Baby Budgerigar
More commonly known as a budgie, it is a small, long-tailed, seed-eating parrot, and is sometimes referred to as a parakeet. Naturally green, yellow and black, budgies are usually consistent in the way they have markings. Babies however are monomorphic, which makes them difficult to tell apart.
Natural breeding in the wild occurs mostly from June to September in the north of Australia and between August and January in southern Australia. Parrot species usually need a hollow tree/log for nesting. Due to this, budgies breed better in captivity as long as they have a reasonably sized box. They are super cute!
Baby Red Fox
The red fox is the biggest of the true foxes, and they are very prominent. They can be seen across the entire Northern Hemisphere; most of North America, Europe, Asia and even parts of Northern Africa.
Young foxes are referred to as ‘kits’. Red Foxes usually stay together as a family for the duration, especially when caring for newborn cubs. Red foxes mark their territory using urine, and usually stay with their family until they are ready to go and reproduce themselves. They sure are cute as cubs though.