Uses For WD-40 That You Never Considered Before

Published on 03/31/2019

Exterminating Bugs

It feels like cockroaches can outlive a nuclear blast! But what happens when you put them up against a WD-40 spraying? If you have a roach problem, you should go find out for yourself. Trust us, the critters won’t know what hit ‘em.

Exterminating Bugs

Exterminating Bugs


Getting Gum Out Of Hair

First things first: avoid getting gum on your hair. If that piece of advice has come too late, the next best thing is to figure out how to take it out right away. Our tip? Grab your WD-40 bottle and begin spraying. Just remember to shut your eyes and your mouth to avoid other problems. The gum will be gone in no time.

Getting Gum Out Of Hair

Getting Gum Out Of Hair