyond

After all, what is better than watching Toy Story at night? In this case, we think a man probably plans this on the other side, but he’s still a strong contender. Anyway, partying is good, too, I guess.

Those Are the Brakes

It seems that women delivering the wrong number to guys who want to get off their backs on purpose are the main cause of wrong number texts. Perhaps this could be a lesson for the men of the world. Make sure that from the get-go, you have the right number.

Those Are the Brakes

Those Are the Brakes

But hey, at least he really understood this person and showed his sympathy for poor Pedro. Don’t worry, Pedro, there are other fish in the sea, and you’ll get the right number for at least one of those! Good luck!

You Should Have Known

It’s part of being human to do something which we are told not to do. So you had to know what was coming next when this person texted a photo of their pantry and explicitly asked not to ask about the rest of the kitchen.


You Should Have Known

You Should Have Known

Well, we would all be curious as well if you left us hanging with that picture. However, it makes so much sense and feels a lot better than it was a wrong number. At least now, you know your friends aren’t judging you secretly. Just a perfect stranger!

Sound Relationship Advice

Maturity is so overrated. But we are not sure if saying that someone has the wrong number is a reason to doubt somebody’s maturity. It seems that the person said a fact, and then you instigated a little bit of a therapy session.

Sound Relationship Advice

Sound Relationship Advice

It was nice, though, that the initial text offered a shoulder to lean on if anything was ever needed. But it is also undeniable that the incorrect number provided some excellent advice. Hopefully, everyone took something out of this little chat.
