Express Yourself
It isn’t easy to teach your children how to express their emotions positively. This may necessitate enlisting the assistance of a professional. Unfortunately, this was also the case with this poster.

Express Yourself
Is it just us, or are the majority of the emotions shown here angrier? We recognize that we all have bad days, but we’d like to see more smiles and fewer frowns. Someone should tell this kid that being angry will result in more wrinkles in the future!
Bugs Over Pizza
When you talk to kids, it is hard to get them to use logic. On top of that, a lot of the rationalizations they offer don’t make any sense. So when parents catch on, raising them becomes a lot easier.

Bugs Over Pizza
Bugs are more enticing to this girl than pizza! That is so strange to us that we can’t comprehend it. Isn’t it true that all children enjoy pizza? Why doesn’t the mother just ask her why? Perhaps her logic will make sense! Or not; who knows these days with kids, right?