Here’s A List Of Things To Better Yourself Than Anyone Else

Published on 11/24/2020

Anxious All The Time

It’s not always fun to be smart! People with better IQs struggle more from anxiety than those with lower scores. If you have a deeper mind, you prefer to research situations more thoroughly and consider its negative implications. Some of them often struggle with the burden of existential problems. Do you know that people with anxiety appear to do well with verbal intelligence tests?

Anxious All The Time

Anxious All The Time


Those With A Good Sense Of Humor

We would not be surprised that people who made us chuckle were aware of situations, have quite a communication style, and learned how to interpret the atmosphere. Comedians also have a high degree of intelligence! In a report, 400 psychology participants were asked to write cartoon lines in the New Yorker. After an independent group evaluation, it was shown that the funniest came from those with higher levels of intellect.

Those With A Good Sense Of Humor

Those With A Good Sense Of Humor