Have A Look At 30+ Of The Best Attack Helicopters That That Are Still In Service

Published on 04/27/2022

20. Kamov Ka-60

The military version of this helicopter, the Ka-60, was first introduced in 1998, but it has since been stuck in development hell. The first prototype got to the air in 2007, after development began in 1984. Since then, things haven’t progressed at a faster rate. Over the next decade, more testing was conducted to resolve concerns with the engine and other challenges, and the model as it is now flown for the first time in 2017. The Ka-60 has a crew of one or two, is 51 feet 2 inches long, and has a top speed of 191 miles per hour.

11. Kamov Ka-60

11. Kamov Ka-60


19. Black Hawk Utility Helicopter UH/HH-60

A single Black Hawk helicopter can transport up to 11 soldiers and crewmen at a speed of 182 miles per hour, outperforming most other helicopters. Twin GE-700 engines drive the Black Hawk to those speeds. It weighs 20,250 pounds gross and can carry an external load of 8,000 pounds and an internal load of 2,640 pounds. It has a crew of two pilots and two crew chiefs and is armed with two 7.62 mm machine guns. You may recognize this chopper from its role in the Academy Award-winning film Black Hawk Down in 2001.

19. Black Hawk Utility Helicopter UH/HH-60

19. Black Hawk Utility Helicopter UH/HH-60