Incredible Female Cosplays That You Have To See

Published on 06/15/2020

Ever wondered what your favorite characters would look like in real life? Well, you’re in luck because we have compiled photos of the greatest (for us, at least) female cosplays online. These cosplay artists devote time, money, and resources to their craft for their enjoyment and others’. Be prepared to see some awesomeness and enjoy these works of art.

Green Lantern

Don’t you think this Jessica Cruz cosplay is amazing? Just look at the eyes! This is Priscylla, also known as Surfingthevoid on Deviant Art. She is 23 years old and she describes herself as a dreamer, movie nerd and comic book lover. In case you weren’t amazed already, this Green Lantern outfit is completely hand made and this cosplay artist does her own makeup!

Green Lantern

Green Lantern



A great costume and quite an impressive take on Superwoman by @enjinight. If lasers start coming out of her eyes, we’ll really be sold. The real woman of steel here is definitely @enjinight, one of the top cosplay artists that we’ve ever seen. You can see her other costumes in her posts.

