Recognized As “The Mountain”
“The Mountain.” is played by Hafór Jlus Björnsson, who is 6-foot-9 and weighs 440 pounds on the once-popular HBO series Game of Thrones, which premiered in 2011. The world-renowned strongman’s wife, Kelsey Henson, joins him outside the Hollywood stage as he demonstrates his powers to the assembled audience. His height and weight must be a fifth of hers in order for them to be equal!
The Gray Whale
The gray whale, which has barnacles covering its entire body, can live in the ocean for up to 80 years if properly cared for. It is possible for them to grow to be 49 feet long and weigh up to 90,000 pounds if they are given the opportunity to survive for a lengthy period of time. When compared to the other passengers on the boat, one of the passengers aboard the boat is notably larger than the other.