Celebrities Who Look Identical To Each Other

Published on 03/16/2023

Sisters From Another Mister

Zooey Deschanel has said that she doesn’t like being confused with singer Katy Perry. Zooey was quoted as saying, “It’s a little bit annoying, to be totally blunt.” Maybe, but what can we do about it? In a funny twist, the 38-year-old actress from New Girl is also a musician. Zooey said in an interview: “Since I was a little kid, I’ve always loved music. I loved to sing so much.” She & Him, Zooey’s retro band, has put out a few albums, but they are not very well known. Katy Perry, who is 33, is one of the most popular musicians of all time and holds four Guinness World Records. We love you as a person, Zooey. But you do look a lot like Katy, admit it!

Sisters From Another Mister

Sisters From Another Mister


Taylor Swift & Karlie Kloss

These two well-known people have it all. Both of them are successful, and they even dress the same. Taylor and Karlie have been friends for a long time and are part of a group of beautiful girls on Instagram that fans can’t get enough of on social media. Tay just finished her sold-out Reputation Tour to great reviews, and she doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. Her last tour made $250 million, making it one of the most successful tours of the last 10 years. The Kloss just got married to a young businessman who is one of the most successful in New York. Both seem to be doing well, and they seem happy with each other. Or maybe not.

Taylor Swift & Karlie Kloss

Taylor Swift & Karlie Kloss