There Are Only A Couple Of Employees At The Shop
If you watch car shows, you might assume that the team is only made up of a dozen or so people. In reality, this is not the case. The camera only takes footage of a couple of people as they work on the cars. But the truth is that this is only a trick of the angles. You see, there is typically a big team working on the renovation. The only problem is that they do not get air time like everyone else on the set.
They Walk Up To Car Owners Randomly
The show features a lot of shots of Danny Koker as he rides around, checks out cars, and offers deals to seemingly random people. Most of this is just for show. It takes a much longer time to scout. Aside from that, the team has already done its homework before he goes up to a client. They all work together to look for cars that would be good remodels. They also want people with a “tough luck” tale to go with it.