40 Of The Most Adorable Baby Animals In The World

Published on 02/22/2021

Baby Muskox

Named for the strong smell emitted by male muskoxen during the seasonal rut, this adorable little thing is an Arctic hoofed mammal. With its thick coat, the muskox has a rather unfortunate name. In Inuktitut, it’s named “umingmak” which translates to “the bearded one”. That might not sound so bad, but its Woods Cree names “mâthi-môs” and “mâthi-mostos” translate to “ugly moose” and “ugly bison”.

Baby Muskox

Baby Muskox


Baby Boar

The wild boar is native to Eurasia and North Africa. As of late, it has been introduced to the Americas and Oceania. Now, this species is one of the widest-ranging mammals in the world! Who wouldn’t want more of these cuties? This animal is very capable of adapting to new habitats, making it thrive almost anywhere. Over time, it has even become an invasive species in part of its introduced range.

Baby Boar

Baby Boar