Croatia is not really a country in the world that most will glance at when having thought regarding riches, and because of its $60.8 billion GDP ranking No. 78 worldwide and its $10,314 average salary ranking No. 94, we can’t really blame them. Its No. 37 SPI standings is just where Croatia tends to make up a lot of ground, which did help it to arrive on our ranking of richest nations at No. 49. This SPI ranking is boosted by high safe water and sanitation ratings, access to basic healthcare, as well as access to decent knowledge. Croatia is struggling, like many European nations, in terms of inclusiveness (47.84 points) as well as the availability of advanced education (49.31), which reduces its total score by a decent bit.

The $34.8 billion GDP of this European nation is lackluster. However, its No. 39 standings in the SPI tries to pull it back into balance. The SPI ratings are boosted by high ratings for access to nourishment and adequate healthcare, clean water, and sanitation, as well as individual rights. But that was weighed down by a score of 44.34 in access to the best education as well as 51.14 in inclusiveness.
