Snaps We Can’t Help But Laugh At

Published on 12/30/2021

If you’re someone who has a dark sense of humor, this article is the perfect one for you. Sometimes we can’t help but laugh at the misfortune of others; certain things just tickle our funny bone in a way that a traditional joke can’t. Let’s take the situation of a person being sprayed with toner from a malfunctioning copier. Nobody is really harmed, but it can be rather annoying. We’re sure even one day the victim of this circumstance will look back on the situation and laugh themselves. This is just one example of many; keep scrolling and see all those unfortunate, sticky moments that people found themselves in (and have a quiet giggle to yourself!).

Exploding Ink Cartridge

The most simple of administrative tasks can unfortunately, utterly fail. Take a look at this scenario right here. You can see that the ink cartridge of this machine exploded just as a woman was trying to change it for another. You can even see where she was stood when the tragic event occurred. She must have left in a hurry…

Exploding Ink Cartridge

Exploding Ink Cartridge

Swings Aren’t For Adults

So what exactly has happened here? Well, it seems as though a man was trying to relive the days of youth by taking a little swing on a children’s swing set. This is fun, in theory, but it seems he neglected to consider certain factors. Is the wood strong enough? Am I perhaps too heavy? Well, you can see what the end result was. It seems the answers to these questions were a resounding no and yes, respectively.

Swings Aren't For Adults

Swings Aren’t For Adults