The Unexpected Turn Of Events Of This Couple After Forty Years

Published on 05/21/2020

A Heart Of Gold

And it was the first time Bobby met someone like Cheryl. In an interview, he explained why he fell In love with her. She was the opposite of Bobby. And to him, maybe opposites do attract. Cheryl had a heart of gold. She was soft-hearted. This made him want to care for Cheryl and to live his whole life with her despite his past.

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A Heart Of Gold


Building A Life Together

Bobby and Cheryl got married on March 30, 1985. He was 34 at that time and his wife was only 21 years old. Shortly after the marriage, their first child was born and welcomed into their family. They named the child Jasmine. After two years, their second child was born and named Jessica. Lastly, after 11 years had passed, They had newly born twins named Jordan and Justin.

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Building A Life Together