40 Of The Most Adorable Baby Animals In The World

Published on 02/22/2021

Baby Skunk

While, for fear of being attacked with their smelly spray, you certainly don’t want to get involved with an adult skunk, this adorable baby skunk is a different story. Baby skunks, referred to as kits, have their eyes sealed until they are three weeks old. They develop pretty quickly after that, and when they are 10-12 months old, they’re ready to have their own babies. Although a skunk baby may be irresistibly cute, it is not recommended to keep one as a pet!

Baby Skunk

Baby Skunk


Baby Panda

Meet the baby panda, which we imagine is belting out his best “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” rendition here! It is a pity that pandas are a very endangered species, as they can survive only in China’s highly specialized – and increasingly disappearing – bamboo forests. Fortunately, in preserving the species, zoos around the world are doing good work. The future of pandas is unknown, but we are 100% sure we want to give a big fluffy hug to this baby!

Baby Panda

Baby Panda