Let’s Find Out If It’s True That These Historical Figures Existed Back In The Day

Published on 03/03/2021

Many great and courageous figures from the past have been recorded in history. From Moses and Mulan to Shakespeare and Sun Tzu, these historical figures lived long and fruitful lives, leaving lasting legacies in their wake. However, many historians and researchers have recently questioned the legitimacy of these historical figures, questioning whether they ever existed at all. Due to a lack of evidence, it appears that many of these figures were based on folklore or were made up. In the following slides, you’ll see some historical figures who may or may not have existed.

Let's Find Out If It's True That These Historical Figures Existed Back In The Day

Let’s Find Out If It’s True That These Historical Figures Existed Back In The Day



Mulan was already a legend in China before Disney brought her to the big screen. Mulan fighting in her father’s place, on the other hand, may not be true. Mulan was created and based on a female warrior named Wei Huahu, according to the book Chinese Shadow Theatre: History, Popular Religion, and Women Warriors. Even though the two stories are similar, there is no proof that Mulan was real.

