Bullies Scared Away After Dad Shows Them What’s Hiding Under His Coat

Published on 06/03/2020

Frighten The Bullies

The group of teens was shocked when they saw the white uniform underneath his coat. As soon as they spotted it, they ran so quickly. Joey’s father yelled, “I thought so!” as the teens scrambled. He tightened the black belt to his waist as he smiled because he was so pleased with the way things turned out. What actually happened was that Joey’s dad recently found his old Judo uniform and decided to wear it underneath his coat to scare the bullies.

Frighten The Bullies


Taking A Stand

Over the years many celebrities have shown their support and spoken up about bullying and people just like Joey. Bullying seriously needs to be addressed, which is one of the main reasons as to why so many people had taken a stand for this issue. The story of Joey Mason had so many similarities with the Anti Bullying movements.

Taking A Stand