Orca Won’t Stop Following Kid, Here’s Why

Published on 03/06/2023

A Cute Moment

His mother exclaimed, “Wow, he really likes you!” when she heard this news. “Do it again!” Thus, Tommy sprinted up and down the line of windows, and the orca continued to chase after him the entire time. Lola, his younger sister, found the entire situation to be quite funny and couldn’t stop laughing throughout it. And at some point, their mother began recording the adorable scene on her camera.


A Cute Moment


Still Following

Because he had been jogging for so long, Tommy eventually ran out of breath. They consequently made the decision to climb the steps and take a seat on one of the benches that overlooked the orca’s enclosure. Tommy observed that the orca was still following him when they sat down, and he told the others. Even for for a moment, he lifted his head above the water to take a peek at Tommy.


Still Following