While some were eager to diagnose Shiloh with gender dysphoria, others argued that her more masculine wardrobe choices were simply a ploy to get her parents’ attention since they were so busy. The sudden announcement that Brad and Angelina had decided to separate complicated matters considerably more than usual sibling rivalry. When the truth was out in 2016, none of their children could have handled it well. Children’s mental health might suffer long-term effects from the stress of a family’s dissolution.

Brad vs. Maddox
The news that the family was experiencing stress in all areas shocked the world, which was monitoring the family more carefully than ever. The most concerning reports involved an alleged physical altercation between Brad and Maddox, who was 15 at the time. Brad allegedly “attacked” his son for attempting to shield Angelina from the couple’s altercation. Several people who knew Brad firsthand backed up his emphatic denial of the accusations.

Brad Vs. Maddox