His Metal Detector Led Him To An Ancient Chain, But What Was It Connected To?

Published on 05/25/2021

It Felt Like They Went On And On

As he continued to dig up one link after another, he realized that there were a lot of them below the ground. At last, Mike found the end of this ancient chain. It was now a matter of figuring out what it was once attached to. The sun was already starting to set, so he had no choice but to call it a day. He had to wait until the morning to get to the bottom of things.

It Felt Like They Went On And On

It Felt Like They Went On And On


He Thought About The Burial Chambers In The Area

That night, he could not stop thinking about what he found with his metal detector. He wondered if he was about to find something terrible in the field. Maybe someone had a good reason to bury the links there. He once read about burial sites below Pembrokeshire, after all. It was not a very pleasant thing to think about in the dark. Even though the idea creeped him out, he still wanted to find out the truth.


He Thought About The Burial Chambers In The Area