Minimalism How To Simplify Your Home
We all know the struggle of decluttering the house and trying to cut down on junk we have lying around for some reason or another. Whether you think you simply have too many things in the house or you’re looking to live a minimalist life, we’ve gathered a few tips to get you started on living more minimally.
Start Slow
Any kind of change can be difficult and overwhelming at first, and this is no different. If you try and go all out at once, you’ll probably become too overwhelmed and lose motivation quickly. To avoid this, ease into it. Begin with one room and then move onto the next one when you’re done. This will allow you to find your “rhythm” with decluttering and make the rest of the house easier to do.
Stick to a System
To keep from becoming distracted and sidetracked by everything as you go, stick to this system: Keep, Donate, Throw. As you sift through your possessions, decide which you want to keep, which to donate, and which to throw away altogether. Think about each item before you choose – you don’t want to keep unnecessary things that you won’t actually end up using.
Go Paperless
This one has both a positive environmental impact as well as a personal one. Going paperless not only reduces waste, but it’ll clear up your house as well. Send emails. Avoid printing things. Shred any letters you don’t need instead of having them lying around for a while.
Don’t Add, Replace
We tend to buy a lot of the same things more often than not. Try and avoid buying things you don’t actually need. For instance, instead of buying two new pairs of pants that you don’t really need, wait until one of the pairs you already have rips or becomes too old to wear. Replacing things we have instead of adding onto them will save us so much money in the long run, not to mention, space.
Plan Your Meals
People waste so, so much food all the time. At the end of the day, a lot of it is due to overbuying or planning incorrectly. When buying fresh produce and food items that spoil, try to think ahead of what you typically eat in a week and buy according to that. This will save you from throwing out food and save you a good amount of money in the long run.
Sales are tricky because they make you feel as if you’re missing out if you don’t buy something, even if you really don’t need it. Be mindful when you’re shopping and try not falling into that trap. If an item you already need is on sale, great. But, if you see things on sale and you find yourself thinking it’s nice to have, stop. You don’t have to buy things simply because they’re on sale. This will cause you to spend more money than you originally intended to.