Baby Hamster
Hamsters are born naked and blind, unlike the baby sloth, and only begin to open their eyes and develop a sense of sight when they are 14 to 17 days old. After only three weeks of pregnancy, a mother hamster can breed between six and 20 hamsters at a time! That’s a lot to handle with cuteness. But just watch out! If a mother hamster is stressed during or after birth, she may abandon her own babies or even eat them.
![Baby Hamster](
Baby Hamster
Baby Kangaroo
Baby kangaroos are called joeys, and they’re cute! Baby kangaroos, in addition to being super-sweet, have a fascinating way of being born. When it is only an inch long and weighs less than a gram, an infant kangaroo is born in a pouch on the mother’s belly at an immature development stage. The baby starts suckling immediately and gradually spends more and more time outside the pouch over a period of a few weeks until it is fully ready to leave between the ages of seven and 10 months.
![Baby Kangaroo](
Baby Kangaroo