Timeless Childhood Toys That Can Make You Rich

Published on 03/26/2020


When we were young, the View-Master was just a toy played with, but now as adults, they could pass as a valuable treasure. Who knew that this toy that was once sold for $12.50 is now worth $430!

First introduced in 1939, the 3-D concept of this toy thrilled its consumers! A fun fact that not everyone knows, the View-Master was used on Disneyland rides. It’d be nice to relive the Jurassic Park adventures with this toy, but will you be willing to spend a lot for it? Tempting isn’t it?

View Master



Power Rangers Toys

The Power Rangers

We all remember the Power Rangers show but how much do we remember the toys? Just like its name, the Power Rangers Toys sure were powerful in succeeding in the toy market! These action figures below, a mini version of the characters, flew off the shelves when the show was popular and earned over $6 billion. Originally sold for $13, and today, collectors are willing to pay around $140 because of how big the Power Rangers show was back in the ’90s. Call yourself lucky if you still have the entire Power Rangers toys with you as they’re pretty much a fortune now.


Power Rangers Toys

Power Rangers Toys