These Hilarious Wedding Fails Will Have You Laughing Until You Cry

Published on 06/07/2021
These Hilarious Wedding Fails Will Have You Laughing Until You Cry

These Hilarious Wedding Fails Will Have You Laughing Until You Cry

Nothing guarantees a perfect wedding, no matter how meticulously you plan. These newlyweds believed their big day would go off without a hitch, but they were wrong. These wedding failures will make you laugh, cry, and cringe in the best way possible, with everything from fallen cakes to creepy photobombers. So if you’re planning a wedding anytime soon, be aware that these might make you nervous!

Cool If I Crash The Wedding?

This couple probably didn’t expect this underwater visitor to say hello as they prepared to say their vows to one another. Unlike most weddings, they decided to be unique with the location of their nuptials. However, getting married at an aquarium necessitates being prepared for any eventuality, including some spectacularly bizarre wedding fails.

Cool If I Crash The Wedding?

Cool If I Crash The Wedding?

This beluga whale witnessed a moment of pure passion and felt compelled to participate. After all, nothing is more beautiful than a declaration of true love, and everyone should have the opportunity to witness it. We can only hope the bride didn’t pass out from shock when she realized who was watching her.

Taking It Too Far

For some people, taking wedding photos is the best part of the event. The bridesmaids are clearly feeling the positive vibes, as evidenced by their enthusiastic response to the cameraman’s request for a “funny face.” They all did their best to screw up their faces, but one bridesmaid may have gone a little too far.

Taking It Too Far

Taking It Too Far

Look for the woman who is craning her neck so far back that her face is barely visible. We admire her willingness to go above and beyond. However, years from now, when the happy couple looks through their wedding album, this most embarrassing wedding failure may be a bit awkward to look at.

Pyramid Fail

A wedding can be a great place to let loose, but things can quickly spiral out of control. When you’re a part of a human pyramid, it’s always thrilling, but it’s also challenging to pull off. These young women clearly had the desire to succeed, but that doesn’t mean they had the resources to do so.

Pyramid Fail

Pyramid Fail

The bottom two rows appeared to be holding down a fairly strong fort, but things got a little dicey once it got to the top. The bride appears to be having difficulty maintaining her balance, and the groomsmen appear helpless in their attempts to keep things together.

The Owl Thief

As cliché as it may sound, most women have fantasized about their wedding day since they were little girls. They had hoped that every single waking moment of their special day would go off without a hitch — but that was not the case for this bride.

The Owl Thief

The Owl Thief

A merciless owl swooped in and yanked a valuable item from her hands as she walked down the aisle. While it’s unclear what the object is, it’s clear that the bride isn’t pleased with it. Thus, a bothersome, otherwise nocturnal bird ruined the most important moment of her life in one sweeping frustrating instance.

Bubble City

This could have been the most important wedding shot — and it was ruined by something as insignificant as bubbles. Don’t get us wrong: bubbles are incredible. But these groomsmen and bridesmaids blew so many that they completely blocked the newlyweds’ faces while they were sharing a passionate kiss!

Bubble City

Bubble City

That’s a shame for a couple who clearly went to great lengths to ensure their wedding was flawless. The cameraman most likely got another good shot, but the climax was abruptly interrupted by this otherwise harmless wedding fail based on what we see here.

The Rip Heard Around The World

This wedding photo was shared on Instagram, and a description of what is happening in the photo. He explained that his brother (the groom) was being lifted into the air when his pants ripped. This explains his startled reaction, as well as the stunned expressions on everyone’s faces.

The Rip Heard Around The World

The Rip Heard Around The World

Fortunately, it happened while he was dancing and not while he was walking down the aisle. Nonetheless, it appears to be one of those times when you think to yourself, “Why me?” Of course, we always assume that wedding disasters only happen to other people, but this newlywed husband learned the hard way that this is not the case.

Say Cheese

It is quite a luxury to have horses at one’s wedding. But we feel this bride didn’t anticipate her horse posing for the camera at the same time as her. Perhaps this horse has attended so many weddings that he’s perfected the photobomb — and we must say, we’re impressed.

Say Cheese

Say Cheese

But we’re not only blown away; we can’t stop laughing at this horse’s expression, which is simply outstanding. It’s not exactly a wedding fail, but it’s one of the oddest things we’ve ever seen. Of course, the bride is likely to be irritated that the horse has stolen her thunder.


The baker decided to do it herself instead of using miniature toy figurines of the bride and groom to decorate the wedding cake. However, while it is impressive, it is also impossible to overlook that it is quite cringeworthy.



Making a human face out of cake frosting is quite challenging, as even the smallest mistake can lead to disaster. Like the mermaids that can be seen in the Great Lake during the movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the bride at this wedding resembled a Cabbage Patch doll.

Poker Face

No kind of disruption is welcome on a wedding day, especially when it comes from the maid of honor. From the expressions on their faces, these newlyweds appear to be passionately declaring their undying love for one another, but one of them appears to find the situation absolutely hilarious.

Poker Face

Poker Face

Because she knew her friend was only trying to help, the bride was unlikely to be enraged. However, we wouldn’t be surprised if this burst of laughter irritated her because she waited her entire life to say her vows to her husband. Sometimes all a maid of honor needs to do is learn to control her laughter.

Already Showing Him Who’s Boss

This couple appears to be figuring out their power dynamic already. Of course, they haven’t even tied the knot yet, and they’re already sabering each other. But, if this photo is any indication, the wife has won the first round, and she appears to be pleased with herself.

Already Showing Him Who’s Boss

Already Showing Him Who’s Boss

In the husband’s case, his first few moments of married life have rendered him completely helpless. His wife most likely didn’t hit him on purpose, but no one told the large welt that’s about to form on his side of the face. On the plus side, it might be a story they can tell their grandchildren someday!

Not Impressed

You don’t see a wedding cake like this every day. This wasn’t something that happened by chance, as it was nearly life-size and designed to look like the bride. However, something didn’t go quite as planned, as evidenced by the bride’s unimpressed expression.

Not Impressed

Not Impressed

Either no one warned her that the wedding cake would be like this, or she thought they did a poor job. Regardless, she appears to be upset about something, and even the act of cutting into the cake version of herself appears to be causing her stress. At the very least, we’re hoping it’ll be tasty.

Come Out Swinging

It is unknown whether or not this Woody Harrelson lookalike is the father of this young girl. We’re guessing that he’s the young girl’s uncle, as he appears to be the groom. He and his new wife appear to be more than a little excited to be embarking on parenthood in this photo.

Come Out Swinging

Come Out Swinging

While we admire their zeal, they may want to enjoy life as a married couple for a little while longer before embarking on the task of raising a small child. Or, at the very least, this future papa may wish to improve his swing before tossing any additional children!

Game Over

Your wedding day marks the beginning of your official relationship with your significant other, which will last until death does you part. Clearly, this couple wanted to play around with the symbolism of such a concept, with the bride effectively dominating her fallen husband.

Game Over

Game Over

The actual story is that during the photoshoot, the groom fell and could not get up, at which point his devoted wife started doing all she could to keep him down. We don’t doubt that they are in control of the relationship in this picture. It’s better than nothing, but at least the groom knows where he stands.

Save The Frosting!

We’d love to see a better photo of someone accidentally dropping a wedding cake. However, we believe that no such photograph exists because this freeze-frame is flawless. Thus, even though the bespectacled waiter hired to hold the cake was probably aware of the gravity of his task, fate was still cruel to him.

Save The Frosting!

Save The Frosting!

He lost his balance, the pearl white cake went flying and then crashing down, along with all the bride’s good memories of the day, in this most colossal of wedding fails. But, at the very least, it produced a memorable picture, even if the newlyweds are still traumatized by it.

Riding Off Into The Sunset

This is not the fairy tale “Just Married” image that most newlyweds wish to create. Indeed, this appears to be a picturesque nightmare of epic proportions, the kind from which it is nearly impossible to recover. Of course, nothing compares to the beauty of a lakeside wedding, but it does come with a certain amount of risk.

Riding Off Into The Sunset

Riding Off Into The Sunset

Everything that could go wrong did for these two as they tumbled into the cool, clear waters and were promptly soaked, Jack and Rose-style. At the very least, they had a boat to apprehend them! However, we cannot envision a scenario in which the bride does not consider this wedding failure an epic disappointment.

Walking The Plank

The splendor of seeing a bride and groom be married is amazing, yet we are all prone to being distracted. Even if the newlyweds’ vows are more poetic than Shakespeare’s, how could anyone’s gaze not be drawn to the man in the back, casually planking on the wooden ledge?

Walking The Plank

Walking The Plank

It’s not just that he’s doing it; it’s also that it’s being done exceptionally well. How did he get up there in the first place, let alone position his body in that manner and stay there? This acrobatic genius, in our opinion, has stolen the spotlight from this wedding.

An Innocent Photoshoot

Though most women are overjoyed to be chosen as bridesmaids, this is usually before they learn about the bride’s crazy requests. This includes tasks such as strolling into the ocean to photograph the bride, as demonstrated here. Unfortunately, the ocean shore is not for the faint of heart.

An Innocent Photoshoot

An Innocent Photoshoot

If you venture too far into its salty depths, you will be engulfed by an unrelenting tide. That is clearly what happened to these unfortunate bridesmaids, who most likely did not have a change of clothes. The expression on the right-most bridesmaid says it all: she has no interest in getting soaked like her friends.

Preview To Motherhood

While a bride’s wedding gown is exquisite, it contains numerous moving parts. From long gown trails that bridesmaids typically support to the veil’s proclivity for snagging and tearing on sharp objects, wedding dresses can be ruined in an instant. However, it is uncommon to see a wedding dress fail as spectacularly as this one did.

Preview To Motherhood

Preview To Motherhood

The bride’s veil is about to be permanently destroyed, courtesy of this little rascal child, who is probably related to the bride. She also does not appear to be happy, so this is not one of those lighthearted pictures. Someone is on the verge of being placed in a serious time-out.

A Little Softer

Weddings are a time to let your hair down, but it’s sometimes necessary to set a limit. Clearly, this group of groomsmen had the best of intentions. But, unfortunately, they wanted to make the bride happy by tossing her in the air and making her feel as light as a feather on her wedding day. While this type of behavior is expected at weddings, a spectacular wedding fails in this case.

A Little Softer

A Little Softer

In their determination to avoid dropping her, they became a little overzealous with the strength they applied, and you can see the outcome. This was probably more than a little embarrassing for the bride, especially after seeing the photos a second time.

What’s So Funny?

It’s one thing if a bridesmaid makes a mistake. It’s another thing entirely for a bridesmaid to be ecstatic about it. The bride entrusted her veil to two trusted friends to keep it in place while posing for lavish photos. But something went horribly wrong, based on what we see here.

What’s So Funny?

What’s So Funny?

The bride appears surprised and uneasy with what’s going on, indicating that the two bridesmaids were a tad aggressive with the veil. However, despite the bride’s distress, her two best friends appear oblivious to her predicament, smiling and laughing as if nothing is wrong.

Easy There, Stallion

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a horse run amok in this article, and it certainly won’t be the last. As majestic as they are, horses appear to be the source of some of the most bizarre wedding disasters. The bride’s expression of pure annoyance at what this white horse did, snatching her bouquet out of her hand, is unmistakable.

Easy There, Stallion

Easy There, Stallion

And, as anyone familiar with horses knows, they are not easily bribed. Indeed, trying to wrest it back from them is generally not advised, as you risk them chomping on your hand. Therefore, we recommend that this bride bids a heartfelt farewell to her bouquet, as she will not be reclaiming it.

Fallen Tower

It’s clear from this delectable wedding fail that this cake would have tasted amazing had it not been ruined. At the very least, we now have a cross-section of this baked masterpiece. The texture appears to be warm and fluffy, similar to a cloud on which you’d like to rest your head after a long day.

Fallen Tower

Fallen Tower

Frosting adds much-needed spice to the taste. Unfortunately, no one will ever be able to appreciate it in the way that nature intended. To say the least, this is a wedding fail and one of the most painful we’ve ever seen. It appears that it will be a free-for-all.

Hospitalized On Wedding Day

Most wedding mishaps don’t look half as painful as this. This is the peak of horses running wild on a wedding day. Spending extra cash to ride a horse on your wedding day may seem like a fun addition, but the risk may outweigh the reward.

Hospitalized On Wedding Day

Hospitalized On Wedding Day

When this bride began riding this graceful, jet-black beast, she clearly got way more than she bargained for. The horse bucked her off his back at some point during her ride, for whatever reason, and she was off. Hopefully, she only received a bruise and a small stain!

The Levitating Bride

Wedding days are supposed to be magical, but we’re not so sure that’s what they had in mind. Apparently, this young bride kept some secrets from her family, including her magical ability to levitate. Or, her legs may have mysteriously vanished.

The Levitating Bride

The Levitating Bride

In any case, while we wouldn’t necessarily call this a wedding fail, it’s a memory she won’t soon forget. So was it just a fluke of light, or does she possess abilities that go beyond the realm of nature? In the future, this happy groom may have to keep a close eye on her.

Dropping The Ball

Because they are at the wedding, groomsmen and bridesmaids generally don’t have many responsibilities. At the very least, the jobs they have to do aren’t difficult. The task they were given was relatively simple, but the groomsmen had no idea how hard it would be for them to complete it.

Dropping The Ball

Dropping The Ball

Shouldn’t a group of eight strong young men be more than enough to carry a bride? But, unfortunately, it appears that this is not the case. Two or three of them became distracted, and the bride fell through the cracks. Her situation appears to be quite unpleasant and one that she will not soon forget.

In sickness and stink

We generally don’t let the groom plan too much because this is a clear example of why. A few of their ideas are not quite as elegant as they would like. For their money’s worth, this Slovenian couple bought a smoke machine.

In Sickness And In Stink

In Sickness And In Stink

We’re predicting that this won’t be the photo sitting on the mantle over the holidays. Either that or this couple had a pretty good idea of what their life would be like once they said their “I dos” and began their married life.

Falling for him

Even though your wedding day is supposed to be the most special day of your life, that doesn’t make walking in heels any easier, as this bride discovered the hard way. There’s nothing like taking a spill in front of all your friends and family, who are all looking directly at you.

Falling For Him

Falling For Him

Fortunately, her husband catches her with a smile and assists her in getting back on her feet, which he will hopefully continue to do until death does them part. So we’d say this marriage is off to a good start based on that alone.

Time to cut the cake!

Props to the photographer for capturing the key moments of this wedding ceremony, such as this one, where we can see that the cake and the lovely macarons decor have been removed. The wife seems to be surprised, while the husband appears amused.

Time To Cut The Cake!

Time To Cut The Cake!

When it comes to weddings, an incident that doesn’t go exactly as planned can be a beautiful metaphor for life and marriage if you think about it. This is a picture that deserves to be framed and displayed prominently in the happy couple’s home.

Instructions unclear

This is why there are rehearsal dinners – but the real question is whether or not there will be a rehearsal ceremony with the minister. After all, wedding processions can include a lot of formalities that we don’t do regularly. We’re going to guess that, based on his appearance, the groom’s answer is a resounding no.

Instructions Unclear

Instructions Unclear

Even so, you can’t help but wonder if this guy has ever seen a movie or television show. After all, the groom slipping the ring on the bride and vice versa isn’t exactly a minor detail. The nervous expression on his face says it all.

Dad’s moves

There really is no wedding without a guest whose dance moves go all the way in and all the way out. But, of course, that person should get out of the camera’s way, so we don’t capture them in the heat of the moment.

Dad’s Moves

Dad’s Moves

For the ‘all in’ part, this father takes the cake. Every finger, every muscle, and the look on his face tell you he’s having a good time. This guy just permitted you to hit the floor if you were a wallflower because you were embarrassed about your dance move.

The Ring

When it comes to planning, there are a lot of details to keep track of. A lot of things are being moved around. There’s also the caterers, the band, the photographer, and the guests to consider. So it’s understandable that some minor details get lost in the shuffle.

The Ring

The Ring

However, if it’s something as symbolic as a wedding ring in literal cracks, your ceremony photos might end up looking like this. On the one hand, the groomsmen appear to be completely behind this groom. But, on the other hand, isn’t delivering the ring their primary responsibility? As a result, some of the lads earn brownie points, while others’ relationships with the groom are questioned.

Will you….nevermind

Wedding disasters can occur before the ceremony even begins. Ouch. We sympathize with this man, who has clearly invested a lot of time and thought into his proposal. The location is stunning…and he clearly planned it meticulously. However, life swooped in with a resounding NOPE! The ring slipped from his fingers and slid over the edge of the balcony, landing in a large river below.

Will You….nevermind

Will You….nevermind

Even worse, the ring itself fell out of the box during the accident. Let us not mince words here: the chances of discovering that ring are minimal, to say the least. I hope he bought good, fully credited insurance on it.

I told you we shouldn’t invite him

It’s difficult to imagine your big day without your best friend, as this couple evidently did. At the very least, we hope it’s their dog because if it isn’t, someone at the wedding isn’t paying attention to their dog.

I Told You We Shouldn’t Invite Him

I Told You We Shouldn’t Invite Him

It’s a problem because when you’re a dog and have an itch on your back, you can’t just reach around and scratch it. And so, you have to deal with the situation that presents itself.

Whatever the bride wants

This appears to be the type of potty humor-based photo that the groom came up with. But, no. The wife insisted on taking this picture, and it was the “number one pic I wanted” from her wedding.

Whatever The Bride Wants

Whatever The Bride Wants

We have a feeling these two are on their way to happily ever after-Ville with that sense of humor and the genuine joy on her face. One of the most important aspects of marriage is shared humor.

Next, the honeyMOOn

Some people aren’t interested in the glitz and glam of weddings, such as fancy jars, pricey venues, and tiered cakes. Some people, such as this happily married couple, prefer to keep things simple.

Next, The HoneyMOOn

Next, The HoneyMOOn

To be fair, they certainly deserve it, but let’s face it: the cow is the star of the show. It also appears that the photographer should give the cow some space, as it is unclear whether the cow likes them, and they look just about ready to charge.

Happy Birthday?

Even though the flower girl appears to be incomplete peace, it’s clear that everyone else in the picture is having a good time. So, what’s the deal with everyone’s giggling? Because no one ever explained what a flower girl’s job entails.

Happy Birthday?

Happy Birthday?

This enterprising tyke decided to throw flowers while belting out the Happy Birthday lyrics. She likely reasoned that she should cover all of her bases, which we think is fantastic! Always begin by singing a song when in doubt.

Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

Although the poster used their platform to discuss how to avoid a confrontation during a wedding, the photo’s origins are unknown. However, the advice appears to be sound: avoid inviting feuding family members, or you risk ending up in a situation like this.

Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace

Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace

While this may seem self-evident, weddings instill a sense of guilt, particularly when it comes to the stress of determining the guest list. While some couples feel guilty for not inviting everyone they’ve ever met, small, intimate weddings are sometimes the best option.

Wedding Typos

Hey, we love the sentiment expressed here! However, for those who have chosen to marry during COVID-19, it is critical to take precautions, such as informing your guests that you wish to spread only love. Regrettably, it appears as though this couple should have hired an editor ahead of time.

Wedding Typos

Wedding Typos

Grems, ah, grems. We have no idea what they are but prefer to believe they are second-generation gremlins. If that is the case, you should absolutely refrain from spreading them, wedding or no wedding. (All right, fine, they were discussing germs.)


There is nothing more frustrating for a photographer than lining up the perfect shot of the bride and groom, radiantly in love and celebrating their union, only to discover…something blocking your view. In this instance, a scarf was to blame.

Scarf Bombed

Scarf Bombed

We believe the scarf-wielder was waving it around in celebration, but couldn’t they have just moved slightly to the left? Or did you intend to wave it in the opposite direction? The cameraperson was clearly standing there, trying to take a photo. Perhaps all of that champagne got to their heads.

Show Stopper

A small child throws a temper tantrum in the middle of a wedding ceremony in this video. Normally, parents prepare their children by taking them outside the venue, but her parents were the ones up on stage getting married.

Show Stopper

Show Stopper

They seem mostly amused by the tantrum in the post, but we’d be irritated if our child decided to cause such a ruckus on our wedding day. How often do you get time for yourself as a parent? With a child-like that, clearly not often enough!

Wedding Expose

Nature’s whims are beyond our control. Unfortunately, this also applies to the animals who live there. Adults can be reprimanded for ruining wedding photos, but it isn’t much you can say to a cat who does the same thing.

Wedding Expose

Wedding Expose

Then again, even if you spoke to Cat and explained the situation, we’re pretty sure the cat wouldn’t care one way or the other. Cats are unconcerned about what we do or say, especially when they’re preoccupied with…washing their buttholes.

Wait for a Second, Honey

Minor annoyances abound in life. For example, on her wedding day, the bride usually focuses on the groom, but it appears that this bride has something else on her mind. We’re not sure what’s going on here, but the bride appears to be double-checking something on paper. Perhaps wedding vows?

Wait A Second, Honey

Wait for A Second, Honey

Whatever it is, she doesn’t seem pleased with what’s written on the paper. Is it true that she wrote the vows the night before? Or is she double-checking the wording, unsure what they want me to say next?

An Act of God

Numerous people have described the year 2020 as a dumpster fire, but this picture tells a different story. Expensive wedding arrangements are popular among brides and grooms, and they are incomplete without the lovely burning candles. Fire, on the other hand, is a fickle creature that can strike at any time.

An Act Of God

An Act Of God

The photographer’s admission that they were more inclined to take a picture than actually to help is even more shocking than the sudden conflagration at the dinner. We’re guessing the bride wasn’t too pleased to see this post.

Missed Her Shot

What a case of not knowing one’s own strength! This bride surprised everyone, including herself, by hurling her bouquet with such force. As shown in the photo, everyone looks upwards where the bouquet has lodged itself in the chandelier.

Missed Her Shot

Missed Her Shot

We’re impressed because the bouquet cleared such a distance even though the ceiling appears to be fairly high. No less than by accident! When it came down, it must have been rather humiliating to witness.
