Boycott Wanted
If you search for underwear or bikinis in any online store, you will almost certainly find images of women wearing them. If that’s what you’re looking for, it’s not considered inappropriate but rather expected.

Boycott Wanted
So we were taken aback when we saw this mother’s rant about wanting to boycott Target because the photos showed too much skin. Take a deep breath and reel it in, lady.
Sharing this with a Facebook group seems strange. It’d be fascinating to learn how they arrived at this conclusion. Did someone comment on their five o’clock shadow? If that is the case, they may simply need to improve their shaving technique.

Hair Gate
A comment left on this post says that being fed baby formula could lead to thickened facial hair… This one makes us shake our heads and shrug our shoulders. Face hair will never be the same for us again, thanks to these women!