The Best And Worst Things To Buy At Costco

Published on 05/14/2020

Buy- Oatmeal

The Costco 60-pack Instant Oatmeal is a great buy in comparison to any supermarket. You will most likely save up to $10 when purchasing the oatmeal at Costco instead of your local grocery store. The only thing is making space because the box is rather large.

Buy Oatmeal

Buy- Oatmeal


Buy- Healthy Bite-Sized Snacks

Healthy and organic treats are not on the cheap side. This makes it less accessible. However, Costco has healthy options for a lower cost, and these are their best seller. The Aussie Bites cost $12 for 32 little bites.

Buy Healthy Bite Sized Snacks

Buy- Healthy Bite-Sized Snacks