Each to Their Own
Who else is curious as to what was number one? Anyway, what was the point of this post in the first place? Each parent has the right to raise their children according to their beliefs, but why are you required to post about it?

Each To Their Own
This post does not seem to provide much value to us. Well, unless you are trying to launch into a lengthy argument over whether those values determine the qualities of a good parent.
The Great Vaccine Debate
Some things are simply unavoidable in life. The sun will shine, taxes must be paid, and mothers will argue about vaccine safety. So, in terms of this debate, we’ve pretty much heard everything.

The Great Vaccine Debate
That is until we discovered that this mother was looking for proof that vaccines cause autism. So what’s going on here? We’re just as perplexed as you are. Where do people get some of their ideas from? We’re going to have to put a ‘fake news’ stamp on this one.