The landlocked nation of Central Europe, Slovakia, considering the low GDP and median earnings, checks in at No. 45 on our ranking. The No. 35 ranking in SPI earns Slovakia its broad access to clean water as well as sanitation, access to food and medical care, and access to housing. SPI has a score of 39.97 points in terms of access to academic education, but that is the standard practice in Europe. Where Slovakia slides, its No. 63 ranked GDP at $106.5 billion, and No. 90 ranked average revenue at just $10,653.

When pondering the world’s richest countries, Romania may not have been fresh in people’s minds, but kudos to its $239.6 billion GDP ranked No. 49 and SPI ranked No. 44, it checks in at No. 44 on our ranking. The latter score is largely attributable to the superior access of the county to nourishment and adequate healthcare. Romania’s SPI tends to suffer from access to the best education stat of 38.75 as well as an inclusiveness score of 45.31. What draws Romania deep down the scale of the richest nations is its average income of $11,290.0, ranked No. 89.
