The Best And Worst Things To Buy At Costco

Published on 05/14/2020

Skip: Flour, baking powder, and dried yeast

All baking ingredients are perishable and do not last long at all. Flour, baking powder, and dried yeast should not be bought in bulk because of this. Rather leave the big containers of these ingredients and get them at your local store.

Skip Flour, Baking Powder, And Dried Yeast

Skip Flour, Baking Powder, And Dried Yeast


Buy: Kirkland organic coconut water

The coconut water craze is never-ending and if you enjoy it you definitely need to buy this 12-pack of organic coconut water. There are plenty of great reviews online, five-star ones that will vouch for the product too.

Buy Kirkland Organic Coconut Water

Buy Kirkland Organic Coconut Water