Annoying Habits That People Should Stop Doing On Airplanes

Published on 04/16/2020

It’s no secret that flying can be extremely stressful. You’re spending time in the air with strangers in an enclosed space for hours on end. Despite the fact that it’s not an ideal situation, don’t be that person who makes it more difficult for everyone else.

Whether it’s by invading people’s personal space or treating the flight attendants badly, the things people do on flights can be very annoying and unnecessary. Let’s all make an effort to try and be more mindful of our behavior to make flying more enjoyable for everyone.

Don’t Eat That

Snacks are a good idea to bring with you on a flight. However, we advise you not to pack anything with a strong smell or anything weird. Everyone is in such a small space together and the smell can spread easily.

Don’t Eat That

Don’t Eat That

Some examples of food you should definitely not bring on the plane are hard-boiled eggs, tuna, and fish in general. Don’t become the most hated person on the flight. We know you don’t want that. Nobody does.

Don’t Get Too Comfortable

So, you find yourself on your flight, and there’s no room for your legs. It’s so uncomfortable and the only thing you want to do is stretch out your legs. We’ve all been there. However, resist the urge to put your legs up. Don’t be that person who kicks someone or blocks them.

Don’t Get Too Comfortable

Don’t Get Too Comfortable

Trust us, no one wants to have your feet anywhere near their face. Even if they happen to smell like fresh flowers. Clearly, this guy here doesn’t care about the person in front of him. He definitely needs to be taught proper airplane etiquette. 


Imagine you’re on your flight just watching a movie and chilling. Suddenly, and entire head of hair drapes on the back of the seat in front of you, completely blocking your screen. That just might be one of the rudest things someone can do on an airplane.



It’s an unacceptable invasion of space and no one likes it! This tends to happen much too often. People have to stop doing it. If you don’t like it when something is done to you, just don’t do it to anyone else, it’s simple.

Baby Alert

This just might be the most dangerous behavior we’ve seen on an airplane so far. Flights usually offer bassinet for babies – even for toddlers. We’re not sure why on earth this person didn’t take advantage of that option.

Baby Alert

Baby Alert

While it’s already unsafe to leave a baby on any floor in public, on an airplane just might be the most dangerous thing any parent can do. Aside from people not being able to get through the row, the baby could hit its head or roll over into the aisle. Not to mention, it’s extremely unsanitary.

Get Yourself Together

We all know how hard it is to pack for a trip. Even after we’re done gathering everything we need, it’s difficult trying to fit it all in the suitcase. However, once everything is ready, make sure not to put your most important items at the bottom of the suitcase.

Get Yourself Together

Get Yourself Together

There are very few things that agitate travelers more than that one person stopping and opening up their suitcase in the middle of the airport. Aside from being messy, it’s irresponsible. If you find yourself needing to do this, go to a less crowded area.

Emotional Support

Let’s just ask the question we’re all thinking of: why on earth is there a monkey on a plane? The truth is, there are people who bring along their animals on flights for emotional support. An emotional support animal (ESA) isn’t a pet. It helps a person with any kind of mental health issues.

Emotional Support

Emotional Support

The most interesting part is that an ESA isn’t normally restricted by species. Perhaps this monkey is allowed to be on the flight? Still, that doesn’t change the fact that it’s incredibly annoying for everyone else.

Cover Up

Since flights are stressful, people have to deal with it, right? Well, different people tend to handle stress differently. Everyone wants everything to go smoothly with no bumps along the way. No one needs any passengers to do something weird.

Cover Up

Cover Up

If you’re trying to relax and suddenly a man decides to take off his shirt, you and the rest of the passengers will most-likely begin feeling on edge. Maybe he’s stressing out, or maybe he’s just hot? Whichever it is, he shouldn’t do this. Try keeping your clothes on at all times.

Not A Spa

Here’s a small reminder that even though you want to be as comfortable as possible while flying, you’re still in a public space. This means that you shouldn’t be doing any activities that you would normally only do in the privacy of your own home.

Not A Spa

Not A Spa

This definitely includes things like flossing, taking off your shoes and socks, and filing your nails, among other things. An airplane is not a spa. There are other people around you, so just keep that in mind.

Invading Personal Space

No one has enough room for their feet on planes, we know. However, we just have to deal with it and remind ourselves that it’s temporary and will only be happening until you get off of the plane. It’s not cool to ignore basic airplane etiquette and stretch your legs so far out that they reach the person in front of you.

Invading Personal Space

Invading Personal Space

That seems to be the case here. The guy in back seems to be encroaching on another person’s personal space. We aren’t saying to step on him… But that might just teach him a lesson all the same.

At Least Pretend To Listen

Everyone knows the drill, you find your seats, the flight attendants close the doors and explain the safety rules. Each time you take a flight you hear these rules, so we get how it can become monotonous. But it’s not cool to blatantly ignore them. At least try to pretend listening.

At Least Pretend To Listen

At Least Pretend To Listen

Just don’t make any noise or be rude during the demonstration. It’s for your own safety, and there are people who want to listen. Not to mention, the flight attendant is just trying to do their job. They don’t need you to interrupt them.

This Isn’t The Circus

It’s always a struggle being cooped up in a plane for such a long time, but these people took it way too far. This man and woman duo decided that it would be the perfect time to practice their acrobatic routine on their flight.

This Isn't The Circus

This Isn’t The Circus

As you can see in the photo, this woman is preparing to do a handstand while being held up in the air by a man who’s supporting her from the floor. If you look at the passengers around them, none are impressed or even sparing them a glance.

Doesn’t Care At All

Isn’t it great when the flight attendants announce they’ll be coming down the aisles to serve the snacks and drinks? Having complimentary food served to them always puts people in a better mood. However, this kid stopped just that from happening.

Doesn’t Care At All

Doesn’t Care At All

They decided to nap right in the middle of the aisle. This effectively stops anyone from being able to go through. While some people can be harsh when it comes to parents who travel, this kind of behavior is unacceptable. Not to mention, it’s a huge hazard.

Controversial Topic

What are your thoughts about reclining on airplanes? There are some people who are convinced that since their chair can recline, they can always exercise that right – even when it’s uncomfortable for the person behind. On the other hand, others think that it shouldn’t be done if it bothers the person sitting behind you.

Controversial Topic

Controversial Topic

This is a controversial topic that has become somewhat heated while being discussed online. This was after a woman declined and the man sitting behind her decided to retaliate by punching the back of her seat. He might have seen the woman as being inconsiderate, but violence is never a good solution.

Not Airplane Food

It’s safe to say that this is one of the weirdest things anyone has eaten on a plane. Most people like bringing snacks like chips or cookies when they’re flying. Not this woman. She decided she would bring corn on her flight for a snack.

Not Airplane Food

Not Airplane Food

It’s not just corn on the cob, no. It’s an entire ear of corn that hasn’t been peeled. There’s no doubt that this is healthier than a bag of potato chips. However, it is an odd choice for an in-flight snack if you ask us.

No Special Treatment

This seems to be a constant problem when it comes to flying. There is never enough leg-room, making it hard not to stretch yourself, especially if you’re a tall person. With that said, everyone has to handle this problem.

No Special Treatment

No Special Treatment

Just because someone is over six feet tall, doesn’t mean that they get special permission to block the entire aisle. We’re all in the same boat in economy class. No one gets special treatment. If you want more leg-room, you can pay for a first class ticket.

Yoga Poses

Just imagine, you’re sitting on a flight, everything is fine. Suddenly, the person sitting next to you starts doing a pose like that. It’s pretty annoying, if you ask us. We know she isn’t taking up any additional space, but that’s only if she can hold that pose.

Yoga Poses

Yoga Poses

Plenty of things can go wrong in this case. What if there’s suddenly turbulence? She could fall onto you and hurt herself. Not to mention, it kind of ruins the relaxation when the woman sitting next to you is doing all kinds of complicated poses. Just don’t do this on a plane, okay?

Intimate Concert

You’ve most likely seen videos like this, where people perform on airplanes and the video goes viral online. While it seems fun and cute, have you ever thought that maybe not everyone on the flight wanted this? One person’s entertainment is another’s nightmare.

Intimate Concert

Intimate Concert

While we’re sure that this guy put on a good show, it wouldn’t be fair to those passengers who simply want some peace and quiet on their flight. It’s always best to have everyone in mind before playing the violin in the aisle.

Change Your Mind

While this picture is quite funny, it definitely isn’t amusing to the passengers who were sat next to this guy at the time it happened. This person just thought they would bring a cold slice of pizza to eat on the plane. However, after takeoff, they realized they didn’t want it to be cold, so they tried warming it with the light as a makeshift heater.

Change Your Mind

Change Your Mind

This creates problems for everyone around this person. Clearly, this person didn’t think about the disturbance they were causing. We wouldn’t be surprised if the passengers hated him on this flight.

Bathroom Breaks

One of the most irritating things that people do on a flight is when they take bathroom breaks at terrible times. While it’s uncontrollable at times, try not to go when it’s inconvenient for everyone around you.

Bathroom Breaks

Bathroom Breaks

For instance, don’t get up just when a flight attendant is about to come by and serve food. Try going before and after they start services. If you can, try going before you board instead of getting on the plane and then waiting in line.

Eating Purposes

Saying that this photo is disturbing is quite an understatement. Some people can be really annoying by putting their feet up during flights, but this guy is at a whole new level. Instead of just putting his legs up on the seat in front of him or on his armrest, he chose to put them on the tray table.

Eating Purposes

Eating Purposes

How disgusting is that? That’s where people eat! In close quarters like airplanes, proper hygiene should definitely be at a higher standard. Let’s just hope that the person sitting next to him wakes up and sees this before eating from that tray.

Horsing Around

We all know that flying can be pretty nerve-racking and people tend to do just about anything to calm their jittery nerves. This guy put on a horse mask to help his anxiety. While that might be working for him, it’s most likely really annoying those around him.

Horsing Around

Horsing Around

To start off, the image itself is rather disorienting. What happens when he has to get up from his seat to use the bathroom? As much as it’s a pain for those on his flight, we’ll admit that it does look kind of funny.

No Pictures

What happens if you see someone wearing something weird or doing something funny on a plane? We’ll let you in on what not to do – don’t take any pictures. You should be following the same etiquette as when you aren’t a plane.

No Pictures

No Pictures

It’s so rude to video someone without their permission. It doesn’t matter if you plan on putting it online or not. How would you feel if the situation was reversed? If someone took pictures of you without your permission, we’re sure you wouldn’t be too happy about it.

Be Quiet

Here’s one thing we all think is very annoying: people making too much noise on flights. Some of the time the noise comes from kids, but not always. Kids have shorter attention spans than adults and tend to get agitated faster. This can cause fights between two siblings or even temper tantrums.

Be Quiet

Be Quiet

However, other times people are playing video games with the volume on very loudly. We aren’t saying it’s bad to play. Just make sure to be mindful of all the other passengers who are on the flight with you.

Whose Is It?

There are things that are obvious on airplanes, like not taking up more than your allotted space and not being loud. However, the etiquette for this one can confuse people. When everyone sits down on the plane, who gets the armrest? Normally, the one sitting by the aisle gets the aisle armrest and the person sitting by the window gets the window armrest.

Whose Is It

Whose Is It

However, when you have a three-row situation, you need to be more mindful of how you share them. This could depend on how people are sleeping. While it’s a tricky thing, it’s something that we all have to manage.


We’ve seen this happen one too many times. A flight attendant serves food and a passenger wasn’t satisfied. Or, the drinks and snacks weren’t served quickly enough for someone’s liking. The passenger then complains and yells at the flight attendant as if they’re entitled to a personal butler.



The truth is, most flight attendants want to help you. They’re there for your safety. Just keep in mind that there are other passengers on the plane aside from you and they will get to your need eventually.

Cuddle Buddy

You don’t get much personal space on a plane as is. So, when a person falls asleep and accidentally leans on your shoulder, it’s safe to say that it’s not the most enjoyable experience someone can have.

Cuddle Buddy

Cuddle Buddy

As you can see in this picture, a kid fell asleep on what looks like the shoulder of a stranger. The guy is obviously not happy about it. It’s very annoying for something like this to happen. We really do feel his pain.


There is nothing more annoying than when it’s time to get off the plane. After the airplane lands, you’re happy you got to your destination, but it’s going to become a mess now. Suddenly, everyone acts as if they’re the only one who has to get off the plane.



The first thing that you never do is cut the line. It doesn’t make a difference if you have no luggage. Not only will this make people angry, it won’t save you time anyways. Wait those 10 minutes like everyone else.

Don’t Be Mean

It’s very difficult to bring a kid on a flight. They can get seriously bored, cry a lot, and make noise even when you give them plenty of attention. Since it’s an airplane, their behavior affects the passengers around you as well.

Don’t Be Mean

Don’t Be Mean

Instead of making snide comments and yelling at the parents, try to help out if you can. If you’re sitting near them, read a book to them or play with them. We’re sure the parent is overwhelmed and will really appreciate that extra help.

Get Away With It

It’s a daunting task to fly with children. There’s no doubt that the parents are always struggling. While it’s impossible to control a tantrum or the behavior of a sleep-deprived child at times, some behaviors are within the parents’ control.

Get Away With It

Get Away With It

It isn’t another passenger’s responsibility to keep a child from recklessly running up and down the aisles, jumping on seats, or noisily playing drums on the tray table. Parents need to take responsibility so the flight is tolerable enough for everyone around.

Do You Actually Need To Do That

In this day and age, it has become a basic necessity to multitask. You might have a video call with your parents while cooking yourself dinner, or help your kid with homework while doing your taxes. When you’re on a plane, however, it isn’t the time to do difficult things.

Do You Actually Need To Do That

Do You Actually Need To Do That

You should just watch a movie or take a nap. Don’t try doing your nails on a flight. What if there’s turbulence and the nail polish gets everywhere? Not to mention, the smell is much too strong. For everyone’s sake, do your nails after you land.


It’s hard not worrying that there won’t be any room left for your carry on in the overhead storage. With that said, don’t make it harder for other people to find a spot. Not to mention, don’t break other people’s bags to fit yours in.



There are also people who are convinced that they’re entitled to put their suitcase in the front of the plane when their seat is all the way in the back. This way, they won’t have to drag the suitcase all the way to the front. Just be considerate!

First, Look Back

While you’re just as entitled as anyone on the flight to recline your seat, try being mindful of the person sitting behind you. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t lean back. We just mean that you should first check and see if the person is using a laptop or something.

First, Look Back

First, Look Back

No one wants to be working on their laptop during a flight only to have it slammed shut on their fingers. Just turn around, glance back quickly, check that you’re in the clear, and recline to your heart’s content.

Just Choose Already

We all know that flight attendants are working hard and are on their feet for hours making sure passengers have everything they need. Whether it’s providing services or resolving seat issues, they provide the best service they can. Apparently, it’s common for passengers not to specify what sort of drinks they want or how to make it. Then, they complain that it’s not up to their standards.

Just Choose Already

Just Choose Already

For instance, if you want coffee without specifying what kind, how are the flight attendants meant to know how you like it? Their job is to help you, not to be a mind reader and magically know what you like.

Find Your Seat

When the time to board arrives, please just show your flight attendant where your seat is. Doing so will save you time as they will point you in the right direction. This way, you won’t be wandering about finding your seat.

Find Your Seat

Find Your Seat

When it comes to larger airplanes that have more than one aisle, it could be confusing to find your seat on your own. Trust us, no one wants to stand in line for longer while you hold it up because you can’t find your seat.

What More Do You Want

This might not happen often, but there are times when you could be upgraded to first-class seating. Perhaps the flight attendant asked if anyone could give up a seat and offered an upgrade. Maybe it’s your birthday and they were nice enough to offer it when you asked.

What More Do You Want

What More Do You Want

Whatever the reason may be, if you didn’t pay for a first-class ticket and you were given the seat for free, don’t abuse it! Don’t complain about it, just sit back and enjoy all the free perks you can now get.

Airing Out Feet

We all get it. Traveling on an airplane isn’t really known for its spacious and luxurious accommodations. No one likes feeling cramped during the flight. The same goes for their feet as well, apparently.

Airing Out Feet

Airing Out Feet

While having your toes cramped into a pair of poorly fitting shoes might feel miserable when flying for hours, it’s important to keep in mind that they’re your feet. In other words, keep them inside your shoes. Don’t air them out where everyone can see and smell them.

Nice Pedicure

Did you know the average plane seat is only around 17 inches wide? That isn’t much space when you really think about it. The thing is, we all are given the same amount of space in our seats. That is unless you paid more for extra leg-room.

Nice Pedicure

Nice Pedicure

Keeping that in mind, please, please, don’t poke your feet through the slots of the seats in front of you. Everyone feels the same on the flight. Even if your feet have a nice pedicure, no one wants to see it.

Something’s Afoot

One of the most rare and coveted pleasures that can be found on a flight is finding out that no one has taken the middle seat next to you. How great is that? You get a whole extra seat next to you!

Something’s Afoot

Something’s Afoot

Sure, the window and aisle seats get taken first, but no one wants to be stuck in between two strangers for four hours or longer. If you’ve been lucky enough to have the middle seat available next to you, don’t be like this person. It’s not a sign that you should rest your bare feet on the open seat.

Hygiene Standards

Airplanes have, in fact, been compared to public Petri dishes. When we think about it, it makes total sense. You have about 300 people crammed into a tiny tube flying through the sky and breathing the same recycled air.

Hygiene Standards

Hygiene Standards

Saying that it can be germy is somewhat of an understatement. This lady came prepared with a sanitary wipe to clean off the tray in front of her. However, look down. Evidently, she had no problem letting her bare feet rest on the dirty carpeted floor. Who’s gonna tell her?

Wanna Watch TV?

When you’re planning for your flight, you’re probably trying to make sure that you bring a few different entertainment options with you. Maybe you’ll bring along a bok and a magazine, in case you get bored with your choices.

Wanna Watch TV

Wanna Watch TV

Or, maybe you’ll bring your own personal device that will allow you to watch a show mid-flight. If you happen to do that, don’t be like this guy. He decided he was going to enjoy his show…with no headphones. We just hope everyone on the plane enjoyed watching that show with him.

Pretty Comfortable

It would be a serious understatement to say that leg-room is something that is very valuable when flying. With so little space to store your things and your legs, it can start feeling cramped in your seat.

Pretty Comfortable

Pretty Comfortable

For this reason, this woman and her friend saw a chance and took it, resting their feet on the wall in front of them. While we have to credit them for their comfort, we’re also getting grossed out by their bare feet.

First-Class Meal

Whoever says money doesn’t buy class must not know that the opposite is true as well. When it comes to air travel, this all goes out the window. Money can most definitely buy class. It can get you a first-class ticket for a flight.

First Class Meal

First Class Meal

However, it doesn’t teach you manners, as we can clearly see by this picture. This airline served a delicious steak dinner to its first-class passengers. This person showed their appreciation by tucking their leftovers into the seat pocket in front of them.


Brace yourself for this one, because it’ll make you gasp in horror. How much damage can just two passengers do in such a short four-hour flight? According to this picture, it turns out they can do quite a lot.



What’s even worse, according to the person who snapped this photo, this isn’t the work of two children. Two full-grown adults sat in those seats. We’re all in this together, people. Please don’t treat your row like a garbage can. That’s just plain disrespectful.

Personal Coat Rack

When boarding your flight, you immediately are given your choice of places you can store your belongings. If you have a carry-on bag, you can probably tuck it in the overhead bins. If you happen to have a smaller item like a laptop or purse, it can go under your seat.

Personal Coat Rack

Personal Coat Rack

However, you know where it should definitely not go? Over the back of your seat where it can block the TV screen of the person sitting behind you. The owner of this jacket obviously hasn’t heard of a concept called “respecting personal space”.

Hold The Pose

We know that there’s a lot going on in this picture, so we’re gonna have to unpack it all little by little. The first thing we see is a young woman with her feet pressed against the seat that’s directly in front of her.

Hold The Pose

Hold The Pose

Next, we realize her feet are bare (gross) and that she’s obviously no stranger to yoga. Finally, we see the proud smile on her face as she looks directly at the camera. It’s obvious that she isn’t ashamed of her actions, but maybe she should be?

Sticky Situation

It can be a challenge keeping your kids entertained while on a flight. While your usual go-to entertainment ideas like coloring books or a TV show are usually reliable, kids are very unpredictable. Meltdowns are a possibility at any given moment.

Sticky Situation

Sticky Situation

Luckily, this parent came prepared with a whole book of stickers. Unfortunately, they were either not paying attention or simply didn’t care about the places their kids put the stickers. We really feel bad for whoever has to clean up this mess.

Stretching Out

Have you ever gotten lucky enough to get a seat in first-class on a flight? It’s safe to say that they’ve got some pretty incredible accommodations up there that anyone would love to experience.

Stretching Out

Stretching Out

There are some seats that recline completely and turn into a bed. This man was not afforded this kind of luxury, so he decided to lay down wherever he could. In this case, he threw himself down on the aisle for some sleep. Not only is that very rude, it’s a safety hazard as well.

Personal Garbage Can

Ah, ramen noodles. The perfect choice of food on the go and for college students all over the world. Cheap, filling, and quite tasty, it’s not surprising that they’re as popular as they are. Food on flights can get pretty expensive.

Personal Garbage Can

Personal Garbage Can

On the other hand, a cup of noodles will cost only a few cents. If you bring your own food on your flight, do everyone else a favor. Don’t slurp it loudly, and don’t tuck trash into the seat pocket in front of you when you’re done. That’s gross.

Can’t Wait

Why is it that with air travel people get so impatient? We understand that delays and layovers can be extremely frustrating, but that doesn’t mean that one person is more deserving than others to get their luggage first.

Can’t Wait

Can’t Wait

This person seems oblivious to other people’s annoyance who are also waiting for their luggage. He decided to wedge himself right near the handlers who drop the luggage. What’s worse, this little maneuver most likely saved him a whole five minutes at the most.

Reach Out

When you’re boarding a flight, there are probably a few things that you’re fully prepared for. For example, turbulence and fussy babies can be inevitable when it comes to air travel and flying.

Reach Out

Reach Out

However, there is one thing you probably didn’t expect when you took your seat: a small hand peeking through the gap in the seats in front of you, trying to get your attention. While some people find this funny and would go along with it, it’s still the parents’ responsibility to keep the kid from poking strangers.

Airing Them Out

Unless you’re someone who travels for business on a regular basis, you’re probably not thinking about dressing up too much for your next flight. When it comes to flying and air travel, comfort is a major point.

Airing Them Out

Airing Them Out

While slip-ons make security much easier, we strongly advise keeping your shoes on for the entire flight. Just the sight of a pair of worn-out shoes sitting in this seat pocket is making us a little queasy. We don’t want to see the feet that they belong to either!

What’s That Smell?

There are very few things that can ruin an otherwise easy flight. One of those things is discovering that the person sitting next to you decided to skip basic hygiene. What’s worse, if someone next to you smells strongly it’s not like you can crack open a window to get some fresh air.

What’s That Smell

What’s That Smell

There’s no doubt that a stinky seatmate – whether they didn’t put on deodorant or the ate a dish full of garlic and onions before boarding – is one of the worst things you can encounter while taking a plane anywhere.

Chatty Seatmates

When you think about it, airplanes are pretty small. While airlines can fit a whole lot of people into a small amount of space, it’s more of a matter of efficiency that spaciousness. For that reason, any sounds on a flight can be bothersome.

Chatty Seatmates

Chatty Seatmates

Suddenly, a small and private conversation is everyone’s business. Meaning that if you have a seatmate who happens to be loud, everyone in the next five rows will hear everything. For the sake of all the other passengers, if you’re going to talk to someone, use your indoor voice.

Heard Of Misophonia?

To some people, the sound of eating it quite literally the worst sound in the world. While most people tend to be quiet eaters, there are those who think it’s perfectly fine to smack their lips, chew with their mouths open, and even burp a little while eating.

Heard Of Misophonia

Heard Of Misophonia

If you’re someone who struggles with misophonia (a strong aversion to specific sounds like eating) then sitting next to a noisy eater can feel like absolute torture. If you’re going to snack on the plane, try to do so quietly!

Know Your Limits

When it comes to air travel, you either love it or you hate it. If you happen to love it, then you’re probably excited about your next flight and are looking forward to it. However, what if you hate flying?

Know Your Limits

Know Your Limits

You might completely dread it and turn to some liquid courage to help you face the flight. While enjoying a small drink or two is reasonable, some people go a little too far. These people not only make other passengers cringe, but they can also become a danger to the other passengers.

Spread Out

Look, everyone is given the exact same amount of space on a flight. Unless you happened to have paid a few extra dollars to get more room, no one has the right to claim more space than someone else. This is true for leg-room as well.

Spread Out

Spread Out

Keeping that in mind, if you happen to have long legs, keep your knees together while flying. Spreading out into your seatmate’s space is very rude and you might be on the receiving end of some choice words from the other passengers in your row.

Who’s This?

For so long, anyone could claim that their pet is an Emotional Support Animal (ESA). However, this problem has gotten so out of control that the Department of Transportation had to start cracking down on what qualified an ESA.

Who’s This

Who’s This

In case you’re wondering, a trained dog can be an ESA. Even miniature horses – yes you read that right – can be an ESA. However, you know what definitely does not qualify as an ESA? A turkey.

In Brief

There is something very alarming and disturbing about this picture, there’s no doubt about it. We’ve all been told that it’s best to wear layers while traveling, and it makes sense. If you take off your jacket or sweater mid-flight, that’s totally fine. But this picture…?

In Brief

In Brief

It left us speechless. We don’t want to know how on earth this pair of underpants manages to sneak out of someone’s luggage. We’re just shocked that someone thought it was perfectly fine to drape their underwear on the seat.

Doing Laundry

When you’re packing for a vacation, we’ve always been told to pack light and to reuse clothing. For example, a basic pair of black pants can work with so many things and can be either dressed up or dress down while on a trip.

Doing Laundry

Doing Laundry

We hardly hear of someone actually underpacking for a trip. It tends to be that people always bring too many clothes. If you run out of clean clothes on your next vacation, don’t be like this person. Wait until you land to do some laundry.

Like A Hug, But With Legs

It would be a serious understatement to say that there isn’t enough leg-room given to flight passengers. What’s worse, we pay a whole lot of money to get packed in like little sardines onto an airplane.

Like A Hug, But With Legs

Like A Hug, But With Legs

While people who are more on the petite side are probably satisfied with their accommodations on a plane, long-legged people are usually left struggling with feeling cramped. This person decided that putting their feet up on the armrests in front of them was a good idea. We’re here to clarify that it is most definitely not. Put your feet down.

At Least Her Pores Will Be Clean

We all know how brutal air travel can be for the skin. The recirculated cabin air can strip all the moisture right out of your face and expose you to all kinds of germs mid-flight. Some people deal with this by using sheet masks during their flight.

At Least Her Pores Will Be Clean

At Least Her Pores Will Be Clean

Other people tend to sneak off to the bathroom to freshen up their faces. However, this young lady decided to go after the gunk in her pores from the comfort of her own seat. We just hope she washed her hands well before. Because she’s just asking for a nasty breakout!

Help Yourself

When boarding a plane, you do so with the understanding that you’ll be given a very, very small amount of space that is essentially your own for the duration of this flight. While it might not be much, it’s yours.

Help Yourself

Help Yourself

That small space in the area under your seat and above your tray table. These are more or less the only places you can stretch out your body. For this reason, it’s especially frustrating to see people help themselves to someone else’s tray table.

Say Cello

If you’re planning on traveling with carry-on luggage, you should probably get familiar with the size requirements before boarding the plane. For the most part, we travel with a small, carry-on, suitcase and our personal items like laptops and purses.

Say Cello

Say Cello

That’s pretty standard. However, this person decided that their musical instrument deserved its own seat and plunked it down next to her. We can only hope she paid for that seat and didn’t just help herself to it.

Hogging The Overhead Space

With air travel, there’s nothing contentious that a good debate about what belongs in the overhead bins. If you’ve asked seasoned travelers or flight attendants, they’ll tell you it’s for your carry-on luggage.

Hogging The Overhead Space

Hogging The Overhead Space

Smaller items like your purse or laptop should go under your seat. Placing things like shoes or a hat in the storage bin is a certain way to upset all the other passengers around you on your flight.
