Life Saving Storage Hacks For Your Home
Unless you happen to be lucky enough to be living inside a mansion, you probably have some storage issues or have had them in the past at some point. There are times when finding the space you need to store all your things can be a challenge. If you have a hard time keeping things organized in your house, we’ve got some easy hacks that will help your life get much easier. Living in an organized home can improve the quality of your life significantly. All you need to do is follow some easy steps. You won’t have to save money to rent an extra storage unit anymore or renovate the garage. These easy hacks will allow you to find the space you need within your home.
Keeping Spices Organized
A kitchen that’s complete with an assortment of spices is crucial to cooking delicious home meals. However, there are many different ways it can be challenging to keep them all in one place. Luckily, there is a way you can create your own spice rack using nothing but a drawer and a couple of empty cardboard boxes.

Keeping Spices Organized
Grab a cardboard box that’s the size of your drawer and unfold it so you have one large flat piece of cardboard. Fold it to create ramps, as you can see in the photo. Place the folded cardboard in one of the kitchen drawers and arrange the spices in a neat way. If you’d like, you can color-code each ramp according to the spices on it.
Store Plastic Bags
It’s not always easy to be environmentally friendly. You do the best that you can in order to save and reuse plastic bags. Sometimes, however, this ends up taking up a lot of space and making your cabinets look awful.

Store Plastic Bags
One easy way to solve this issue is by using an old tissue box to store all your plastic bags. The trick is to ensure all the bags are folded neatly as soon as you unpack. Then, you’ll see that you can fit a lot of them inside the box.
The Perfect Dish Dryer
This hack is a rather obvious one, but we’ve noticed that it has yet to become the norm. Dish dryers don’t take up much room on the kitchen counter, but they can also cause water to drip everywhere, making a mess.

The Perfect Dish Dryer
When you have your dish dryer over the sink, you won’t only be saving space. The water from the dishes will simply drip right into the sink, naturally. This means that your kitchen will be a lot cleaner and spacious.
More Pantry Space
The cabinets in your pantry are designed to store as many items as possible. Generally, they use a vertical storage approach. All that horizontal space ends up being unused for nothing. To make the most of all that, set your shelves at an angle and place a horizontal bar across the front of the shelf.

More Pantry Space
By doing this, you’ll be able to store all your canned goods in a different way and see all the products much better. You’ll be able to take stock of what you have at all times with no problem at all. Not to mention, it looks better as well.
Seal And Store
Here is another way you can make more space inside your pantry. You’ll need a tension rod as well as some “bulldog clips”. It’s the perfect hack to keep all your snacks in the same place and also keep them fresh.

Seal And Store
Instead of leaving all the bags lying there, organize them easily with this method. The best part about it is that your snacks will stay sealed, and there will also be more space underneath for more snacks.
Chopstick Hack
You know what it’s like having to store some leftover food in the fridge. Tinfoil is your savior in this case and you use it to cover the bowls to keep the food fresh. That’s when you realize that there isn’t enough room inside the fridge for everything. Eventually, you give up and put bowls on top of each other, damaging the foil while making a mess at the same time.

Chopstick Hack
There’s an easy solution to this problem. Place one or two chopsticks over the top of a bowl, as you can see in the photo. Then, you’ll be able to place a second bowl on top without damaging the bottom one.
Basements are great storage spaces. All the same, you can make even more use of your basement by utilizing the area in-between the rafters. If the ceiling of your basement or garage happens to look like this, you can use it to store all kinds of things by simply adding a shelf.

In Between
The entire project will cost you approximately $20 and will only require basic skills to get it done. You’ll be surprised by how much stuff you can keep in the once-useless area. If you want to go the extra mile, go ahead and splurge on big storage containers.
No Tangled Wires
It’s an unsettling thing to throw away an old wire. Despite the fact that you have a brand-new phone, you feel like you need to keep all the wires, just in case you might need one of them at some point in the future. The result of this decision is not a pretty one, we can tell you that much. You end up with a drawer filled with tangled up old wires.

No Tangled Wires
To avoid that whole mess, use this hack: it will keep all your wires neat and organized. Additionally, it’s a good way to recycle and use some toilet paper rolls. If you want the box to look even nicer, feel free to paint or label the tubes.
The Perfect Combo
Who doesn’t love a good sauce on their food? Condiments add so much flavor to food, but when it comes to storing them, they can be a serious pain. They take up so much space in the fridge. Not to mention, they usually can’t be placed upside down, or they’ll leak or fall over.

The Perfect Combo
The solution to both problems is rather simple. The only thing you need is an old egg carton. This hack takes less than a minute to complete and it will totally change the way you live. The best part about it is that you can now keep the bottle upside down and use them to the last drop.
All Those Tupperware Lids
If you want to find out what is one of the greatest inventions ever, just ask any college student. They’ll immediately tell you it’s Tupperware containers. That is, right after the internet, of course. Still, the most annoying thing about Tupperware containers are the lids: they always go missing somehow. There’s no way to avoid it – unless you have a lazy Susan and a slinky lying around.

All Those Tupperware Lids
Who would have thought that these two items would make the perfect solution for this problem? Now, you can finally stop spending hours sifting through a mess of lids in your kitchen drawer and instead just grab the right one in an instant.
Ready To Go
This is such a convenient hack that it should become a real product. Attach an empty bottle to the wall – it will create the perfect place to store your plastic bags. The best part about it is that the bags will now be super accessible.

Ready To Go
If you find yourself always reaching for a plastic bag in the kitchen, you have to put this hack into action. It’ll save you some space and make your day-to-day so much easier overall. Lastly, it’s a great way to upcycle a bottle you’re done using.
No More Lost Balls
Storage hacks are even more crucial when there are kids in the house. If your kids happen to love sports, you’re most likely tired of discovering lost balls all over the house and garden randomly. They aren’t exactly easy to store thanks to their tendency to simply roll away.

No More Lost Balls
This clever hack will finally solve this problem once and for all. Screw some plastic bowls to a cabinet. This will allow you to keep the balls safely stored inside. No more dangerous stumbling on balls rolling all around the house.
Lipstick Galore
Do you have a wonderful lipstick collection that needs some organizing? You can do this by making the most of an unused ice tray. Those trays with round holes, like in the photo, ate perfect for holding all your lipsticks.

Lipstick Galore
It beats keeping your lipsticks loose in a messy drawer or flying around a large bag. Aside from making them easy to access, you’ll be able to see the shades all at once with no problem, saving you some precious time on busy mornings.
Indoor Bungee Cords
Having paper towel and toilet paper rolls is the pantry will always make it look more cluttered and messy. There’s an effective way to keep them all organized without sacrificing any storage space. All you have to do is purchase a couple of bungee cords.

Indoor Bungee Cords
Using bungee cords, you’ll finally be able to keep all your paper towel rolls in a place that will save you storage room as well as look better. Who would have thought you can use bungee cords to organize things around the house?
Better Coat Hangers
Unless you’re lucky enough to have a walk-in closet with plenty of room to spare, you probably want to make the most of your coat hangers. One simple way of turning your coat hangers into something special is by adding some shower curtain rings to them.

Better Coat Hangers
You’ll be able to store more on the same hangers this way. In fact, you can hang up as much as five times the items you used to. Your closet will feel so much more spacious after using this hack. You won’t be able to go back.
Food Wrap
While printed media might be dying, please don’t throw out your magazine racks and folder organizers yet. It turns out that magazine racks can be used in a new way. Nail them to your cabinet door to make more space in the kitchen.

Food Wrap
They’re ideal for storing things like plastic wrap, foil, or baking paper boxes. You can also keep other things in there, like pasta. This isn’t the only way to use a magazine rack to re-organize your life.
Frozen Soup
Another way magazine racks can be used is in the fridge. They make convenient places to store frozen soups and such insider the freezer as well. If you happen to keep your leftover soup in a plastic zipper bag, you’ll love this hack.

Frozen Soup
It’s as easy as it looks. It will save you so much space in the freezer by keeping all your frozen soups in one place. A magazine rack will ensure they’re all stored in the right spot without getting lost or misplaced.
Cupcake Liners
It’s always useful to have paper clips and pins in the office. However, these items are so small that they tend to get either too messy or lost. This is where silicone cupcake liners come into the picture and save the say.

Cupcake Liners
These liners are easy to find and beat cardboard boxed by far. Aside from the fact that they look so much better in the office by bringing in some color, they will allow you to immediately access your paper clips and pins.
Grocery List
It’s so useful having a chalkboard in the kitchen, especially for keeping an updated grocery list. However, hanging a chalkboard on the wall can save some storage space in the kitchen. Why not make the most of the inside of a cabinet door?

Grocery List
A small hack like this will not only give you the advantage of a kitchen chalkboard but will also save all those storage and decorating issues. Not to mention, your grocery list will be placed right next to your ingredients, meaning that it will be straightforward to see what’s missing at any given time.
S-Hooks For Jeans
Those coat hangers in your closet are perfect for hanging up your dresses and jackets. However, they don’t tend to work well for jeans. Normally, jeans are folded and stored on top of other jeans. If this happens to annoy you, we have the perfect solution.

S Hooks For Jeans
Go ahead and buy some S-hooks. Since almost every pair of jeans will have belt loops, you can use an S-hook to hang them all up in your closet in a neat and orderly way. This will get you better access to your clothes while also keeping everything tidy.
Top Of The Cabinet
Oftentimes, we forget that the top of any cabinet can be used as an extra shelf. These surfaces can be easily used to store all kinds of things, not only in the kitchen but in the bedroom as well. To make it look better, use some wire baskets to keep things in order.

Top Of The Cabinet
The top of the cabinet can be used as an extra little pantry, storing good that you bought in your last bulk-shopping spree. Just be sure you can reach them. This way, you’ll be freeing up more space in your kitchen for other things.
Secure Christmas Decorations
Christmas decorations are such a big part of the holidays. It makes the whole house feel so special and magical. The rest of the year, however, these decorations can take up too much space in the house. If you’re trying to find a good way to store them, you’ll love this idea.

Secure Christmas Decorations
Next time you finish a carton of eggs, don’t throw it out! The carton can be used to hold all those fragile ornaments in storage and keep them safe. Now, you’ll be able to store everything securely in your garage without worrying they’ll break.
A Spot For Everyone
Refrigerators always have a fruit drawer built-in which is designed to store your fruits and vegetables. Most of the time, this drawer is not divided, meaning that your broccoli will end up in the same place as your carrots and apples.

A Spot For Everyone
One easy way to fix this is by recycling large plastic bottles. The best ones to use are old bottles of milk since they’re normally large enough to store a good amount of vegetables. Clean them well and cut them in half. They’ll fit perfectly inside the drawer.
Separate Underwear
Normally, we don’t give much thought to the way we store underwear in the closet. Most people tend to have an underwear drawer, and that’s it. Turns out that keeping it well organized is not as challenging as you’d think.

Separate Underwear
With some PVC pipes, you can seriously improve your storage. Use the pipes to keep your underwear separated and ready to go. It will help everything stay tidy as well as more accessible. You can even paint the pipes and make everything look better.
Old Bike For New Bike
Aside from saving you a lot of space, this easy trick will also look really good once it’s done. Get the handlebars of an old bike and nail it to the wall where you want to store your current bike. Then, you’ll be able to use the handlebars to hang your bike.

Old Bike For New Bike
If your old handlebars aren’t the correct shape, you might want to go shopping for a vintage bike bargain. It goes without saying that you can hang just about anything there, it doesn’t have to be a bike.