40 Of The Most Adorable Baby Animals In The World

Published on 02/22/2021

Baby Monkey

As you can see, baby monkeys are just adorable! They are tree-dwelling mammals, but there are many who will live on the ground. They are more active during the day and are considered to be highly intelligent. Groups of monkeys are referred to as a tribe, or troop.

Baby Monkey

Baby Monkey

Baby monkeys are called infants, are playful and very mischievous. A full grown monkey can range in size, of 4.6 inches to up to 3.3ft long, such as exhibited in the male mandrill!


Baby Horse

A healthy foal, will grow quickly and can even put on up to 3lbs or more a day. In the first few weeks, the foal gets everything required for growth and health from the mare’s milk. After ten days, it may begin to eat solids.

Baby Horse

Baby Horse

Ponies are actually different to a regular foal, they are a type of horse that has stunted growth. Nonetheless, they are adorable. Foals will wean at their own pace, and if one weans before a full year has passed it is called a weanling.