These People Failed At Being Smart And It Was Hilarious
Intelligence and common sense are two separate things, and it appears that in some of these cases, these individuals may be deficient in both. From mistaking T-shirts to not knowing the difference between a lion and a panther, we’ve seen it all. These kinds of mishaps happen to everyone at some point in their lives. We misinterpret a sign or see someone post something that makes us wonder if they are serious. You’ll laugh, shake your head, and wonder why people post things like this in the first place after reading this list.
The government already has our faces on file.
This gentleman, we’re guessing, did not have to take government in high school. It’s a pity because it’s an informative class. It not only explains the history of how our country is run, but it also tells you what you need to know as an adult, such as how to get your driver’s license and other documents.

The Government Already Has Our Faces On File
This man is concerned that the government has access to his face, but he is unaware that the government already has it if you have a passport or driver’s license.
But it’s already gone?
Television is a lovely addition to your home. It’s even better if you can get one for a low price. The issue is that this person does not appear to understand that the seller has already sold the television, even though they have repeated it twice.

But It’s Already Gone
What’s worse, the person decided to blame the seller for wasting their time when it was actually the seller wasting their time. We hope that they will read things more carefully in the future.
Some people don’t understand how things work
Although this person is happy for her sister becoming a mother, she expresses her excitement at the prospect of becoming an aunt or uncle. However, a helpful remark reminds her that this isn’t how it works.

Some People Don’t Understand How Things Work
She has no idea what her sister is having, but she does know that she is a woman, which means she will be an aunt. Perhaps someone could gently explain it to her so that she understands.
A panther is not a lion
Are you ready to laugh? This one is hilarious. One of the friends inquires if the pink panther was a lion. The first friend still doesn’t get it after being told twice that the pink panther was a PANTHER.

A Panther Is Not A Lion
When the second friend becomes irritated, they first turn to Google to discover that they are not pink. All caps are used by the friend to remind them that lions aren’t pink either. While amusing, the first person who thought the cartoon was true to life is a little sad.
It does exist
It’s reassuring to consider that someone else might be listening to the same song you are. However, since the invention of the radio, times have changed, and it is no longer such a big deal.

It Does Exist
Thousands of people now have access to the same song and lyrics that you do. When you go to a concert, the same thing happens. You can listen to music with strangers, friends, and family in a variety of ways.
We have no words
We’re speechless after reading this post. The person is perplexed as to why mothers are never required to take a DNA test. We’re at a loss for words after re-reading this and double-checking that what was said was actually said.

We Have No Words
We hope this person is joking, but if they aren’t, we hope they can figure out what’s going on. People should understand why mothers do not require DNA tests, but some simply lack common sense.
Really clueless
Online dating can be tricky and awkward at times. It’s inevitable that striking up an online conversation with a stranger and attempting to make enough of a virtual good impression to pique their interest will go that way. And we’ve all come up short. But perhaps not as bad as this individual.

Really Clueless
It’s nice to start with a smooth compliment, but it all goes downhill from there. Unfortunately, his first impression was likely to be that he is both ignorant and unintelligent… After that, we have a feeling they both quickly clicked “un-match.”
It’s your tree
Trees are a great addition to any backyard, and it’s even better when you know you’ve got a good one. But, unfortunately, the poster’s friend kept finding avocados on his lawn for a long time and assumed the neighbors were playing a joke on him.

It’s Your Tree
Who would continue to abuse him like this? He couldn’t figure out what was going on for a long time until he realized something crucial. In the backyard of his home, he had an avocado tree.
Not the right person
We’ve all sent a dreadful text message. Embarrassing is no longer a factor because most people can laugh at themselves when something amusing occurs. Depending on the situation, it can be quite amusing. We have a problem here because the texter does not realize that they texted the person they intended to text.

Not The Right Person
The person tries to explain it to them, but they don’t realize they’re talking to the wrong person. Someone isn’t getting their schedule while the texter is arguing with this patient recipient.
Not how pregnancy tests work…
Not everyone has the opportunity to learn about birds and bees, with all of the complexities that entail. However, you’d think that the vast majority of people are familiar with the fundamentals. Unfortunately, this is not the case for this girl, pregnant but does not know how pregnancies work.

Not How Pregnancy Tests Work…
Women do occasionally have multiple pregnancies and give birth to twins, triplets, or even quadruplets. But how did she conclude that the number of pregnancy tests reflects the number of babies?
Oh sweetie, you need a map
Someone needs a map. Because if she had one, she would be aware that New York is located in the United States of America. As a result, her post saying goodbye to America because she was leaving for New York is quite amusing.

Oh, Sweetie, You Need A Map
However, the best part for us is the debate over whether she’s ever taken a geology class when they meant geography. New York is a fantastic city to visit, but if you want to travel outside of the United States, you’ll have to travel further.
We think someone needs to hear the talk again
The woman in this post wishes she had the option of choosing her child’s father. However, we believe that if she thought about it, she would realize that while you cannot choose your own father, you do have a lot of control over who your child’s father is.

We Think Someone Needs To Hear The Talk Again
We’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she was referring to her own father, as amusing as this post and comment are. Perhaps he wasn’t the best, and she felt compelled to vent on the internet.
Make the film wherever you want
A reporter questions a Korean director about why he chose to make the film he directed in Korean. The film was about social criticism and class in Korea. But, of course, the director was Korean, and he had chosen a Korean cast to convey the film’s message.

Make The Film Wherever You Want
On the other hand, the reporter seemed perplexed as to why he did it and why he didn’t choose another language or country, but it makes perfect sense why a director making a film about social criticism in Korea would shoot in Korea.
The family has never heard of a library
This is unfortunate because the library is a wonderful place for families to visit. Reading is beneficial to your mind and intelligence, and it can transport you to new places. Reading also provides a unique opportunity to meet new people.

The Family Has Never Heard Of A Library
Her commenters were shocked that she had no idea that she could go to the library for anything she wanted when she asked if there was a book subscription for her family to get books and then return them when they were done.
Humans, are you waterproof?
Technically speaking, no. We can withstand water. When you reach a certain age, the person in this picture believes you gain special powers, similar to video games. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but humans do not operate in this manner.

Humans Are Waterproof
Our lives aren’t video games, and we don’t have access to cheat codes or indestructible bodies. Also, we don’t become completely waterproof once we reach a certain age, so bring your umbrella with you if you don’t want to get sick.
The title is just the title
People have stopped buying Corona beer because they believe it is linked to the coronavirus and is therefore afraid to drink it. While that idea is absurd, we support it if it leads to people drinking less and making better decisions for themselves and others.

The Title Is Just The Title
Even so, you must admit that people being afraid of a drink simply because of its name demonstrates that fear is being used instead of knowledge.
That’s not edible
When they realized what they had done, this person was able to laugh at herself. However, she had her pinky finger pressed against the jar and mistook it for a pickle.

That’s Not Edible
As a result, she spent about a half-minute trying to fish it out, completely oblivious to the fact that it was her finger. At the very least, she made fun of herself and did not feel bad about it. We’re sure her friends thought it was hilarious as well.
The shirt is blank on the bottom for a reason
We absolutely love witty shirts. They don’t realize there isn’t supposed to be a second part to this, so it takes the cake. Many of their classmates appear to be confused about the second half of the shirt, and it appears that no one informed them that this was the point.

The Shirt Is Blank On The Bottom For A Reason
Also hilarious are the comments on this post. They joke about how the professor will tell who will last long in his class as they pass back and forth.
No birthday cake for you
This person believes that this man should be forced to give away nearly all of his birthday cake, and the first commenter points out that this happens all the time when you have friends. They were obviously trying to get under the skin of the first person.

No Birthday Cake For You
We believe it worked, but sometimes it’s impossible to change people’s minds. So we hope that they get to keep their cake in the future for the sake of all parties involved.
They didn’t know what they had
A&W is a great place to eat, and they needed more customers in the 1980s. So they came out with a 13 of a pound burger to make a bigger impact and compete better with other restaurants.

They Didn’t Know What They Had
The issue was that it didn’t sell well because other restaurants offered a 14-pound burger. Customers mistakenly assumed the latter was larger, resulting in a revenue loss, prompting the removal of the item from the menu.
A refresher course could come in handy here
Some teachers will allow you to use a calculator in class, which can be beneficial. However, you shouldn’t rely solely on the calculator and lose sight of using your brain. The image we have here exemplifies this point.

A Refresher Course Could Come In Handy Here
The student made a “syntax error” on the board while solving the problem. The teacher’s expression says it all, and we can’t help but sympathize with him as he watches the student fall short of his full potential.
That’s not how sponsorship works
This boyfriend decided to share his girlfriend’s blunder on social media. She assumed that adopting a koala from Australia meant that she would receive a koala in the mail and would be able to care for the bear herself.

That’s Not How Sponsorship Works
She started crying when she realized that wasn’t how it worked, and her boyfriend thought it was amusing that she didn’t realize she wouldn’t be getting a bear delivered to their house. So he explained how it works and then cheekily teased her about it.
He can’t be surprised he was caught
Trying to bring something on a plane that shouldn’t be on a plane is a bad idea, but some people never learn. For example, a man was apprehended attempting to smuggle an illegal item under his toupee.

He Can’t Be Surprised He Was Caught
We’re unsure why this person thought he wouldn’t be discovered because the hairpiece is obviously fake. It’s close to his hair color, but it’s not quite right, and it sits oddly on his head.
You need to re-read the comics
All adore Superman. He’s tough and stands for good values, and he tells exciting stories that keep readers and fans interested. The couple in this photo, on the other hand, should reread the comics or conduct a quick Google search.

You Need To Re-Read The Comics
Her boyfriend dresses up as Superman, while her girlfriend dresses up as Supergirl. She thought they were the ideal couple, but she overlooked one small detail: Superman and Supergirl are not married. At the very least, not in a romantic sense. But, because they are family, this photo is a little unsettling.
The Internet is not a place to give out personal information
We honestly don’t know how this duped so many people. The poster inquires about your social security number and how much money you have in your account. After a while, someone realized what was going on and tried to alert them to the fact that they’d been duped.

The Internet Is Not A Place To Give Out Personal Information
Sensitive information should not be shared on the internet. Because of identity theft and people looking to steal your personal information, it’s the last place you should post anything personal.
True Family Guy fan
The humor on Family Guy can be crude and over-the-top, so it isn’t for everyone. Fans of the animated series, on the other hand, have come to expect the unexpected.

True Family Guy Fan
So it’s not surprising that it took this guy ten minutes to realize the Spanish dialogue was not some kind of new joke, but rather that he had pressed the language button by accident. But, of course, the fact that this is exactly what Peter Griffin would do adds to the hilarity.
Your phone is going to die
In this photo, a student is attempting to charge his phone using a portable battery. That’s reasonable. When you look closer, you’ll notice that the battery is solar-powered, and he’s trying to generate light with his phone’s flashlight.

Your Phone Is Going To Die
The responses range from curious to amusing, with the latter informing the former about why this wouldn’t work. We hope the person who attempted this saw the post and learned from it so that they can charge their phone properly the next time.
Spanish is a language; it’s not offensive
The person in this picture is unaware that black in Spanish is referred to as negro instead of noir in French. When asked if the makeup brand was racist, the person responded that it was not. Many of us studied a foreign language in high school, and we believe that this individual should have studied Spanish.

Spanish Is A Language; It’s Not Offensive
If they had, they would not have misinterpreted someone as rude; instead, they would have realized that they were simply labeling the product with the color of the eyeliner so you would know what you were getting.
Re-think your decisions
Fake identification has been around for a long time. They’re often so convincing that people don’t realize they’re fake. However, he made a mistake, in this case, indicating that this is not a valid ID. Instead, he used a photo of himself and his girlfriend as his picture.

ReThink Your Decisions
We’re guessing he forgot that driver’s licenses only cover one person, not several. So use your real ID in the future, and if you feel the need for a fake ID, you’re probably doing something you shouldn’t be doing in the first place.
The difference between hot and cold water
Disputes with landlords are more trouble than they’re worth. The tenant, in this case, claims that the hot water system is broken. When the landlord inquires about it and requests photos, the tenant snaps a photo of the water running and clarifies that the water is cold, not hot.

The Difference Between Hot And Cold Water
The landlord was most likely referring to photos of the pilot light, dials, and other items that could be used to diagnose the problem, as the comment below the image suggests. On the other hand, the picture is amusing.
This isn’t going to be comfortable for you
Watermelon was on the mind of the man in this photo. But, unfortunately, he was unaware that the watermelon would not fit through the train bars, which was a disadvantage.

This Isn’t Going To Be Comfortable For You
We’re guessing the passengers weren’t allowed to disembark because if they had, he could have just taken it with him and avoided all the hassle. We have no idea how long he could hold this watermelon without dropping it, but just looking at this photo makes our wrists hurt.
That’s not how a phone works, darling
Jenn believes she has misplaced her phone. She’s understandably upset and concerned that she won’t communicate with her friends or work. However, she appears to be unaware that she messaged her friend on the phone in question. She had no idea it was her phone and that it had not been misplaced.

That’s Not How A Phone Works, Darling
She kept thinking it was one of her friends. Her friend waits patiently for her to figure it out in her head before gently nudging her in the right direction and confirming that she is texting her from her phone.
You are using your card
When traveling abroad, everyone is concerned about losing their credit cards or cash. Furthermore, identity theft has become a serious problem in the last few decades. Therefore, we understand that seeing your credit card being used in Europe may cause you concern.

You Are Using Your Card
Except, before canceling her card, this person should have remembered one thing: she was the one in Europe. So, who’s the one who’s using her card? It was she who had done it.
People searched for this?
With how this question was phrased, we have to wonder what people learn in school because science and astronomy cannot be among them. We’re guessing this person didn’t get the memo that the Earth is a planet.

People Searched For This
To put your mind at ease, the Earth is a planet, and we can only hope that she was trolling the people on her social media for this one.
They didn’t need machines
We have to laugh at this one. The individual realized their error, and the edit was flawless. They responded to their question by saying they forgot about people who died, not understanding how the Middle Ages knew what skeletons looked like without X-ray machines.

They Didn’t Need Machines
Because the person was able to figure it out on their own, the comments reflected how funny the post is, and while they were probably a little embarrassed, they probably got a good laugh as well.
Why would people celebrate a holiday that has nothing to do with them?
Independence Day is a significant holiday in the United States. This person wonders if it is observed in other cultures, but why would they? It wouldn’t make sense to celebrate something in their country that has nothing to do with them or their beliefs because it isn’t a significant holiday to different cultures.

Why Would People Celebrate A Holiday That Has Nothing To Do With Them
Americans, for example, are unlikely to celebrate holidays that have nothing to do with their own or their family’s culture. Nevertheless, curiosity isn’t bad, and most of the comments were respectful of one another’s viewpoints.
Please go back to math class!
This one is amusing until you read the first comment and realize that someone will go into insulin shock if this is taken seriously. The recipe only calls for a quarter cup of sugar, but the woman claims she added a third because they didn’t want it to be too sweet.

Please Go Back To Math Class!
For people with diabetes, the top comment suggests half a cup. Hopefully, whoever reads this realizes that this is not something that should be attempted with diabetes. Many people struggle with fractions, and the person who posted should attend a math class.
Totally missing the point
Getting married on the same day as your best friend and throwing a huge combined wedding could be BFF goals for some (though most people don’t want to share the spotlight on their special day). That, however, was not the case in this situation.

Totally Missing The Point
It’s easy to mock this naive commenter, but she clearly had no malice in her heart. She saw a photo of two unknown women in wedding gowns and had no idea they were famous actress Samira Wiley and producer Lauren Morelli, who had married each other…
Which do you prefer?
Because the containers say coffee and tea, the mother who did this perplexed her family, rather than simply storing the coffee and tea in their designated containers, she crossed it out and reversed it, causing the containers to carry the opposite.

Which Do You Prefer?
We assume her family told her, or at least someone on social media did. They would enjoy ribbing her about it because they posted it on social media.
No one is this wealthy
Many people who were struggling financially have benefited from the stimulus checks. One person was so grateful that they told the poster’s husband that it’s a good thing we can accept them.

No One Is This Wealthy
They think that the money from stimulus checks came from a single source. Of course, anyone can lack common sense, but this one makes us shake our heads in silent laughter.
What are the chances?
Phones are electronic devices, and some chargers can recharge your battery without the use of any wires. Wireless charging is possible, but it does not apply to cooking appliances. If you put something in the microwave, it will either be cooked or set on fire.

What Are The Chances?
This unfortunate experience proves that you shouldn’t believe everything you hear or read. It’s usually too good to be true if something sounds too good to be true, regardless of how good it sounds. We’d love to hear the phone call this person made to their insurance company in an attempt to get a replacement. But, what exactly do you mean you microwaved it?
Well, that lasted long
Having a good credit rating can mean the difference between living comfortably and surviving on the bare necessities. This social media user was fortunate enough to obtain a good credit score, which she used to obtain her first credit card. She was so ecstatic that she had to tell everyone about it so that they could be as proud as she was.

Well, That Lasted Long
Unfortunately, she didn’t think things through and posted the entire card number, making it available to anyone. So if any of her fans felt compelled to buy something for themselves, she could say goodbye to her good credit rating. We were sorry, but we decided to take her on a round-the-world trip anyway.
It was a waste
We now have access to a vast amount of information thanks to the internet. For example, we would have had to learn and remember the UK flag if we didn’t have access to Google at all times. Fortunately for this girl, she lives in a generation where all you have to do is ask the internet if you want to know something.

It Was A Waste
Rather than pausing for a split second to inspect the UK flag, she went ahead and purchased the phone case. It turns out it’s not the British flag, and she did spend $25 on a Confederate flag cover instead. But, of course, it’ll only be a waste of money if she finds out, so she might still think it’s a good deal.
Mmm, salmonella
We’re all trying to eat healthier, so we’re open to trying the latest food fad. However, this woman didn’t think it was a good idea to eat raw chicken, so she took the obligatory Instagram shot before tucking in. Getting sick is one of the best ways to make sure that you keep the weight off.

Mmm, Salmonella
Eating raw chicken is extremely risky and almost always results in salmonella infection. This food craze will produce the desired results; on the downside, you will not be leaving the toilet anytime soon. There’s a reason you’ve never tried this before: it’ll get you hospitalized.
A lovely moonlit walk
A romantic stroll with your partner under the moonlight sounds like something out of a movie. However, the dim yellow glow of this streetlight captivated this social media user, who mistook it for the moon.

A Lovely Moonlit Walk
That massive white orb floating in the sky was mistaken for a streetlight. Unfortunately, if the zombie apocalypse occurs, this person cannot be counted on to follow the North Star and will most likely be among the first to perish.
All the best food groups
We’re not sure who this is aimed at, but they should check their cholesterol levels before diving in. The pork sausage meat is fine, but there is one completely unnecessary ingredient.

All The Best Food Groups
Those Gummy Bears are completely inappropriate. It’s not a mistranslation; those Gummy Bears in the raw pork are real. You can’t even save them at this point because they’re embedded in raw meat, and removing them will result in you joining the raw chicken lady on the toilet.
This is one of those moments that we can all have if we haven’t gotten enough sleep and worked all day. But, instead of pausing to consider his options, this man immediately turned to social media to see if his followers could help him.

“Where has the ‘W’ gone?” We’re curious about his shadow’s appearance and whether it dresses similarly to him. How could he be so perplexed about this badminton racket if he wasn’t?
Observation is not their best quality
Barney Stinson, rest in peace! The death of Fast and Furious star Paul Walker was tragic, but this person appears to have crossed their wires. That isn’t Paul Walker, but Neil Patrick Harris, who is a completely different actor.

Observation Is Not Their Best Quality
Oddly, this person is still surprised, given that they have no idea what the actor they’re mourning looks like. To be fair, they do resemble each other, but given that Walker is one of their favorites, they should distinguish between the two.
You didn’t say where
“Well if you’re going to spell it funny, I’m just going to have to guess where the ‘C’ goes.” This barista only had to read what they had written to notice their mistake, but they didn’t, and Marc became Carc.

You Didn’t Say Where
We hope he has settled into his new identity and that his family has adjusted quickly. We’re sure Marc wasn’t too upset as long as the coffee tasted good, even if it was a little more bitter than normal.
Nurse life
You do not choose the nurse’s life; it chooses you. Patience is a virtue, and the person who receives this tattoo will need plenty of it as they endure the painful laser removal of their spelling mistake.

Nurse Life
When getting a tattoo, the artist will always ask you to double-check the spelling to ensure your satisfaction. If you don’t know how to spell the word, you should probably look it up in a dictionary first before getting it tattooed on your body.
No, it’s not
There are a few distinctions between violins and flutes. The first is a wind instrument that requires you to blow into it, and the second is a violin that almost everyone on the planet is familiar with.

No, It’s Not
It’s difficult to mix the two, but that’s exactly what this swimming pool manufacturer has done. Hopefully, the social media team isn’t made up of the same people who install the pools. Perhaps the homeowner had requested a lute and was surprised to find this violin-shaped pool when they returned home.
Do you know each other?
It’s strange how similar The Rock and Dwayne Johnson look; wouldn’t it be amazing if they were ever in the same room? But, unfortunately, this person hasn’t yet realized they’re the same person and is probably wondering what happened to The Rock’s professional wrestling career.

Do You Know Each Other?
How did Dwayne Johnson rise from obscurity to stardom in Hollywood? Has anyone checked to see if The Rock is okay after he hasn’t been seen in years? Unfortunately, he may have been seriously injured.
Their secret ingredient
On a hot day, iced tea is a refreshing way to cool down. You can wipe the sweat from your brow and relax with a delicious ice-cold tea to forget about your worries. But don’t forget to save the sweat!

Their Secret Ingredient
We doubt anyone will be tempted to drink the tea from the one labeled “sweat,” so the “no sweat” option will be in short supply. To make matters worse, the ‘sweat’ is on the unsweetened bottle while the ‘sweat’ is on the sweetened bottle, so avoid both.
Lacking toast
As nutritionists better understand our eating habits, they will determine whether we have any food intolerances. For example, this person is most likely lactose intolerant, though they could also be short on toast.

Lacking Toast
Maybe they’re also short on cash and haven’t been able to pay their rent on time. Worse, they cannot consume this ice cream for some reason, but this did not deter them from purchasing it in the first place. So they’re basically just torturing themselves, and we’re guessing they had a nibble.
Cinnamon spin, revolution, twirl, and rotation
This person must adore their thesaurus because they are constantly searching for new words to use. They’ve made “synonym rolls” instead of cinnamon rolls. They taste just as good, but you’ll have to use more words to describe them to others.

Cinnamon Spin, Revolution, Twirl, And Rotation
Let’s hope they used a family recipe passed down through the generations, and they taste exactly like the ones that ‘grammar’ used to make. On the other hand, they do look delicious, so we’re guessing most people didn’t notice the misspelling when they ate them.
Love is blind
Parents adore their children no matter what they accomplish, and it is a proud moment for both mothers and fathers when their children achieve something. However, this mother was so pleased that her daughter’s grammar was better than most 30-year-olds that she stopped to double-check.

Love Is Blind
Hopefully, this girl’s 2nd-grade teacher knows a lot more about spelling and grammar than her mother and can show her how to use the word “their” correctly. Otherwise, she’ll grow up believing that this is acceptable when it isn’t.
Does this water taste funny to you?
Needless to say, it is Europe, and they do strange things, don’t they? This isn’t drinking water; it’s for cleaning up after you’ve used the restroom.

Does This Water Taste Funny To You?
We can’t help but think that if this woman truly understood the purpose of this small bowl, she wouldn’t be doing what she’s doing. It’s bad enough that she’s washing her face, but she’s also trying to drink from it. We’re curious if she noticed if it tasted strange.
Help, we’re stuck!
It’s often difficult to hold someone accountable when they make a mistake. Who are we to judge? We all have off days where we do things we wouldn’t normally do, so who are we to pass judgment? Regardless, we must admit that we are definitely passing judgment on this individual.

Help, We’re Stuck!
Honestly, how did you miss that you could just move that box? Maybe it makes sense if they were inside, but they clearly photographed it, so why didn’t they simply move the box aside?
Never lose your keys
If you’re someone who constantly loses their keys, we’ve got a solution for you! Simply connect them to whatever it is that they unlock, and you’re ready to go. However, there is one flaw with this approach. If you lose the key to the lock, you’re out of luck.

Never Lose Your Keys
This person improved on the method by attaching their keys to the luck, ensuring they would never lose them. Oh, no, that doesn’t seem to work either. Perhaps you should just keep track of your keys yourself.
It doesn’t fit
Do you remember that game as a kid where you put a triangular peg in a triangular hole, a circular peg in a circular hole, and so on? Well, here’s someone who hasn’t played that particular game before.

It Doesn’t Fit
Not only is the piece of furniture far too large for the small car he’s trying to fit it into, but it also appears to be in the wrong shape even to try to fit it through the door. Dude, you need to work on your spatial recognition skills.
How not to use a rice cooker
The rice cooker is a marvel of engineering. While cooking rice used to be simple (just measure it out and boil some water), rice cookers eliminate all of the difficult parts of the process. All you have to do now is press the start button.

How Not To Use A Rice Cooker
Do not (and should not) use a rice cooker to speed up the cooking process by placing it on a hot stove. This person gave it a shot and got this dreadful result. Perhaps refer to the instructions next time? Just a thought.
Getting a closer look
Do you recall the total solar eclipse that occurred a few years ago? It was a spectacular sight to behold, especially if you lived in an area where everything aligned perfectly and you spent a lot of time in the middle of the day. But do you recall the people who refused to look at it without wearing protective eyewear? Of course, you do.

Getting A Closer Look
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the only blunder of the day. This woman brought out her step-stool to better look at the astrological event—a poor substitute for a telescope.
Right in front of you
It’s always an annoyance not to have the right tool for the job, and we’ve all experienced it. No matter how well you prepare for something, there will always be something you overlook. You may be missing just one tool from your toolbox.

Right In Front Of You
This is where a multi-tool can help! It combines several tools into one, making it an excellent choice for any homeowner. Most people can use the corkscrew that comes with the wine bottle to open it. However, not all multi-tool owners are aware of this. So close, yet so far.
Okay, all finished!
This one is difficult to look at because we feel we’ve been in a similar situation before. Whether it’s home construction or not, we’ve all finished projects only to find out right afterward that we did everything wrong.

Okay, All Finished!
Remember that essay where you had to cite everything in MLA format, and it took you hours? Remember how enraged you were when you realized it should have been in APA? Unfortunately, this is essentially the handyman’s version of that. Oh well, it just means this individual will have more experience installing doors.
Bye-bye wire
If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that these plastic bags are a public health hazard. Seriously, how do they expect us to open them without using extraterrestrial force and our sharpest knife?

Bye Bye Wire
This individual was clearly too preoccupied with conquering the packaging to notice that they were chopping right through the item inside. Maybe the company’s plan all along was to make the package so difficult to open that you ruin the item and have to buy a new one ten minutes later. How devious.
Posing for a pic
We’ve all got that one friend who can’t stop forcing you to photograph them wherever you go. Unfortunately, some people have to do it for the sake of the camera, ya’ll. (Or you could use Snapchat.) Whichever you’d like.) When this picture was taken, this young lady was so blinded by her vanity that she didn’t realize she was ruining her dinner.

Posing For A Pic
But, oh well. It’s all in the duck face. It went viral, so perhaps the attention she received due to his food blunder was enough to make up for the missing sauce.
Slow and steady wins the race
Oh, the joys of roadwork. We hate to admit it, but we’ve sat in our cars for hours ranting about road work we have no control over. We’ve never seen yelling in our cars speed things up, but dang it if it doesn’t make us feel better.

Slow And Steady Wins The Race
We know we can’t just jump out of line and speed away, no matter how much we want to, mostly because something similar could happen. If this isn’t karma in action, we’re not sure what is. Hopefully, this individual learned his lesson…and that he was able to retrieve his vehicle.
No shortcuts here
It’s inconvenient to dry your clothes, but if this photo teaches us anything, it’s that there are no shortcuts. This man needed this shirt to dry as soon as possible (who knows, maybe he had a date or something), so he tried a new drying method: the microwave.

No Shortcuts Here
Cotton clothing and the microwave, it turns out, doesn’t mix very well. Actually, it appears that they are mortal enemies doomed to fight each other forever. And it appears that the shirt was misplaced.
Take some for the road
Here’s one stupid thing we’ve probably all considered doing at some point in our lives. If you go to your local gas station and notice that gas is significantly cheaper than usual, you may have considered filling up some gas cans and taking them home to avoid paying for gas once the price rises.

Take Some For The Road
Someone has taken that idea to its logical conclusion by filling up not one but two trash cans with gas. Worse, they’re in the bed of a pickup truck, which means one wrong turn could send everything flying.
Nice screen protector, ma
According to the story, a child was driving in the car with their mother when they took a look at her phone. They were taken aback when they first saw it (which makes sense, looking at the phone). Then, they inquired why it appeared that way, to which their mother replied that it was due to her screen protector.

Nice Screen Protector, Ma
This not-so-tech-savvy mom, it turns out, used the screen protector’s packaging rather than the screen protector itself. That explains why it appears as it does. How can you possibly use such a phone?!
How to shave in one easy step
It’s cool to have a beard, but we’re here to tell you that it’s a health hazard. Still don’t believe us? Take a look at this picture. This guy was working on a project when his beard became entangled in an electric buffer, as you can see. Oh, no.

How To Shave In One Easy Step
His facial expression reveals just how much pain he is in. But, hey, on the plus side, it saves him time when he goes to shave later! Even if he didn’t want to lose his beard, he doesn’t have much choice.
Christmas is cancelled
If this photo makes you think someone threw their Christmas tree out of a third or fourth-story window, you’re right. But, unfortunately, that is precisely what occurred in this situation. Unfortunately for them, it became entangled in a real tree outside and will be far more difficult to recover than if they had simply walked it down the stairs.

Christmas Is Cancelled
Folks, this is what happens when you’re lazy! What did they expect to happen when they threw it out the window, by the way? It wasn’t a well-thought-out strategy.
The magical paint boy
We’re surprised at how few of them are on this list because kids love to get into mischief and do stupid things. Maybe it’s because most of their stupid problems are so forgivable that we don’t even want to mock them. But who’s this kid?

The Magical Paint Boy
He went above and beyond what was expected of him. You might be wondering how he ended up with his entire body covered in black paint. The answer is actually quite simple. With a hammer, he smashed a can of black spray paint. Ah, to be carefree and young once more.
Darn you, tangles!
Untangling your cords is a tedious and time-consuming process, but this photo demonstrates how important it is. This photo was taken by a teenager of their mother’s phone “charging” next to the computer. Unfortunately, she couldn’t tell if it was charging or not because her headphones were so tangled up in her charging cord that she couldn’t tell.

Darn You, Tangles!
Mom is clearly in need of some assistance with her iPhone. She also needs to get a case for that thing. Allow this to serve as a reminder always to untangle our cords…or at the very least, unplug our headphones when we’re finished.
An interesting cleaning technique
It’s always aggravating to get your car dirty or filthy, especially when the spot just won’t go away no matter what you do. This is the time to take your car to the car wash or hire a professional.

An Interesting Cleaning Technique
Alternatively, if you’re like this person, you’ll drive to the nearest gas station and pour gas on the stain in the hopes of buffing it out. We’re not sure what the strategy is here, but we admire the creativity. We don’t think it’s safe, but hey, you can’t have everything.
The work of a disgruntled UPS employee
Working for UPS is a difficult job. You’re the one who delivers everyone’s packages, but you don’t get many “Thank you!” responses. That’s a difficult one. This person was clearly having a bad day and decided to play a joke on one of the people they were delivering.

The Work Of A Disgruntled UPS Employee
We have no idea how they got that perfectly sized package into that mailbox. But it’s a devilishly good move…if you want to frustrate someone for the rest of the day. We’d probably just buy a new mailbox if this happened to us.
Eating cereal bars
Cereal bars, granola bars, power bars, or whatever you want to call them, are excellent portable snacks. They provide a lot of energy in a hurry and are extremely compact, making them ideal for hiking. However, most people are aware that you don’t eat them like cereal.

Eating Cereal Bars
However, the emphasis is on “most,” because clearly, not everyone is aware of this. When this person tried to put theirs in a bowl of milk, the results were mixed. The text conversation only adds to the situation’s absurdity.