The Perfect Image
Even after all those years, people thought that every image of Jesus would look similar to the old ones. Including the outline, facial features, as well as how he wore a white or cream robe. Occasionally, few artists would paint Jesus with a halo over his head. Various artists created many different exemplary images of the Messiah. Jean explained that many people wanted to see Jesus as a holy person.

The Perfect Image
Mighty Features
The result of the image was that the artists intended to create Jesus as a divine being. If people had to think about superheroes in our generation compared to during the age of the Roman people and Greek gods, then they could say that having long hair could mean a sign of power. Currently, that could also be a sign or feature of a strong and immense human. The trait of the Messiah had a resemblance to other characters that were considered to be as powerful as He was.

Mighty Features