Woman Notices Something Odd With The Bride, Immediately Stops Son’s Wedding

Published on 03/08/2023

‘’Who is that man, sweetie?’’ 

Jane cautiously inquires of Tracy after gaining her trust:‘’Who that man you’re with, sweetie?’ Tracy acts as if she is not hearing anything. Jane asks once more, this time a little louder. She wanted a response since she was aware that her beloved John’s future was in jeopardy. Then Tracy takes an unexpected action.

‘’Who is that man, sweetie?’’ 

‘’Who is that man, sweetie?’’


She Quickly Ran

Tracy quickly stands to her feet and flees the scene. She seemed to be in such a tranquil state right up until Jane questioned her about the man, which is why Jane asked her about him. She was ready to run away from her mother-in-law in order to get out of answering the question.

She Quickly Ran

She Quickly Ran