There are 11 seasons of A&E’s Duck Dynasty, which proves that it was a popular and entertaining reality TV show. The series introduced us to the Robertsons, a family from Louisiana who had strong religious faith and a multi-million dollar duck business. Many viewers consider them the new Beverly Hillbillies, but the family men are known for their wild, long beards! However, one particular star shaved his entire beard, and the change was so drastic that no one recognized him…
TV Fame
Jase, one of the Robertson brothers, rose in popularity due to his clever comments and perhaps his bushy beard. However, he recently made an announcement that he was saying goodbye to his giant beard. Nobody expected the outcome of the transformation. Even his wife was apparently shocked by it.

TV Fame
The Robertson Patriarch
The Robertson family’s patriarch is Phil Robertson, the founder of the successful duck calling company. When he was studying at Louisiana Tech, he was a pretty talented football quarterback and even got a spot on the roster of an NFL team. However, he declined the amazing opportunity since it interfered with duck hunting season! In 1973, he started his duck calling business, which has seen a lot of success. This was actually only the beginning.

The Robertson Patriarch