These Hotel Rooms Are Going To Turn Your Dream Vacation Into A Nightmare

Published on 08/20/2019

Our Hotel’s Mirror

A luxury hotel has no need to advertise just how high-quality their mirrors are. They are already expected! However, it seems like some hotels will do everything to cut costs on items like that.

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Our Hotel’s Mirror

This hotel might have a granite countertop, although it did not want to spend that much money on the mirror. They probably underestimated just how much people like to look at themselves in the mirror.


The “Hot” In “Hotel” Caught On Fire

Don’t you think it is ironic that the letters that caught on fire were “h”, “o”, and “t”? What does that spell? Hot! For some reason, the letters “e” and “l” escaped the fire. It’s pretty amazing, really.

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“Hot” In “Hotel” Caught On Fire

This is the kind of thing that will make us believe in magic. Apparently, fate has a bad sense of humor.