The Best And Worst Things To Buy At Costco

Published on 05/14/2020

Don’t Buy- Diapers

Kids definitely make a dent in the wallet. Just diapers can cause bankruptcy. It makes sense to buy diapers in bulk but the box can weigh a ton. Regardless, you go through them super fast. Amazon is a better bet because they offer great deals, especially when bought in bulk. If you have Prime delivery is free too.

Don’t Buy Diapers

Don’t Buy- Diapers


Buy- Breakfast Cereal

Regardless of age, we all love cereal. Costco is definitely one of the best places to get cereal and this has not changed over time, it is a staple. All the popular brands are offered at a cheaper cost. Whether it be Keelog’s or Post they have it. They also offer bigger boxes. Cereal doesn’t go stale easy so it is worth the buy.

Buy Breakfast Cereal

Buy- Breakfast Cereal