These Celebrity LGBT Love Stories Are Guaranteed To Make You Swoon

Published on 03/18/2020

David Cronenberg & Viggo Mortensen

We wonder if people turned their heads when this kiss took place. Did they begin wondering what on earth was going on with these two celebrities? The answer to both of these questions is ‘absolutely’. This kiss took place at the Canadian Screen Awards, and there are still many questions that are unanswered.

David Cronenberg And Viggo Mortensen

David Cronenberg & Viggo Mortensen


Romy Madley Croft & Hannah Marshall

How would you want to announce your engagement? Romy Madley Croft and Hannah Marshall took to Instagram to share the news of their engagement. Romy wrote a post that got plenty of people smiling first thing in the morning: “Last night, a very special person asked me a very beautiful question….I said yes!”

Romy Madley Croft & Hannah Marshall