Beauty Salon Secrets and Techniques Revealed by Hairstylists

Published on 05/25/2021
Beauty Salon Secrets And Techniques Revealed By Hairstylists

Beauty Salon Secrets And Techniques Revealed By Hairstylists

Have you ever walked out of a salon thinking to yourself, “Why can’t I just do this myself?” You probably won’t be able to, and there’s a good reason for that! These experts have a few tricks up their sleeves that make a big difference. Their hair is always so fly thanks to this bag of secrets and tricks. So we thought it was past time for them to break their silence and reveal some of the common blunders we all make, as well as some insider tips and tricks!

Thermal Hair Protection

If you’ve ever gone to a hairstylist after bleaching or dying your hair, you’ve probably felt a pang of embarrassment. This is because most hairstylists dislike working with colored hair.

Thermal Hair Protection

Thermal Hair Protection

It’s critical to take care of your hair just for this reason. If you’ve had your hair dyed blonde or any other color, you should only style it after using heat-protecting products.

No Sweat

You’ve just dyed your hair and are happy with the results, but you know you’ll have to touch it up soon because no color lasts forever, right? However, there is a shortcut you should be aware of to expedite the process.

No Sweat

No Sweat

According to hairstylists, you should avoid sweating excessively or find a way to limit perspiration around your hair because this can cause the dye to fade faster.

Nutritional Masks

You must wash and nourish your hair, especially if it has been dyed, but you cannot use any shampoo or mask. Hairstylists would like you to know that you must be cautious when selecting products.

Nutritional Masks

Nutritional Masks

If you’ve recently dyed your hair, look for shampoos and masks with a color-safe formula. If you don’t, you’ll lose more color with each wash, reducing the length of time your color will last.

Cold Water

After a long day at work, most of us want to relax in a hot bath or shower to wash away the stress. Although this is beneficial for cleaning and relaxing muscles, hairstylists have a different opinion on your hair.

Cold Water

Cold Water

If you’ve dyed your hair, you’ll need to wash it with cold water to extend the life of the color. Also, if you go to the salon, make sure you tell them about your dye job.

No Melting!

Some hairstylists offer a service called lamination or hair Botox to help you get your damaged hair back in shape. However, this is a difficult process that does not work for everyone.

No Melting!

No Melting!

Many hairstylists advise against using these services because lamination and botox cannot repair damaged or split ends. Some even claim that this is merely a ruse used by some salons.

Peeling Color

If you want to remove the dyed color from your hair, it is a lengthy process that can be accomplished in various ways. Many people visit salons to lighten or decolorize their hair, but any hairstylist would recommend a less invasive procedure.

Peeling Color

Peeling Color

Peeling is a process that not only makes you healthier and saves you time, but it also saves you money. In comparison to the other options, this procedure will leave your hair much healthier.

Sensitive Scalp

A hypersensitive scalp affects a large number of people. Many of them may be unsure why, but your hairstylist may have some suggestions. In addition, they’ll be able to assess your scalp better if you complain about it while you’re in their salon.

Sensitive Scalp

Sensitive Scalp

Using the wrong shampoo or simply moving your hair into a different position can cause itchy or painful scalps. So next time you’re at the salon, say something to let the hairstylist know which one it is.

Wrong Direction

Have you ever spent time getting your hairstyle just right and then felt incredibly uneasy? You might even be in a lot of discomforts. What causes this to happen? So, we’ll leave it to the experts to explain why.

Wrong Direction

Wrong Direction

Many hairstylists believe that pinning or pulling the hair in the opposite direction of its natural flow can irritate. It’s possible that removing the hairdo or loosening the pins is the only way to fix it.

Allergy Tests

Many people wring out their hair and scalp. Dyeing and perming your hair can damage your hair, and they can often result in a dry or itchy scalp. During and after the procedure, this can be aggravating and difficult to manage.

Allergy Tests

Allergy Tests

Salons and hairstylists understand that this could be due to an allergic reaction to certain products, so they often recommend that you get tested before the procedure to avoid this.

Heavy Roots

If you’re wondering why your scalp is hurting, there are several possibilities. One of them is something that salons and hairstylists are aware of as one of the main reasons, and you will be aware of it as well…

Heavy Roots

Heavy Roots

Allowing your hair to become dirty and the pores on your scalp to become clogged can cause your hair to become heavier at the roots. This heavier sensation could be the source of your discomfort.

Hair Etching

If you have silver hair, you know how difficult it is to dye it, but a method can speed up the process if you color it in a salon. Etching is the name for this method.

Hair Etching

Hair Etching

It may take a little longer, but if your hairstylist recommends it, go for it. We are confident that you will be pleased with the final result and that your silver-dyed hair will last longer as a result!

The Scalp Knows

Looking at your scalp is the last thing on your mind when you’re thinking about your health and how your body is doing, right? But, according to hairstylists, you can tell a lot about yourself by looking at your scalp.

The Scalp Knows

The Scalp Knows

Just by looking at your scalp, a professional hairdresser can tell a lot about your life and eating habits. Some may even be able to advise you on what you should eat more of or cut back on in your diet.

Make it Last

Brazilian blowouts are popular, but they don’t last very long, so you’ll be spending a lot more money than most of us would like. This next tip, on the other hand, will help you extend the life of your blowout.

Make It Last

Make It Last

Before you begin, make sure your hair is parched. It will frizz and fall out if it isn’t, so be sure to dry it thoroughly.

Bristle Count

If you like the look of a sleek ponytail, you might find it difficult to achieve. This could be because you are performing the task with the incorrect tool. Hairstylists recommend a mixed bristle brush.

Bristle Count

Bristle Count

You’ll want one with more bristles because it will result in a smoother turnout. When trying to get your hair into a pony, hairstylists recommend tilting your head slightly. An angle of about 45 degrees would be ideal.

Start From the Roots

You can do it if you have thinner hair and want to add volume. You will, however, need to alter the steps you take when drying your hair. According to hairstylists, you should avoid drying your hair from the bottom up.

Start From The Roots

Start From The Roots

You can add volume to your hair by starting to dry it from the roots down. You’ll need to use your fingers to lift the roots as you dry your hair, in addition to the hairdryer.

Try These Out

If you have straight hair, achieving a good curl or wave can be difficult. Many people go to the salon when this happens because the professionals know what to do. However, you can use some tools at home to achieve the same results.

Try These Out

Try These Out

According to hairstylists, if this is your hair type, you should invest in some Velcro rollers. Then, with a few spritzes of water, you should get a nice final curl.

Trim Hair Regularly

How many of us put off getting our hair cut or trimmed for months on end? This appears to be very bad, as it allows split ends (if you have any) to grow longer. Unfortunately, this means that when you finally get to the salon, you will have to remove more inches.

Trim Hair Regularly

Trim Hair Regularly

Whether you’re getting a haircut or not, most hairstylists recommend visiting the salon every two months. Also, when you go for your trim, inspect the tools the hairstylist is using; you don’t want them to use dull instruments.

When to Use Your Dryer?

Are you fed up with split ends and dry, brittle hair? A quick fix exists, and every hairstylist is aware of it. But, have you ever noticed that before they start drying your hair, they spritz it with some spray? That smidgeon of moisture, it turns out, is a thermal insulator.

When To Use Your Dryer?

When To Use Your Dryer?

If you don’t use a thermal protectant on your hair before using heated devices, you’re creating the ideal environment for split ends, as the heat will evaporate all of the moisture. So keep this in mind in the future!

Let it Dry

You dry off after getting out of the shower. What now? Many of us reach for the brush, especially if our hair has just been washed. This is a bad habit, according to a hairstylist, and we should stop right now!

Let It Dry

Let It Dry

Brushing wet hair with that brush could result in a lot of damage. Another recommendation from hairstylists in this area is to avoid using head massagers when your hair is wet. This tangles the hair, making it more difficult to brush out later.

Just Say No

You don’t always require a haircut or a trim. However, your hair needs to be thinned out a little. If you have thick hair, you’ll understand what we’re talking about because its weight can be quite annoying.

Just Say No

Just Say No

Some hair stylists advise you to be wary of the equipment your hairstylist uses in this process. For example, you don’t want them using thinning scissors because they do more harm than good.

Remember to Moisturize

Haircare varies not only from one person to the next but also from one climate to the next. In a humid climate, you’ll need to take better care of it than in a dry climate, so salons have one major tip for you if you live in a dry climate.

Remember To Moisturize

Remember To Moisturize

Since the air is dry, your hair will lose moisture, leaving it vulnerable to breakage. If this is the case, you should buy a moisturizing mask or spray right away.

Use Hair Chalk for Kids

When children see things that are nicely packaged, they want them. This also applies to fashion, which is why many children choose to dye their hair in bright colors. How do you do this as a parent in a non-permanent and safe way?

Use Hair Chalk For Kids

Use Hair Chalk For Kids

Salon hairstylists recommend hair chalk. Although the chalk does not dye the hair, it does color it. It’s also easier to wash out of their hair and doesn’t cause any damage to their clothing.


You go to the salon looking for the ideal hairstyle for you, but how do you know which one is right? Most hairstylists will tell you that the result needs to be neat and clean.



In addition, which hair color do stylists prefer to work with the most? Most of them will tell you that they don’t have a favorite, but working on bleached or dyed hair is surprisingly easier.

Looking for the Right Fit

You’re entrusting your hair to a stranger, and you may be unsure how to select the best stylist for you. Because it is partially a preferential thing, hairstylists often keep quiet about what you should do with your hair.

Looking For The Right Fit

Looking For The Right Fit

There are, however, a few indicators that will reveal how professional they are. A hairstylist, for example, should begin at the center of the hairstyle and work outwards. Also, if they ask what you’ll be wearing, it’s a good sign because different clothes suit different hairstyles.

Regular or Professional Shampoo?

Do you want to buy shampoos regularly or pay a little more and go for the professional ones? This is a matter of concern that is often asked of many stylists.

Regular Or Professional Shampoo

Regular Or Professional Shampoo

If asked, hairstylists will tell you that you can get just as good results as regular shampoo if you use a conditioner with your shampoo. You will also save money. What a great tip to have!

Double it Up

How many times do you wash your hair when you’re in the shower? Most of us will probably respond twice, once with the air conditioner and once without. However, hairstylists are aware that this is a serious problem that will not clean your hair.

Double It Up

Double It Up

One wash, according to hairstylists, will remove the top layer of grime. It would help if you washed again once you’ve gotten rid of that. The shampoo’s nutrients will make it to your hair and scalp the second time around.

Don’t Rub it Dry

You rush out of the shower, grab a towel, and begin rubbing your hair dry. Many people do this, but this method of hair drying is harmful to your hair. Your hair may suffer as a result of this!

Don’t Rub It Dry

Don’t Rub It Dry

Salons and stylists recommend using a towel to press your hair from the roots to the ends. This will be less damaging to your hair. However, some people believe that an old t-shirt is a better alternative to a towel because its fabric is less harsh.

Condition After a Mask

It can be difficult to figure out how to clean and moisturize your hair properly. For example, do you use a hair mask before or after you condition your hair? Many people condition their hair first and then apply a mask, but this isn’t the most effective method.

Condition After A Mask

Condition After A Mask

Hairstylists recommend applying the mask first, followed by a deep conditioner rub. This will ensure that your hair is shiny and that the mask’s nutrients are fully absorbed.

Let it Go

You’re in a rush and need to get your hair dry, but jumping out of the shower and immediately drying your hair is actually damaging to your hair. Actually, it would be best if you let your hair air dry for a few minutes before beginning the drying process.

Let It Go

Let It Go

This will help protect your hair from damage caused by the heat from your flat irons or hairdryer. Always keep in mind that fresh air is highly recommended.

Use the Right Tools

When it comes to hair styling, there is something that we, as ordinary people, don’t get right. One of the most important things that many hairstylists believe we should all be aware of is the straightening process.

Use The Right Tools

Use The Right Tools

Instead of using your straightener iron alone, you should use it with a brush. To ensure a smooth finish free of bumps and knots, the brush should trail behind the iron.

Wash Regularly?

“You shouldn’t wash your hair every day!” – This is something we’ve all been hearing for a few years now. That is true for the most part, but not for everyone. Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule, as there are to everything.

Wash Regularly?

Wash Regularly?

Hairstylists advise that if you have oily hair, washing it every day is perfectly acceptable. Regular shampoos are also gentle enough that they won’t damage your hair.

Use Salt Spray

Many people opt for a perm if they want a light wave that is bouncy and textured. However, that process causes hair damage, so there is another, more natural way to achieve similar results.

Use Salt Spray

Use Salt Spray

Salt spray is a product that you might find on the shelves of a salon store. You can purchase this or make your own spray using water and rock salt. It will dry in a nice and wavy way if you spray this into your hair and scrunch it in sections.

Water Works!

Have you ever curled your hair too tightly? If you have, you are aware of how difficult it is to loosen them, but that is only because we did not have access to the expertise of professional hairstylists until recently.

Water Works!

Water Works!

You can loosen those curls by spraying water into your spray bottle and spritzing your hair with it. This saves time because you won’t have to rewet your hair and start over.

Use Some Oil

When you use products on your hair, it can lose its sheen. Surf spray and texturizers will help with this. However, by using just a smidgeon of one special product, you can lessen the impact of these products.

Use Some Oil

Use Some Oil

Hair oil is here to stay. Rake it through your hair after mixing it in with your other products. After using this simple yet effective hack, your hair will shine once more.

Sleep With a Bonnet

You go to the salon and have your hair done up nicely, and you make every effort to ensure that the hairstyle lasts. But what if you have to sleep for the night? The answer to this conundrum is known among hairstylists, and we’re going to tell you about it…

Sleep With A Bonnet

Sleep With A Bonnet

Go to the store and purchase a silk bonnet. It might not be as appealing to your significant other to look at, but it will keep your hairdo looking good for longer, and isn’t that what matters?

No Iron Needed

Do you want to make sure that the hair on the back of your head is straightened? This can be accomplished without using a straightener, but it must be done specifically during the drying process.

No Iron Needed

No Iron Needed

Take your brush and brush your hair forward while you’re drying it. This motion will create tension at the roots, resulting in straighter hair without the damage caused by a hot iron.

Chill Out

Have your curls started to lose their luster? This can be aggravating for someone who has worked hard to achieve that perfect curl. Is there a way to restore them to their former glory? There is one, and stylists are eager to share it.

Chill Out

Chill Out

Set the temperature of your hair dryer to cool. Then take it and use it to blast your hair for a couple of minutes. This will give those curls life again.

Keep it Healthy

If you like to color your hair, you’ll want to make sure it stays healthy throughout the process. Why might you wonder? Hairstylists claim that healthier hair means longer-lasting color.

Keep It Healthy

Keep It Healthy

Deep conditioning treatments should be used once a week to keep your hair shiny. This will ensure that your color lasts longer and appears better. As a result, these treatments have no drawbacks!

No Tangles!

It isn’t easy to keep curly hair from tangling, especially when cleaning it in the shower. However, if you spend some time preparing ahead of time, you can reduce your chances of getting major tangles.

No Tangles!

No Tangles!

Take your hair and twist it into four sections. After that, shampoo each section, and you’ll have fewer tangles when you get out of the shower. Brushing it out after it has dried will be a little easier as well.

Nightly Routine

It is possible to maintain full and bouncy hair throughout the day. One of the simplest methods is to use a product at night that you would not have thought of otherwise to accomplish this task.

Nightly Routine

Nightly Routine

You will wake up with full and lively hair the next day if you use dry shampoo right before bed, starting at the roots and working your way down to the ends. But, you still don’t believe us? There’s only one way to find out if this actually works!

Scalp Scrub

After going through your usual routines, you may notice that your hair is becoming limper and losing volume. This could be due to a buildup of dead skin on your scalp.

Scalp Scrub

Scalp Scrub

To get rid of that dead skin, hairstylists recommend using a scrub now and then. Your scalp, like your face, will open up the pores after being scrubbed, giving your hair more life.

Pomade It!

If your hair isn’t oily, try not to wash it more than once a week. Instead, there are some products you can use to speed up the process and some hairstyles that can help.

Pomade It!

Pomade It!

The classic low bun is one style that some hairstylists recommend. If you do this with a little pomade, the bun will not only look good, but it will also help you go longer between washes.

Reactivating the Product

You know when you’ve had a perfect hair day and want to recreate the look the next day? Well, we have a suggestion that could help, and it only takes a few minutes.

Reactivating The Product

Reactivating The Product

Fill a spray bottle halfway with water and spritz a small amount onto your hair. You won’t have to reapply any hair products because the water will help reactivate the product.

Too Much, No Problem

What if you overdid it on the product? This can cause your hair to become weighed down and dirty. You certainly don’t want that, but how do you get rid of the extra product? Dry shampoo, according to hairstylists, can solve this problem.

Too Much, No Problem

Too Much, No Problem

Apply your favorite dry shampoo to your entire head of hair. Dry shampoo will absorb the excess product and save you from a disastrous appearance. You’re welcome!

Are Haircuts Long Lasting?

When it comes to haircuts, how long should they last? This is an excellent question, and the answer is contingent on how well the cut is executed. If you have a good hairstylist, he or she should be able to cut your hair in such a way that you can go longer between cuts.

Are Haircuts Long Lasting

Are Haircuts Long Lasting

Most people believe that haircuts should be done every six weeks or so, but you can go anywhere from two to four months between cuts with the right cut.
