40 Of The Most Adorable Baby Animals In The World

Published on 02/22/2021

Baby Owl

Just a few of the reasons why owlets are so lovable are their round bodies, fluffy feathers, and eyes that seem too big for their bodies. And they seem to love humans back; sometimes, in fact, too much. Caretakers must go to extra lengths when rehabilitating baby owls to ensure that baby owls do not get too attached to them, even camouflaging themselves and feeding the baby with tweezers held in an owl puppet’s beak. But we would, honestly, probably let them get attached!

Baby Owl

Baby Owl


Baby Pygmy Hippo

A baby pygmy hippo is this funny-looking little dude and amicable one at that! In the animal kingdom, hippos have among the longest pregnancy times – eight months – and only give birth to one baby at a time. Mothers join a collective gang of other female hippos after a few weeks of mother-child bonding, all of whom band together to protect their offspring from predators. It seems that this orphan has found an alternative mom, and it’s just adorable!

Baby Pygmy Hippo

Baby Pygmy Hippo