People Talk About The Moment They Decided To Divorce

Published on 05/10/2021
People Talk About The Moment They Decided To Divorce

People Talk About The Moment They Decided To Divorce

There’s no way around it: marriage is difficult. Even the happiest couples experience setbacks. Those who eventually decide that splitting up is the healthier option may come to this conclusion in various ways. Some people have a “lightbulb” moment, while others take their time. The people who told you the stories were aware that their marriage was over.

A wake-up call

Isn’t it strange how something so obvious can take something to bring it to your attention? Then, when it’s all said and done, you look back and wonder why you didn’t figure it out sooner.

A Wake Up Call

A Wake-Up Call

However, something about yoga makes sense because it is used to relax and calm the body. So it makes sense that it could cause someone to have a revelation, so to speak. When the revelation is anything like this, it’s just sort of a bummer.


Unlike some of the other divorce stories we’ve heard, this one is a little different. Instead of wanting a divorce because of her husband’s harsh feelings, this wife was too preoccupied with him.



This woman’s description sounds like an unhealthy relationship, so it’s probably a good thing she realized this and decided to end things. When you look at it that way, you can see the point the wife is making.

Really bad timing

If you asked this woman, she would most likely admit that her timing was terrible. If she had realized her true feelings before the wedding, it would have been much better for everyone.

Really Bad Timing

Really Bad Timing

What a horrible feeling it must have been to be walking down the aisle and realizing you’d made a mistake. Let’s just say we don’t want that to happen to anyone. But, at the very least, the two are still very close friends – that couldn’t have been easy.

Not the time to go golfing

Golfing is a popular pastime for some men, and it appears to be a recurring issue between husbands and wives – especially if it takes up a significant portion of their time with the family. However, golfing while your daughter is in the NICU is probably not a good idea.

Not The Time To Go Golfing

Not The Time To Go Golfing

This is the time to stay close to your partner and reassure them that everything will be fine. When she realized her husband wouldn’t be there for her when things got tough, she decided to call it quits.

Never a good thing

Knowing that your spouse is sending inappropriate messages to another man or woman is never a good thing. What we’re really curious about is how the husband discovered that the messaging was taking place.

Never A Good Thing

Never A Good Thing

Marriage is supposed to be based on trust, but this story shows that this isn’t always the case. And if that isn’t the case, you can bet your bottom dollar that the marriage will fail.

It filled her with hope

This woman is describing a situation in which two people simply stop loving each other. For example, she considered leaving her husband when she began to feel like a “roommate” to him and fell into depression.

It Filled Her With Hope

It Filled Her With Hope

The prospect of divorce made her feel hopeful rather than sad, which is yet another sign that it may be time to call it quits, and we can only hope they’re both doing better now.

Too many cardinal sins at once

It isn’t until you reach the end of this message that you realize why the divorce was logical. At first, you think to yourself that a divorce would be excessive given what’s going on.

Too Many Cardinal Sins At Once

Too Many Cardinal Sins At Once

However, when you then realize that the husband was with another woman, it all makes sense. People aren’t perfect – they can be forgetful, they can even be distant at times. Yet, when all that is due to another woman (in a romantic sense), that’s a major problem.

It was doomed to fail

To be honest, you despise hearing about divorces that were doomed from the start. So let’s just say that this marriage was doomed from the start, as you can see for yourself. If you ever marry out of guilt, that should be your first clue that something isn’t quite right.

It Was Doomed To Fail

It Was Doomed To Fail

Everything that happened afterward was undoubtedly unfortunate, but the warning sign was long before the wedding day. Therefore, the wedding should have been called off at that point.

Not the right line

We can’t be the only ones who are baffled about how this marriage has lasted this long. This would be understandable if the husband were at home all day, every day, caring for the children. The last line, on the other hand, refutes that theory. To be honest, the fact that the wife allowed it to happen is mind-boggling.

Not The Right Line

Not The Right Line

We just don’t know if money was ever an issue for them. Looking at it from the husband’s perspective, what a cliffhanger to try to save everything. Is it possible for us to have a child to save our marriage? It’s priceless.

A comical story with a bad ending

Divorce is a grave topic that we fully comprehend. The reason we brought that up is that the next story is a little amusing. Although, unfortunately, the couple had to divorce due to it all, can you imagine seeing a cat being aggressively thrown at someone?

A Comical Story With A Bad Ending

A Comical Story With A Bad Ending

It’s one thing to have the conversation leading up to the cat throw, but it’s quite another actually to take a cat and throw it at your husband. Who in their right mind would do such a thing?

When it all hits you

Life can be a strange place at times. Events can occur without your body reacting to them. Then it hits you like a ton of bricks on a completely random day. This is a feeling we’ve all had, and it happened to this woman right here.

When It All Hits You

When It All Hits You

From the outside, this appears to be a bleak tale. It’s not that the husband did anything wrong; it’s just that the wife wasn’t ready to settle down with him. She wanted to leave the marriage because she didn’t want to grow old with him.

Why don’t you say what you really feel?

Oh, if only we could be a fly on the wall and witness her expression when he said those words. Well, now we know what to wish for this Christmas!

Why Don’t You Say What You Really Feel?

Why Don’t You Say What You Really Feel?

One day, this husband came home and told his wife that he would start dating other women and that she should just accept it. We can’t think of a better way to end a marriage than for a husband to say to his wife what he did. Unbelievable.

The final straw

We imagine many divorces going like this. Either party simply reaches a point of no return. This right here is actually an unfortunate story. No child should have to endure this kind of pain.

The Final Straw

The Final Straw

We can’t help but imagine the daughter being depressed and disappointed when her mother was unable to pick her up from daycare… yet again. That line she said to her father must have broken her father’s heart. We can’t fault this father for calling it quits with his wife.

It makes you wonder

When we read this story, we can’t help but think about it. It makes you wonder why the marriage took place in the first place. In her own words, the wife states that her husband was always clear about what he could offer her.

It Makes You Wonder

It Makes You Wonder

Nonetheless, she desired a divorce because she desired more. Maybe she hoped he’d change his mind in the end. But, hey, love is a powerful thing – she could have just hoped he’d change eventually.

It couldn’t be any clearer than that

It doesn’t get any more obvious than that. Obviously, the conversation between these two is private, but even reading the condensed version is eye-opening. Is it unreasonable to expect your spouse to mature as a person?

Couldn’t Be Any Clearer Than That

Couldn’t Be Any Clearer Than That

To be honest, this is the most serious sin in any romantic relationship. But, unfortunately, there will be few husbands and wives who are willing to engage in open relationships. So you’re basically doomed if you cheat on your partner.

The gravest sin in marriage

Sure, there are some approaches to take, but both parties should always be willing to learn. Humans are obstinate, and we all know it. But can we all agree that life is about growing and learning new things?

The Gravest Sin In Marriage

The Gravest Sin In Marriage

It’s not easy to forgive something like this. It’s even more difficult to forgive when you’re talking about two people who are married. But what if you don’t even feel bad about learning about it? When that happens, it’s time to call it a day.

Different views can be problematic

No one can deny that husbands and wives will always have disagreements. Even if they’re insignificant, they’ll always be there. However, you can tolerate some differences, including differences of opinion.

Different Views Can Be Problematic

Different Views Can Be Problematic

When it comes to love, however, things get a little more serious. More context on this one would probably be beneficial, but you can’t blame the author for keeping the story short and sweet. On this one, perhaps ignorance is bliss.

Dark thoughts

If you ever consider death to be a form of liberation, you know something is wrong. It’s more understandable when there’s a disease involved and the “freedom” being discussed is an escape from the pain and suffering.

Dark Thoughts

Dark Thoughts

But, getting back to the point at hand, this isn’t good. We can only guess what her reaction was when this thought crossed her mind. We can only hope that this woman’s life has improved as a result of her divorce.

Better to just leave

Man, when you’re actually hoping to be duped. Yes, that appears to be the time when you should speak with your spouse. But, again, this is one of those situations where we don’t have all of the information.

Better To Just Leave

Better To Just Leave

We can only guess what the situation was like, but something wasn’t quite right. Unless something is seriously wrong, you don’t get to that point. That is, at least, how we see it. It’s not as if we haven’t all made mistakes in the past.

Way to show the love

There’s no denying that having children will increase your expenses. To say, however, that your own child is a financial burden is simply incorrect. It might be better if it’s something you think about when you’re upset about something (not that thinking this is ever ideal).

Way To Show The Love

Way To Show The Love

That being said, I’d like to say it in response to the question posed in the photo. Miss Molly, that’s not how you earn brownie points anymore, is it?

Not what you should start with

Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a job that allows them to be flexible. That being said, in a situation like this, that isn’t the best place to start. Perhaps things would have gone better if the husband had shown more sympathy first.

Not What You Should Start With

Not What You Should Start With

Maybe then his wife would have understood that he couldn’t take time off. The real issue here is that he showed no compassion for what had happened, at least according to her words. Indeed, this is the beginning of the end.

Too much damage done

When things go wrong in a relationship, many couples seek counseling, but when your therapist tells you to end it and get as far away from your partner as possible, you know something is wrong with them.

Too Much Damage Done

Too Much Damage Done

Even though he was the one who had been unfaithful to his wife, this husband kept a journal of all the things she did wrong. If you ask us, that’s pretty ironic and one good reason to call it off.

He didn’t get around

The husband of this woman was asked to enroll the children in nursery school – a simple task. But, he never, unfortunately, was around to it, and rather than telling his wife, he sent her somewhere under pretenses. At first glance, this story appears to be a little far-fetched to be the cause of a divorce.

He Didn’t Get Around

He Didn’t Get Around

Even with all of the information, we’re almost certain that there are still some details missing. Of course, the ending helps to justify the divorce even more. He was clearly worried about his PlayStation.

Not a great thing to do

What’s the point of doing this, to be honest? If she truly disliked her husband, even if the marriage was over, you’d think the mother would be concerned about her child.

Not A Great Thing To Do

Not A Great Thing To Do

When people are upset or want to hurt back those who have hurt them, they may do things on the spur of the moment. But we can’t help but think that the daughter was caught in the middle of a family feud and that her feelings were the ones that needed to be considered.

Telling it how it is

There comes a time when you just have to say what’s on your mind. Sure, there will be times when it isn’t appropriate. However, in some circumstances, it is necessary. This story is an excellent example of that.

Telling It How It Is

Telling It How It Is

Why not just get the inevitable over with now, rather than fighting for the next X number of months and years? But, on the other hand, the story’s ending is quite shocking and explains the marriage in a nutshell.

The truth hurts

It’s all because of something as simple as forgetting to buy milk. That’s an indication that the wife was well aware that things weren’t going to plan. In normal circumstances, something as insignificant as this would not cause such rage.

The Truth Hurts

The Truth Hurts

When you’re expecting a glass of milk and don’t get it, it’s all too easy to become enraged. But to not say a single word to your husband for an entire week? That’s a little excessive.

From the young boy’s mouth

When you stop and take a moment to consider it, children can often be the answer to our difficulties. It is not a problem we are concerned with at the moment. This serves as a prime illustration of this idea.

From The Young Boy’s Mouth

From The Young Boy’s Mouth

How long do you think it would have taken this husband to realize there was another man involved? It could have been days, weeks, or even months. It’s too bad things had to turn out this way, but at least he got primary custody. That’s fantastic.

An eye-opening revelation

It’s amazing how many people have epiphanies about their marriages after reading a bunch of these stories. It’s as if they wake up one day and have a random thought that leads them to realize they’re unhappy in their respective marriages.

An Eye Opening Revelation

An Eye Opening Revelation

This is exactly what we’re talking about when you read this story. Looking in from the outside, you wonder how random this thought really was. However, it becomes clearer when viewed through the eyes of the wife.

Life is full of learning experiences

That is, after all, a good way to describe the experience. We all know that life is full of opportunities to learn. Of course, some, like this one, are a little harsher than others. But, hey, the person telling the story doesn’t seem to regret the marriage entirely.

Life Is Full Of Learning Experiences

Life Is Full Of Learning Experiences

It cannot be considered a complete failure whenever children are born into this world. However, in terms of the marriage’s disillusionment, it appears that this type of thing occurs frequently.

Not willing to help

For a relationship to thrive, both individuals must be open to accepting and supporting one another. We’re not marriage counselors or relationship experts, but that’s common knowledge.

Not Willing To Help

Not Willing To Help

Then again, one of the quickest ways for a marriage to fail is when one party refuses to do anything to make things better. It’s difficult to blame the wife for wanting a divorce in this situation. We simply don’t know if the husband was too proud to seek help.

Social media can be problematic

First and foremost, people should never use Facebook to air their grievances with their partners. That’s something that needs to be kept out of the public eye. There’s no reason to let the world know about your dirty laundry. Doing so resulted in divorce due to the fallout from this particular story.

Social Media Can Be Problematic

Social Media Can Be Problematic

What was the wife thinking, really? Was it all a prank on her? It’s simply inexcusable that she reacted in that manner to those remarks. We honestly can’t believe someone would do such a thing.

Not a bad relationship gauge

You can appreciate it to some extent, even though it is some profound stuff. Of course, some may think that judging every boyfriend in this way is excessive, but you can understand where she’s coming from.

Not A Bad Relationship Gauge

Not A Bad Relationship Gauge

If the prospect of your son becoming exactly like him scares you, it’s time to rethink the situation. Sure, it’s easy to take this out of context, and it could even be misused. When considering the man’s main characteristics, however, it makes perfect sense.

A quick way to know it’s over

It’s honestly difficult to believe some of this. No, we aren’t implying that the majority of them are made up. We’re simply pointing out that some of them are difficult to comprehend. This is undoubtedly one of them. Isn’t it impossible for a spouse to do something like this?

A Quick Way To Know It’s Over

A Quick Way To Know It’s Over

Not even calling your spouse while they’re recovering from major surgery, let alone visiting them. How can a person be devoid of such empathy for their own spouse?

An old-school mentality

You can understand both sides of the story in this one. From the perspective of the husband, a lot of people have that old-school mentality. Even though times have changed, many people still believe that the wife should stay at home with the children while the husband is at work.

An Old School Mentality

An Old School Mentality

However, you can understand the wife’s dissatisfaction with the fact that he’s so forthright about it. Everything, we suppose, depends on the perspective from which we view things.

It takes two people

Everyone knows that a successful marriage requires cooperation from both partners. For things to work, each party must go all-in. Unfortunately, this is an example of only one party being willing to go to great lengths to make things work. And, to be honest, this is an unfortunate and depressing story.

It Takes Two People

It Takes Two People

Sure, we don’t have all the facts, but you have to feel bad for the woman telling the story. We may not know everything there is to know about the story, but you never know.

Too much pride to go

It’s no secret that men are conceited individuals. Too much pride, on the other hand, can be harmful. We’re not saying that men shouldn’t be proud of their accomplishments, but there are times when it can get in the way of the greater good.

Too Much Pride To Go

Too Much Pride To Go

Marriage counseling, or any type of counseling, should not be viewed as demeaning or humiliating. People need help, and sometimes counseling is required to work through issues. So there’s no need to be embarrassed about it.

A very awkward situation

That man had the audacity to do what he did. So we’re just going to call it what we see. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if the woman with the husband was his sister, mother, or any other relative. But calling it a “friend” is a stretch given the circumstances.

A Very Awkward Situation

A Very Awkward Situation

We’ve all had the desire to sit down and watch The Matrix (which is a fantastic film), but you should do so alone, with your spouse, with your family, or with a group of friends.

A simple but eye-opening thought

You know, it doesn’t get much more straightforward than this. The human mind is a fascinating creature, and it’s amazing how much it can play with you. It’s also kind of amazing how a single thought can change everything.

A Simple But Eye Opening Thought

A Simple But Eye-Opening Thought

The above-mentioned thought can sometimes help you see the truth of whatever situation you’re in. That pretty much sums up this divorce situation. To be honest, there’s not much else to say here.

That’s a definite sign

People frequently go through life looking for signs that will tell them how to proceed. The problem is that the signs aren’t always present, even if they do occasionally appear right in front of you. Nevertheless, we can confidently state that this is what happened to this woman.

That’s A Definite Sign

That’s A Definite Sign

When you reach the point where you don’t care if your spouse is cheating on you, you know something is wrong. That pretty much sums it up in a nutshell.

The trust just isn’t there

Trust is the one thing that your relationship will suffer if you don’t have it. It’s the bedrock of all healthy relationships, and if you don’t have any, you’re in big trouble. This individual realized they needed a divorce while they realized their spouse didn’t trust them.

The Trust Just Isn’t There

The Trust Just Isn’t There

They caught their wife going through their phone several times, looking for something to justify their suspicions. Finally, they had had enough after this happened a few times and decided to divorce, knowing they couldn’t be married to someone who didn’t trust them.

Realizing it when she said it

We are sometimes hesitant to accept what is on our minds. We may have these thoughts daily but be unable to accept that they are true. That was the case with this individual. They were well aware that they weren’t in love, but they refused to accept the implications.

Realizing It When She Said It

Realizing It When She Said It

They realized they wanted a divorce when their spouse finally admitted it and stated openly that they wanted a divorce. It’s sometimes all you need to hear from someone else to realize it’s true.

He didn’t care that she was flirting

This man realized that he unusually wanted a divorce. There was no fighting, crying, or screaming involved. In fact, the moment he realized it, he was ecstatic. He was at a party with his wife when he noticed her conversing with another man.

He Didn’t Care That She Was Flirting

He Didn’t Care That She Was Flirting

He realized she was flirting with him after observing them for a while. Rather than being annoyed that she was flirting, he was genuinely pleased for her. This sensation persuaded him that he didn’t want to be with her any longer.

All she could do was apologize

People are divided on whether fighting in relationships is healthy. Some argue that you should never keep your emotions bottled up, and this is a valid point. However, others believe that constant fighting is a sign that you and your partner aren’t a good match.

All She Could Do Was Apologize

All She Could Do Was Apologize

Whatever side you take, we’re sure you’ll agree that THIS kind of fighting isn’t right. However, this woman realized that she could only apologize and give up during a fight with her husband, so she chose to end it rather than continue to feel sorry for herself.

She didn’t want her son to be like her dad

Having children will drastically alter a relationship, for better or worse. Some couples are up to the task, and child-rearing difficulties only serve to strengthen their bond. However, when other couples are forced to be parents, they discover that they don’t actually love each other.

She Didn’t Want Her Son To Be Like Her Dad

She Didn’t Want Her Son To Be Like Her Dad

When this mother had the thought one day that she didn’t want her son to grow up to be like his father, she knew she needed a divorce. We can totally understand her desire based on how she describes his tone with her.

Following in his coworker’s footsteps

When you’re having trouble making a difficult decision, sometimes all you need is a gentle nudge in the right direction. For example, are you undecided about moving or staying in your current apartment for another year? If your friend decides to move with you, it may be easier to make a decision.

Following In His Coworker’s Footsteps

Following In His Coworker’s Footsteps

Are you undecided about getting a divorce? Perhaps hearing about a coworker’s divorce will motivate you to take action. For example, this man wanted a divorce after noticing that he was envious of his coworker’s divorce and interpreting his jealousy as a sign that it was time to call it quits.

They had nothing to talk about

While some of these divorce stories feature people overcoming adversity and finding their own independence, this one just makes us sad. Not every relationship ends on a high note. Indeed, it appears that this one went out without a scream.

They Had Nothing To Talk About

They Had Nothing To Talk About

When this couple went on their usual Friday night date night and realized they had nothing to talk about, they realized something was wrong. So they called it quits not long after that because their relationship had simply run its course. They couldn’t seem to make it work any longer.

He didn’t want things to get boring

There are two types of failed relationships: those that devolve into arguing and malice over time and those that simply fade into boredom. This man’s greatest fear was that as they grew older, he and his wife would grow tired of each other. He saw parallels between his in-laws and himself and his wife when he looked at them.

He Didn’t Want Things To Get Boring

He Didn’t Want Things To Get Boring

He also noticed that his in-laws seemed to be getting bored with each other. So, rather than allowing his marriage to deteriorate, he decided that he did not want to spend the rest of his life with his wife.

Out to the zoo without his husband

Here’s a story about a wife who decided to divorce her husband after a trip to the zoo. She took her daughters to see the animals and politely declined to invite her husband. He was perplexed. While they were gone, he went out to the bars and hung out with some other ladies.

Out To The Zoo Without His Husband

Out To The Zoo Without His Husband

His wife was unconcerned when she learned of his actions. That’s when she realized everything was over. Our question is, how did they get to this point in their relationship? Why did she request that he not accompany her to the zoo?

A kiss without an ounce of passion

Some relationships have a lot of passion that doesn’t fade with time. So stick with it if you find one like that. But, on the other hand, this relationship had one defining moment that demonstrated how much passion had vanished.

A Kiss Without An Ounce Of Passion

A Kiss Without An Ounce Of Passion

Instead of kissing his wife on the lips as he walked away, this husband simply kissed her on the cheek in a platonic manner. This may not appear to be a big deal, but the wife in the relationship knew it meant their passion had vanished and would never return.

A total momma’s boy

There’s nothing wrong with being proud of your parents. In fact, we believe that as an adult, you should care for your parents in the same way that you did as a child. Isn’t it true that they were concerned about you? They are deserving of it. But there’s a fine line between loving your parents and obsessing over them, and you shouldn’t cross it.

A Total Momma’s Boy

A Total Momma’s Boy

This wife was fed up with her husband and demanded a divorce because it appeared that he was more concerned with his mother than with his wife. His mother even rearranged their living space!

Deep in sleep

We enjoy naps just as much as anyone else. In fact, we believe we enjoy naps far more than the average person. Sleep is essential to life, but it should never take precedence over your significant other! Especially when it comes to a life-threatening illness!

Deep In Sleep

Deep In Sleep

This woman related the story of her parent’s marriage and the moment her mother realized she wanted a divorce. When her husband refused to wake up from his nap when she had an extremely high blood sugar level and needed medical attention, she realized it.

Not just one, but two

Infidelity is the final straw in many relationships. While we have heard of some couples who have survived a round of cheating, it is scarce. When this person found out about their partner’s infidelity, they knew they wanted a divorce, and it was bad. They were getting close to their spouse’s best friend…s.

Not Just One, But Two

Not Just One, But Two

Several of his closest friends, to be exact. To be precise, there were two of them. So at that point, it’s not even a long triangle. It’s kind of like a love trapezoid. So we understand why he wants a divorce.

Fighting against depression (and her husband)

If someone truly cares about you, they will always be there for you. That’s what we call unconditional love, and it’s present in all of the best marriages. However, while she was depressed, this woman realized that her husband’s love was somewhat conditional.

Fighting Against Depression (and Her Husband)

Fighting Against Depression (and Her Husband)

Instead of reaching out and assisting her, he became enraged at her because of how she felt. Isn’t that messed up? That is probably the most significant red flag in any relationship. She made the decision right then and there that she no longer wanted to be with him.

He wouldn’t even do the dishes

Compromise and cooperation are pivotal in relationships. One person can’t do everything; they’ll get tired of it. We’re guessing this husband never really understood what we’re talking about. Either that, or he was just a slacker. To be honest, it was probably a combination of the two.

He Wouldn’t Even Do The Dishes

He Wouldn’t Even Do The Dishes

His wife was cleaning the entire house and asked him to help her with the dishes in the sink. She checked the sink after she was finished, which took several hours. All of the dirty dishes remained. She filed for divorce after realizing her husband would never be able to carry his own weight.

Now that’s deep right there

Some of these are some of the most in-depth I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately, as you can see, the wife keeps the story short by leaving out some details. That’s probably for the best because it’s none of our business.

Now That’s Deep Right There

Now That’s Deep Right There

In any case, divorce is made even more difficult when children are involved. Is it, however, worth it to keep the marriage alive if the result is pain (possibly both mental and physical)? She appeared to know the answer to that question already.
